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Increase the thickness of the ECal barrel

Anna Zaborowska requested to merge azaborow/OpenDataDetector:increase_ecal into main

Increase number of layers from 40 to 48 for the electromagnetic barrel. The initial design originated from ee colliders and it requires adaptation for a hadron collider (to match 25-26 radiation depth thickness). New number of layers fits still within the envelope (242.4 mm in the envelope between 125cm and 150 cm).

The change would be visible in the material scan plot (if MR !50 (merged) was merged).

  • Thickness for eta=0 increases from 22.0 to 25.9 radiation lengths:

In terms of performance, increasing the depth has a visible effect for the high energetic particles:

  • Normalised energy deposited in the calorimeter remains (closer to being) constant:
  • Energy resolution improves:

Merge request reports