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Implement new TrackState EDM used in KF

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// This file is part of the Acts project.
// Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
#pragma once
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "Acts/EventData/TrackParametersBase.hpp"
#include "Acts/EventData/TrackState.hpp"
#include "Acts/Utilities/ParameterDefinitions.hpp"
#include "Acts/Utilities/TypeTraits.hpp"
namespace Acts {
// forward declarations
template <typename source_link_t>
class MultiTrajectory;
class Surface;
namespace detail_lt {
/// Either type T or const T depending on the boolean.
template <typename T, bool select>
using ConstIf = std::conditional_t<select, const T, T>;
/// wrapper for a dynamic Eigen type that adds support for automatic growth
/// \warning Assumes the underlying storage has a fixed number of rows
template <typename Storage, size_t kSizeIncrement>
struct GrowableColumns {
/// Make sure storage for @p n additional columns is allocated. Will update
/// the size of the container accordingly. The indices added by this call
/// can safely be written to.
/// @param n Number of columns to add, defaults to 1.
/// @return View into the last allocated column
auto addCol(size_t n = 1) {
size_t index = m_size + (n - 1);
while (capacity() <= index) {
data.conservativeResize(Eigen::NoChange, data.cols() + kSizeIncrement);
m_size = index + 1;
// @TODO: do this or not? If we assume this happens only when something is
// written, the expectation is that everything is zero
return data.col(index);
/// Writable access to a column w/o checking its existence first.
auto col(size_t index) { return data.col(index); }
/// Read-only access to a column w/o checking its existence first.
auto col(size_t index) const { return data.col(index); }
/// Return the current allocated storage capacity
size_t capacity() const { return static_cast<size_t>(data.cols()); }
size_t size() const { return m_size; }
Storage data;
size_t m_size{0};
/// Type construction helper for coefficients and associated covariances.
template <size_t Size, bool ReadOnlyMaps = true>
struct Types {
enum {
Flags = Eigen::ColMajor | Eigen::AutoAlign,
SizeIncrement = 8,
using Scalar = double;
// single items
using Coefficients = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Size, 1, Flags>;
using Covariance = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Size, Size, Flags>;
using CoefficientsMap = Eigen::Map<ConstIf<Coefficients, ReadOnlyMaps>>;
using CovarianceMap = Eigen::Map<ConstIf<Covariance, ReadOnlyMaps>>;
// storage of multiple items in flat arrays
using StorageCoefficients =
GrowableColumns<Eigen::Array<Scalar, Size, Eigen::Dynamic, Flags>,
using StorageCovariance =
GrowableColumns<Eigen::Array<Scalar, Size * Size, Eigen::Dynamic, Flags>,
struct IndexData {
using IndexType = uint16_t;
static constexpr IndexType kInvalid = UINT16_MAX;
IndexType irefsurface = kInvalid;
IndexType iprevious = kInvalid;
IndexType ipredicted = kInvalid;
IndexType ifiltered = kInvalid;
IndexType ismoothed = kInvalid;
IndexType ijacobian = kInvalid;
IndexType iprojector = kInvalid;
double chi2;
double pathLength;
IndexType iuncalibrated = kInvalid;
IndexType icalibrated = kInvalid;
IndexType icalibratedsourcelink = kInvalid;
IndexType measdim = 0;
/// Proxy object to access a single point on the trajectory.
/// @tparam source_link_t Type to link back to an original measurement
/// @tparam N Number of track parameters
/// @tparam M Maximum number of measurement dimensions
/// @tparam ReadOnly true for read-only access to underlying storage
template <typename source_link_t, size_t N, size_t M, bool ReadOnly = true>
class TrackStateProxy {
using SourceLink = source_link_t;
using Parameters = typename Types<N, ReadOnly>::CoefficientsMap;
using Covariance = typename Types<N, ReadOnly>::CovarianceMap;
using Measurement = typename Types<M, ReadOnly>::CoefficientsMap;
using MeasurementCovariance = typename Types<M, ReadOnly>::CovarianceMap;
// as opposed to the types above, this is an actual Matrix (rather than a
// map)
// @TODO: Does not copy flags, because this fails: can't have col major row
// vector, but that's required for 1xN projection matrices below.
constexpr static auto ProjectorFlags = Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::AutoAlign;
using Projector =
Eigen::Matrix<typename Covariance::Scalar, M, N, ProjectorFlags>;
using EffectiveProjector =
Eigen::Matrix<typename Projector::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic,
ProjectorFlags, M, N>;
/// Index within the trajectory.
