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- Aug 08, 2016
Noam Tal Hod authored
'reverting back the jets changes done in TriggerMenu-00-19-05 to revisoon 766099 due to compilation problems of these packages in rel_3 and rel_4 (ATR-14738)' (TriggerMenu-00-19-09) * reverting back the jets changes done in TriggerMenu-00-19-05 to revisoon 766099 due to compilation problems of these packages in rel_3 and rel_4 (ATR-14738) * requires TrigBphysHypo-00-04-58-11 * requires TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-68-00 * requires TriggerMenuXML-04-02-12 * TriggerMenu-00-19-09 2016-08-03 Martin Rybar * Add new HMT triggers(ATR-13773) * Fixing physics_pp_v6 tight exclusion list (ATR-14734) * Removing misconfigured AFP muon trigger (ATR-14759) * TriggerMenu-00-19-08 2016-08-03 Ljiljana Morvaj * Raise LArNoiseBurst L1 thresholds in Physics (ATR-14756) * Put j0_perf_ds1_L1All to ps_calibmon_list in MC (ATR-14774) * Add mu4_j100_xe80_mht & 2mu4_j80_xe40_mht in MC (ATR-14717) * Add L1_MU4_J50_XE40 item (ATR-14717) * Requires TriggerMenuXML-04-02-12 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ljiljana Morvaj authored
* Add L1_MU4_J50_XE40 item (ATR-14717) * Corresponds to TriggerMenu-00-19-07 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-12
Masaki Ishitsuka authored
* Tagged as 00-03-29-07 * Modified minor bug in previous tags. 2016-08-03 Stefano Rosati <> * tagged as 00-03-29-07 MuFastSteering.cxx * sending events with the invalid RPC RoI to the debug stream 2016-08-02 Masaki Ishitsuka <> * Tagged as 00-03-29-06 * Add message to clarify in case input TE is not available (reported at JIRA ATR-14763).
Savanna Shaw authored
* cpp check fixes * TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-67
Carlos Chavez Barajas authored
Print error message when release is not found in COOL DB and checks that release number is well formatted in dbgPreRun stage (TrigTransform-00-00-37) *** python/ * Print error message when release is not found in COOL DB and checks that release number is well formatted in dbgPreRun stage *** create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-37 2016-08-01 Carlos Chavez <> *** python/ * Adds new protection against non-existing input file to dbgPost processing *** create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-36 2016-06-08 Carlos Chavez <> *** python/ * Update the chain deserializion in HltResult *** create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-35 *** create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-34
Tim Martin authored
* Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-32 * More optamistic HLT XE extrap slope from 1.2e34 run * Ability to customise L1 and HLT extrap slopes 2016-07-25 Tim Martin <> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-31 * Fix global physics rate (broke w stream rates) * Updates to upgrade-rates code
Rafal Bielski authored
RpcROD_Decoder_v302.C: downgrade bad data error to warning and skip the corrupted ROBFragment (MuonRPC_CnvTools-02-00-23)
Junpei Maeda authored
Semen Turchikhin authored
* changed mass cuts for BsMuMuPhi and BsJpsiPhi options in EFBMuMuX * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-58-11 2016-07-27 Semen Turchikhin <> * Classes for Bs->MuMuPhi and Bs->J/psiPhi selection * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-58-10
Kenji Hamano authored
* Fixed buffer overflow problem in EFMissingETFromHelper.cxx * tag: TrigEFMissingET-00-04-31 2016-06-22 Florian Bernlochner <> * Fixed small bug in MHT algorithm that did not fill XAOD container * tag: TrigEFMissingET-00-04-30 2016-06-06 Kenji Hamano <kenji.hamano@cern,ch> * Fixed unchecked return value issue for coverity * tag: TrigEFMissingET-00-04-29 2016-05-31 Florian Bernlochner <> * Added changes to allow separation of central & forward jets * in EFMissingETFromJets.cxx and pass on the information * into the EDM * tag: TrigEFMissingET-00-04-28 2016-05-05 Kenji Hamano <kenji.hamano@cern,ch> * Fixed detector mask decoding problem in EFMissingET.cxx * tag: TrigEFMissingET-00-04-27 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Aug 01, 2016
