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Homogeneize the behaviour of the AtlasStepper and EigenStepper

This is the continuation of !322 (closed) in the ACTS-220 series, which will integrate Nicolas' work along with some additions of mine.

In this merge request, we eliminate some subtle differences between and within the AtlasStepper and the EigenStepper which made our lives unnecessarily difficult during performance studies:

  • We ensure that the AtlasStepper and the EigenStepper use an equivalent definition of integration error
  • We eliminate an unnecessary and probably erronerous discrepancy between the two convert() overloads of the EigenStepper
  • We switch to common method parameter naming conventions, making it a bit easier to compare the two codebases
  • We integrate into the EigenStepper a magnetic field lookup optimization which was previously only present in the AtlasStepper.

This merge request builds on !322 (closed) and should be merged afterwards. Accepting it fixes ACTS-337.

Edited by Hadrien Benjamin Grasland

Merge request reports