/// @return the index
size_t index() const { return m_istate; }
/// Return the index of the track state 'previous' in the track sequence
/// @return The index of the previous track state.
size_t previous() const { return data().iprevious; }
/// Return the index tuple that makes up this track state
/// @return Mutable ref to index tuple from the parent @c MultiTrajectory
/// @note This overload is only present in case @c ReadOnly is false.
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
IndexData& data() {
return m_traj->m_index[m_istate];
/// Return the index tuple that makes up this track state
/// @return Immutable ref to index tuple from the parent @c MultiTrajectory
const IndexData& data() const { return m_traj->m_index[m_istate]; }
/// Reference surface.
/// @return the reference surface
const Surface& referenceSurface() const {
assert(data().irefsurface != IndexData::kInvalid);
return *m_traj->m_referenceSurfaces[data().irefsurface];
/// Set the reference surface to a given value
/// @param srf Shared pointer to the surface to set
/// @note This overload is only present in case @c ReadOnly is false.
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
void setReferenceSurface(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> srf) {
m_traj->m_referenceSurfaces[data().irefsurface] = std::move(srf);
/// Track parameters vector. This tries to be somewhat smart and return the
/// first parameters that are set in this order: predicted -> filtered ->
/// smoothed
/// @return one of predicted, filtered or smoothed parameters
Parameters parameters() const;
/// Track parameters covariance matrix. This tries to be somewhat smart and
/// return the
/// first parameters that are set in this order: predicted -> filtered ->
/// smoothed
/// @return one of predicted, filtered or smoothed covariances
Covariance covariance() const;
/// Predicted track parameters vector
/// @return The predicted parameters
Parameters predicted() const;
/// Predicted track parameters covariance matrix.
/// @return The predicted track parameter covariance
Covariance predictedCovariance() const;
/// Check whether the predicted parameters+covariance is set
/// @return Whether it is set or not
bool hasPredicted() const { return data().ipredicted != IndexData::kInvalid; }
/// Filtered track parameters vector
/// @return The filtered parameters
Parameters filtered() const;
/// Filtered track parameters covariance matrix
/// @return The filtered parameters covariance
Covariance filteredCovariance() const;
/// Return whether filtered parameters+covariance is set
/// @return Whether it is set
bool hasFiltered() const { return data().ifiltered != IndexData::kInvalid; }
/// Smoothed track parameters vector
/// @return the parameter vector
Parameters smoothed() const;
/// Smoothed track parameters covariance matrix
/// @return the parameter covariance matrix
Covariance smoothedCovariance() const;
/// Return whether smoothed parameters+covariance is set
/// @return Whether it is set
bool hasSmoothed() const { return data().ismoothed != IndexData::kInvalid; }
/// Returns the jacobian from the previous trackstate to this one
/// @return The jacobian matrix
Covariance jacobian() const;
/// Returns whether a jacobian is set for this trackstate
/// @return Whether it is set
bool hasJacobian() const { return data().ijacobian != IndexData::kInvalid; }
/// Returns the projector (measurement mapping function) for this track
/// state. It is derived from the uncalibrated measurement
/// @note This function returns the overallocated projector. This means it
/// is of dimension MxM, where M is the maximum number of measurement
/// dimensions. The NxM submatrix, where N is the actual dimension of the
/// measurement, is located in the top left corner, everything else is zero.
/// @return The overallocated projector
Projector projector() const;
/// Returns whether a projector is set
/// @return Whether it is set
bool hasProjector() const { return data().iprojector != IndexData::kInvalid; }
/// Returns the projector (measurement mapping function) for this track
/// state. It is derived from the uncalibrated measurement
/// @note This function returns the effective projector. This means it
/// is of dimension NxM, where N is the actual dimension of the
/// measurement.