Steven Schramm authored
* TrigJetHypo-03-00-58 * : Changed SaturatedCellTightCut from 50 to 20 * See ATR-14203 for details * Requested and validated by Pavol Strizenec
Daniele Zanzi authored
* addition of l1topo individual streamers (ATR-14714) * TriggerMenu-00-19-04 2016-07-27 Noam Tal Hod * bug fix change RATE EgammaMET to EGammaJet for g75_tight_3j50noL1_L1EM22VHI (ATR-14196) * Muon trigger decommissioning for 2016 (ATR-14543) * TriggerMenu-00-19-03 2016-07-27 Ljiljana Morvaj * Fix e lh to e lh_nod0 in e+bjet (ATR-14490) * TriggerMenu-00-19-02 2016-07-27 Daniele Zanzi * photon-tau chain with invariant mass topo hypo (ATR-14643) * requires TrigTauHypo-00-06-82-04 * TriggerMenu-00-19-01 2016-07-25 Joerg Stelzer * Added L1_RD2_BGRP14 and L1_RD3_BGRP15 in partitions 2 and 3 (ATR-14699) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Tim Martin authored
* Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-30 * Make exponential extrap a configurable. Add L1 XE * Fix extrapolation formula and slope * Add stream rates * Coverity 111401
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
* add HI_v4 MC and Phys to ATN and RTT on ttbar files - ATR-14212 * try: fixing AthenaTrigRDO_Physics_HI_v3, ATN and RTT, according to: ATR-14158 with: OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-30 and jp.Beam.bunchSpacing.set_Value_and_Lock(100) - doesn't work * TriggerTest-00-07-62
Ljiljana Morvaj authored
'Check in LVL1 xml with L1_RD2_BGRP14 and L1_RD3_BGRP15 from ATR-14699 (ATR-14708)' (TriggerMenuXML-04-02-11) * Check in LVL1 xml with L1_RD2_BGRP14 and L1_RD3_BGRP15 from ATR-14699 (ATR-14708) * Corresponds to TriggerMenu-00-19-00 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-11
Daniele Zanzi authored
* photon-tau invariant mass topo hypo (ATR-14643) * TrigTauHypo-00-06-82-04
Maria Florencia Daneri authored
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
* fix test setup of AthenaP1RDOtoBS * TrigP1Test-00-07-40 2016-07-25 Patrick Czodrowski <> * add EXP CMAKE to the nightly_exclude tags * TrigP1Test-00-07-38 2016-07-25 Patrick Czodrowski <> * add <nightly_exclude> MIG LCG 22 21 20.99 </nightly_exclude> for Trig_currentT0 test chain * add <nightly_exclude> MIG LCG 22 20.99 </nightly_exclude> for the menu upload and DB test chain * TrigP1Test-00-07-37
Julie Kirk authored
* Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-33 * forgot to change the topOptions! * share/ 2016-07-21 Julie Hart Kirk <> * Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-32 * add FTK beamspot test
Benjamin Trocme authored
* LArNoisyROTool: new default parameters : > 3 FEBs (Std) / > 20 channels (Sat) * tag LArCellRec-02-12-94-13 2016-07-25 Benjamin Trocme * LArNoisyROTool: new property (true by default) to ignore front inner wheel cells in flag computation * tag LArCellRec-02-12-94-12 6-06-2016 Pavol Strizenec <pavol @> * changes for LArError and SaturatedTight noise candidates * tag LArCellRec-02-12-94-11
- Jul 27, 2016
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Update ID and L1 tests to menu v6 (ATR-14697) * TriggerTest-00-07-61
Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
Added e20_lhmedium_nod0_2g10_loose,medium_L1EM15VH_3EM8VH in Physics_pp_v6 (ATR-14662) (TriggerMenu-00-18-99) * Added e20_lhmedium_nod0_2g10_loose,medium_L1EM15VH_3EM8VH in Physics_pp_v6 (ATR-14662) * TriggerMenu-00-18-99 2016-07-24 Yu Nakahama * Reorder CTPID of new L1items to match with the EB run menu (ATR-14682) * Needs TriggerMenuXML-04-02-10 * TriggerMenu-00-18-98 2016-07-24 Yu Nakahama * Backup for 1.5+e34 MET menu: xe130_mht_L1XE50, xe150,160_tc_lcw, xe160_pueta,pufit (ATR-14226) * TriggerMenu-00-18-97 2016-07-23 Noam Tal Hod * Added ZH (J+XE+DPHI) L1Topo chain (ATR-14351) * Added SM DY L1Topo chians (ATR-14616) * Added backup items (1.5e34) for leptophobic Z' in associated with an ISR photon (ATR-14196) * TriggerMenu-00-18-96 2016-07-23 Noam Tal Hod ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Yu Nakahama Higuchi authored
