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Simplify framework core

Moritz Kiehn requested to merge framework_core_simplifications into master

This cleans up some of the interfaces in the framework work. Main changes are:

  • Add algorithms to the sequencer one-by-one instead of as a vector of algorithms. In almost every case algorithms were already added one-by-one and the vector was just an unnecessary allocation and copy.
  • Whiteboard returns objects by const reference instead of as a pointer. Errors are signaled via exceptions.
  • Remove unused interfaces and all related files from the core.
  • Remove unused/commented code from ROOT plugin (mostly material-mapping related).
  • Use random number distributions directly from <random>.

Fixes #55 (closed) (Whiteboard ::get() returns const T& directly)
Fixes #57 (closed) (Whiteboard uses std::unordered_map internally)
Fixes #65 (closed) and #68 (closed) (Empty whiteboard collections are treated as an error)
Mostly fixes #76 (closed) (Use exceptions for unrecoverable errors; possible future work to be defined in separate issues)
Fixes #73 (closed) (Tracking issue)

Edited by Moritz Kiehn

Merge request reports