/// @return The effective projector
EffectiveProjector effectiveProjector() const {
return projector().topLeftCorner(data().measdim, M);
/// Set the projector on this track state
/// This will convert the projector to a more compact bitset representation
/// and store it.
/// @param projector The projector in the form of a dense matrix
/// @note @p projector is assumed to only have 0s or 1s as components.
template <typename Derived, bool RO = ReadOnly,
typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
void setProjector(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& projector) {
constexpr int rows = Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime;
constexpr int cols = Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime;
static_assert(rows != -1 && cols != -1,
"Assignment of dynamic matrices is currently not supported.");
IndexData& dataref = data();
assert(dataref.iprojector != IndexData::kInvalid);
constexpr int max_measdim = MultiTrajectory<SourceLink>::MeasurementSizeMax;
static_assert(rows <= max_measdim, "Given projector has too many rows");
static_assert(cols <= max_measdim, "Given projector has too many columns");
// set up full size projector with only zeros
typename TrackStateProxy::Projector fullProjector =
// assign (potentially) smaller actual projector to matrix, preserving
// zeroes outside of smaller matrix block.
fullProjector.template topLeftCorner<rows, max_measdim>() = projector;
// convert to bitset before storing
m_traj->m_projectors[dataref.iprojector] = matrixToBitset(fullProjector);
/// Return whether an uncalibrated measurement (source link) is set
/// @return Whether it is set
bool hasUncalibrated() const {
return data().iuncalibrated != IndexData::kInvalid;
/// Uncalibrated measurement in the form of a source link. Const version
/// @return The uncalibrated measurement source link
const SourceLink& uncalibrated() const;
/// Uncalibrated measurement in the form of a source link. Mutable version
/// @note This overload is only available if @c ReadOnly is false
/// @return The uncalibrated measurement source link
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
SourceLink& uncalibrated() {
assert(data().iuncalibrated != IndexData::kInvalid);
return m_traj->m_sourceLinks[data().iuncalibrated];
/// Check if the point has an associated calibrated measurement.
/// @return Whether it is set
bool hasCalibrated() const {
return data().icalibrated != IndexData::kInvalid;
/// The source link of the calibrated measurement. Const version
/// @note This does not necessarily have to be the uncalibrated source link.
/// @return The source link
const SourceLink& calibratedSourceLink() const;
/// The source link of the calibrated measurement. Mutable version
/// @note This does not necessarily have to be the uncalibrated source link.
/// @note This overload is only available if @c ReadOnly is false
/// @return The source link
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
SourceLink& calibratedSourceLink() {
assert(data().icalibratedsourcelink != IndexData::kInvalid);
return m_traj->m_sourceLinks[data().icalibratedsourcelink];
/// Full calibrated measurement vector. Might contain additional zeroed
/// dimensions.
/// @return The measurement vector
Measurement calibrated() const;
/// Full calibrated measurement covariance matrix. The effective covariance
/// is located in the top left corner, everything else is zeroed.
/// @return The measurement covariance matrix
MeasurementCovariance calibratedCovariance() const;
/// Dynamic measurement vector with only the valid dimensions.
/// @return The effective calibrated measurement vector
auto effectiveCalibrated() const { return calibrated().head(data().measdim); }
/// Dynamic measurement covariance matrix with only the valid dimensions.
/// @return The effective calibrated covariance matrix
auto effectiveCalibratedCovariance() const {
return calibratedCovariance().topLeftCorner(data().measdim, data().measdim);
/// Return the (dynamic) number of dimensions stored for this measurement.
/// @note The underlying storage is overallocated to MeasurementSizeMax
/// regardless of this value
/// @return The number of dimensions
size_t calibratedSize() const { return data().measdim; }
/// Setter for a full measurement object
/// @note This assumes this TrackState stores it's own calibrated
/// measurement. **If storage is shared with another TrackState, both will
/// be overwritten!**. Also assumes none of the calibrated components is
/// *invalid* (i.e. unset) for this TrackState..
