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Commit af25c87f authored by Attila Krasznahorkay's avatar Attila Krasznahorkay Committed by Graeme Stewart
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Now building a component library in the package with both CMT and CMake (TrkValAlgs-01-00-05)

2016-08-23 Attila Krasznahorkay <>
	* The package now builds a component library with both CMT and
	  CMake instead of a dual-use library. Since no other package
	  uses this package.
	* This was done while fixing some linking issues for the package
	  with CMake. Which was in the end traced back to an issue with
	  the TrkValInterfaces package, and not this one. :-/
	* Tagging as TrkValAlgs-01-00-05
parent 8ac6e1a3
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