* Reorder CTPID of 4J15.0ETA25 and 3EM items to match with the EB run menu (ATR-14682) * Corresponds to TriggerMenu-00-18-98 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-10 2016-07-23 Noam Tal Hod * added new L1Topo item L1_HT150-JJ15.ETA49_MJJ-400 (ATR-14356) * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-09 2016-07-21 Martin Rybar * added HI_v4 menu (ATR-14212) * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-08 * Belongs to TriggerMenu-00-18-93 * requires TriggerJobOpts-00-05-25 2016-07-20 Ljiljana Morvaj * Add L1 items L1_EM15VH_3EM8VH and L1_EM15VH_2EM10VH_3EM7 (ATR-14662) * Belongs to TriggerMenu-00-18-91 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-07
Tim Martin authored
2016-07-22 Tim Martin <> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-29 * Update exponential slope 2016-07-22 Tim Martin <> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-28 * Enable exponential XE extrapolation in advanced rates mode 2016-07-07 Tim Martin <> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-27 * Another ratesOnly variable bug :( 2016-07-07 Tim Martin <> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-26 * Now need to always write "ratesOnly" variable 2016-07-06 Tim Martin <> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-09-25 * Another bug fix, run over all events when doing rates ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
fix TrigEDMCheck_physicsV6_currentT0; add TrigEDMCheck_physicsV6_currentT0_AOD; add opt tag to reduce ATN test DB locks; project_exclude AtlasHLT for the currentT0; add a whoami print as last test; give HLT_physicsV6_COS_2015MBTS 45 min; introduce additional suites in order to speed up (TrigP1Test-00-07-36) * fix TrigEDMCheck_physicsV6_currentT0 - timing out in the histmerge step due to validation of files where the EDM of CAF/P1 is older than the one of the Reco/Tier0 release used and reduce timelimit to 45 * add TrigEDMCheck_physicsV6_currentT0_AOD and according JO to share * in steering xml add platform opt to HLT_physicsV6_menu and HLT_physicsV6_rerunLvL1_menu to reduce ATN test DB locks * in steering xml add project_exclude AtlasHLT for the currentT0 tests to ONLy have them run in the CAF anf P1HLT and not the base releases - not needed here - especially will not work in DEVVAL, 21 etc. due to hardcoded T0 cache used for the reco part * add a whoami print as very last test to prepare automated ATN reference upating * give HLT_physicsV6_COS_2015MBTS 45 minutes innstewad of 20 to see if it finishes * introduce additional suites in order to speed up the overall running time / efficiecny of TP1 in ATN and locally * TrigP1Test-00-07-36
Martin Rybar authored
* Added HI_v4 to TriggerFlags (ATR-14212) * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-25 2016-06-14 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * python/ Cleanup of allowed values in L1/HLTPrescaleSet. Apart from resetting the prescale values via 'None' in TriggerMenu/ these flags are not used anymore. * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-24 2016-06-02 Werner Wiedenmann <> * python/, python/ support for L1Topo validation data writing * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-23 2016-04-29 Will Buttinger <> * python/, python/ told TDT to use TrigConfigSvc (not default any more) * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-22 2016-04-27 Joerg Stelzer <> * TriggerGetters: protect import of L1MuctpiTool to simplify enabling in the various releases * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-21 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