/// @tparam params The parameter tags of the measurement
/// @param meas The measurement object to set
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>,
ParID_t... params>
void setCalibrated(const Acts::Measurement<SourceLink, params...>& meas) {
IndexData& dataref = data();
constexpr size_t measdim = Acts::Measurement<SourceLink, params...>::size();
dataref.measdim = measdim;
calibrated().template head<measdim>() = meas.parameters();
calibratedCovariance().template topLeftCorner<measdim, measdim>() =
// this shouldn't change
assert(data().irefsurface != IndexData::kInvalid);
std::shared_ptr<const Surface>& refSrf =
// either unset, or the same, otherwise this is inconsistent assignment
assert(!refSrf || refSrf.get() == &meas.referenceSurface());
if (!refSrf) {
// ref surface is not set, set it now
refSrf = meas.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr();
assert(dataref.icalibratedsourcelink != IndexData::kInvalid);
calibratedSourceLink() = meas.sourceLink();
/// Setter for a full measurement object.
/// @note This allocates new storage for the calibrated measurement. If this
/// TrackState previously already had unique storage for these components,
/// they will **not be removed**, but may become unaccessible.
/// @tparam params The parameter tags of the measurement
/// @param meas The measurement object to set
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>,
ParID_t... params>
void resetCalibrated(const Acts::Measurement<SourceLink, params...>& meas) {
IndexData& dataref = data();
auto& traj = *m_traj;
// force reallocate, whether currently invalid or shared index
// shared index between meas par
// and cov
dataref.icalibrated = traj.m_meas.size() - 1;
dataref.icalibratedsourcelink = traj.m_sourceLinks.size() - 1;
dataref.iprojector = traj.m_projectors.size() - 1;
// now actually assign to the allocated entries
/// Getter/setter for chi2 value associated with the track state
/// This overload returns a mutable reference, which allows setting a new
/// value directly into the backing store.
/// @note this overload is only enabled in case the proxy is not read-only
/// @return Mutable reference to the chi2 value
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
double& chi2() {
return data().chi2;
/// Getter for the chi2 value associated with the track state.
/// This overload returns a copy of the chi2 value, and thus does not allow
/// modification of the value in the backing storage.
/// @return the chi2 value of the track state
double chi2() const { return data().chi2; }
/// Getter for the path length associated with the track state.
/// This overloaded is only enabled if not read-only, and returns a mutable
/// reference.
/// @return Mutable reference to the pathlength.
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
double& pathLength() {
return data().pathLength;
/// Getter for the path length. Returns a copy of the path length value.
/// @return The path length of this track state
double pathLength() const { return data().pathLength; }
// Private since it can only be created by the trajectory.
TrackStateProxy(ConstIf<MultiTrajectory<SourceLink>, ReadOnly>& trajectory,
size_t istate);
ConstIf<MultiTrajectory<SourceLink>, ReadOnly>* m_traj;
size_t m_istate;
friend class Acts::MultiTrajectory<SourceLink>;
// implement track state visitor concept
template <typename T, typename TS>
using call_operator_t = decltype(std::declval<T>()(std::declval<TS>()));
template <typename T, typename TS>
constexpr bool VisitorConcept =
concept ::require<concept ::exists<call_operator_t, T, TS>>;
} // namespace detail_lt
/// Collection of bit masks to enable steering which components of a track state
/// should be initialized, and which should be left invalid.
/// These mask values can be combined using binary operators, so
/// (TrackStatePropMask::Predicted | TrackStatePropMask::Jacobian) will instruct
/// allocating storage for both predicted parameters (including covariance) and
/// a jacobian.
namespace TrackStatePropMask {
/// Type of the bitmasks
using Type = std::bitset<8>;
constexpr Type Predicted{1 << 0};
constexpr Type Filtered{1 << 1};
constexpr Type Smoothed{1 << 2};
constexpr Type Jacobian{1 << 3};
constexpr Type Uncalibrated{1 << 4};
constexpr Type Calibrated{1 << 5};
// Initialize to all 1s. This only works as long as number of bits <= 64
constexpr Type All{static_cast<unsigned long long>(-1)};
constexpr Type None{0};
} // namespace TrackStatePropMask
/// Store a trajectory of track states with multiple components.
/// This container supports both simple, sequential trajectories as well
/// as combinatorial or multi-component trajectories. Each point can store
/// a parent point such that the trajectory forms a directed, acyclic graph
/// of sub-trajectories. From a set of endpoints, all possible sub-components
/// can be easily identified. Some functionality is provided to simplify
/// iterating over specific sub-components.
/// @tparam source_link_t Type to link back to an original measurement
template <typename source_link_t>
class MultiTrajectory {
enum {
ParametersSize = BoundParsDim,
MeasurementSizeMax = BoundParsDim,
using SourceLink = source_link_t;
using ConstTrackStateProxy =
detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<SourceLink, ParametersSize, MeasurementSizeMax,
using TrackStateProxy = detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<SourceLink, ParametersSize,
MeasurementSizeMax, false>;
using ProjectorBitset = std::bitset<ParametersSize * MeasurementSizeMax>;
/// Create an empty trajectory.
MultiTrajectory() = default;
/// Add a track state using information from a separate track state object.
/// @tparam parameters_t The parameter type used for the trackstate
/// @param trackParameters at the local point
/// @param iprevious index of the previous state, SIZE_MAX if first
/// @note The parameter type from @p parameters_t is not currently stored in
/// MultiTrajectory.
/// @return Index of the newly added track state
template <typename parameters_t>
size_t addTrackState(const TrackState<SourceLink, parameters_t>& ts,
size_t iprevious = SIZE_MAX);
/// Add a track state without providing explicit information. Which components
/// of the track state are initialized/allocated can be controlled via @p mask
/// @param mask The bitmask that instructs which components to allocate and
/// which to leave invalid
/// @param iprevious index of the previous state, SIZE_MAX if first
/// @return Index of the newly added track state
size_t addTrackState(
const TrackStatePropMask::Type& mask = TrackStatePropMask::All,
size_t iprevious = SIZE_MAX);
/// Access a read-only point on the trajectory by index.
/// @param istate The index to access
/// @return Read only proxy to the stored track state
ConstTrackStateProxy getTrackState(size_t istate) const {
return {*this, istate};
/// Access a writable point on the trajectory by index.
/// @param istate The index to access
/// @return Read-write proxy to the stored track state
TrackStateProxy getTrackState(size_t istate) { return {*this, istate}; }
/// Visit all previous states starting at a given endpoint.
/// @param iendpoint index of the last state
/// @param callable non-modifying functor to be called with each point
template <typename F>
void visitBackwards(size_t iendpoint, F&& callable) const;
/// Apply a function to all previous states starting at a given endpoint.
/// @param iendpoint index of the last state
/// @param callable modifying functor to be called with each point
/// @warning If the trajectory contains multiple components with common
/// points, this can have an impact on the other components.
template <typename F>
void applyBackwards(size_t iendpoint, F&& callable);
/// index to map track states to the corresponding
std::vector<detail_lt::IndexData> m_index;
typename detail_lt::Types<ParametersSize>::StorageCoefficients m_params;
typename detail_lt::Types<ParametersSize>::StorageCovariance m_cov;
typename detail_lt::Types<MeasurementSizeMax>::StorageCoefficients m_meas;
typename detail_lt::Types<MeasurementSizeMax>::StorageCovariance m_measCov;
typename detail_lt::Types<ParametersSize>::StorageCovariance m_jac;
std::vector<SourceLink> m_sourceLinks;
std::vector<ProjectorBitset> m_projectors;
// owning vector of shared pointers to surfaces
// @TODO: This might be problematic when appending a large number of surfaces
// trackstates, because vector has to reallocated and thus copy. This might
// be handled in a smart way by moving but not sure.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> m_referenceSurfaces;
friend class detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<SourceLink, ParametersSize,
MeasurementSizeMax, true>;
friend class detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<SourceLink, ParametersSize,
MeasurementSizeMax, false>;
} // namespace Acts
#include "Acts/EventData/MultiTrajectory.ipp"