2015-07-20 Stewart Martin-Haugh <> * Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-31 * update menu to v6 2016-07-20 Julie Hart Kirk <> * Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-30 * this time with the build!! 2016-07-13 Julie Hart Kirk <> * Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-29 * TIDAbuild/TrigInDetValidation_beamspot_ttbar_pu46.xml: fix typo in jobO name BeamSpot=>Beamspot 2016-07-07 Julie Hart Kirk <> * Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-28 * TIDAbuild/TrigInDetValidation_beamspot_ttbar_pu46.xml: Add BeamSpot test for RTT 2016-07-07 Julie Hart Kirk <> * Tag TrigInDetValidation-00-07-27 * Changes for Beamspot test ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Tim Martin authored
* Remove obsolete code using retired flags, update fetching of L1 PSK * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-18 2016-07-12 Tim Martin * Address writing out too many configs * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-17
Masaki Ishitsuka authored
* Tagged as 00-03-29-05 * fixed FPE bug (divided by zero) reported at JIRA ATR-14522
Frank Winklmeier authored
Ignore overflows for missing thresholds (ATR-14607) and some package cleanup (TrigSteering-03-09-02) * python/ Remove TrigSteer_L2/EF instances, add Lvl1ConsistencyChecker configuration * src/Lvl1Converter.cxx: now ignores overflows in default histogram (ATR-14607) * src/Lvl1ConsistencyChecker.cxx: ignore overflows and only fill missing thresholds once per event * src/TrigSteer.cxx: Remove dependency on ATLAS_GAUDI_V21 macro * TrigSteering/TrigSteer.h: remove commented code * TrigSteering-03-09-02
Krzysztof Marian Korcyl authored
update ALFA code for prescaling and set of histos filled with LB boundaries (TrigOnlineMonitor-20-00-39)
Tim Martin authored
- Jul 19, 2016
Javier Montejo Berlingen authored
* Added electron supporting triggers for SM (ATR-14404) * TriggerMenu-00-18-81 2016-07-13 Moritz Backes * Clean up e/gamma menu (ATR-13611) * TriggerMenu-00-18-80 2016-07-13 Javier Montejo Berlingen * Moving disabled tau items to MC (ATR-14545) * TriggerMenu-00-18-79 2016-07-13 Emma Torro * Moving revllp triggers to Physics (ATR-14293) * TriggerMenu-00-18-78 2016-07-13 Martin Rybar * Add new HMT triggers for AFP run (ATR-13773) * TriggerMenu-00-18-77 2016-07-12 Ljiljana Morvaj ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Davide Gerbaudo authored
Jiri Masik authored
* share/ update the geometry to ATLAS-R2-2015-04-00-00, tagged as TriggerRelease-00-12-10 2016-06-16 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * python/ Add LumiFromSqlite modifier * Measure time for menu generation
Frank Winklmeier authored
* Add lumi/mu monitoring histograms (ATR-14591) * Make all header files private (there are no clients for these) * Fix remaining Coverity issues * src/TrigErrorMon.cxx: Remove obsolete TE monitoring code * TrigSteerMonitor-01-05-00
Nils Ruthmann authored
* Remove v5 menu * Remove L1topo items from HI_v3 menus * Requires TriggerMenu-00-18-74 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-06 2016-07-08 Noam Tal Hod * (ATR-14353) added a new L1Topo seed (L1_HT150-JJ15.ETA49) * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-04
Emma Torro Pastor authored
* reading CaloRatioHypo EtCut threshold in GeV instead of MeV * tagged as TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo-00-02-33
Arantxa Ruiz Martinez authored
* Fix in the phi monitoring histogram in TrigEFCaloHypo.cxx (ATR-14550) * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-57-04
Daniele Zanzi authored
* fix highpt chains (ATR-12851) * TrigTauHypo-00-06-82-03 2016-07-03 Daniele Zanzi * L2 combo hypo for monitoring of DR with tsf (ATR-10330) * TrigTauHypo-00-06-82-02