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Pull mirroring updated .
- Oct 22, 2016
Ben Harry Smart authored
* Correcting stave masses for step 1.6 to keep total mass constant (=step 1.5) * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-33 2016-10-20 Simon Viel * More last-minute adjustments to stave masses for Step 1.6 * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-32 2016-10-19 Ben Smart * Copying material xml file from BarrelInclinedRef to keep files consistent, and updating Ti pipes * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-31 2016-10-18 Ben Smart * Copying material xml file from BarrelInclinedRef to keep files consistent * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-30 2016-10-18 Ben Smart * Updating pixel barrel cooling pipes (typo fix) * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-29 2016-10-13 Ben Smart
Ben Harry Smart authored
* Correcting stave masses for step 1.6 to keep total mass constant (=step 1.5) * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-33 2016-10-20 Simon Viel * More last-minute adjustments to stave masses for Step 1.6 * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-32 2016-10-19 Ben Smart * updating IExtBrl4 stave support structure materials, and Ti pipes for all layouts * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-31 2016-10-18 Ben Smart * updating IExtBrl4 stave support structure materials * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-30
- Oct 19, 2016
Sarka Todorova authored
Simon Viel authored
Simon Viel authored
Marcelo Vogel authored
Remove = after pre/postInclude in output of [ATLASAMITG-99] (PyJobTransforms-03-00-24)
Noemi Calace authored
Noemi Calace authored
Nigel Hessey authored
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
Roland Jansky authored
Configuring doCaloSeededBrem to be off without calo, and PixelClusterOnTrackTool to have DisableDistortions=True for SLHC setup (InDetRecExample-02-06-99-12)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/ (ProcessHits): Comment out line which skips steps with a TotalEnergyDepositTagging LArG4Code-00-08-15-01 (LArG4Code-00-08-15-01)
Noemi Calace authored
Adding surface array setting method for AlpineLayer (needed for Tracking) (TrkGeometryAlpine-00-00-12)
- Sep 25, 2016
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Simon Viel authored
doSLHCConversionFinding False by default, rename obsolete includes, RTT update (InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-26) * Specify InDetFlags.doSLHCConversionFinding = False by default in * Rename the obsolete, plan to delete later if no one complains * Update RTT tests with Reg tests for ExtBrl4_GMX and InclBrl4_GMX courtesy of Artem Basalaev * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-26 2016-09-19 Noemi Calace <> * Updating the XMLSetup to implement dictionary creation on-the-fly for GMX-based strip * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-25 2016-09-13 Noemi Calace <> * LoI from XML with GMX configuration * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-24 2016-08-29 Simon Viel * Use DataRunNumber 240000 for GMX RTT (fixes calo conditions errors) * Set ToolSvc.InDetClusterMakerTool.UsePixelCalibCondDB=True in postExec for GMX RTT (fixes rdo_tot, ATLASRECTS-2848, precise values to be validated) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
James Catmore authored
* BRANCHING AT DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-56 * Providing a branch free of ELReset, for 20.20 * Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-56-01 2016-09-21 James Catmore <> * Adding EXOT20 * Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-56 2016-09-15 Jake Searcy <> * Add Extra MissingET Trigger Container * Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-55 2016-09-13 James Catmore <> * Adding EXOT19 * Tagged as DerivationFrameworkCore-00-03-54 2016-09-07 Jake Searcy <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Noemi Calace authored
Creating header file for createdomdocument to use it in InDetTrackingGeometryXML (GeoModelXml-00-00-04) * Creating header file for createdomdocument to use it in InDetTrackingGeometryXML * removing version.cmt * Tagged as GeoModelXml-00-00-04
Dirk Zerwas authored
* update CaloNoiseDBTool to ignore the hashes for the HGTD * tag CaloTools-00-09-60-03
Noemi Calace authored
Artem Basalaev authored
* Fixed reco job ttbarFastChain_reco_Split_fastSim_fastDigi * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-36-09 2016-08-25 Artem Basalaev <> * Adding reg tests for reco jobs * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-36-08 2016-08-24 Artem Basalaev <> * Adding more reco jobs with different pseudotracking options * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-36-07 2016-06-06 Olivier Arnaez <> * Fixing coverity reports * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-36-06
Noemi Calace authored
* Add 3D measurements for long pixel clusters and flag to enable/disable it * Add look-up table for digital cluster errors * --> ErrorStrategy=56 for extended barrel * --> ErrorStrategy=57 for inclined barrel * Add look-up table for centroid cluster errors * --> ErrorStrategy=55 * tag as SiClusterOnTrackTool-03-01-03-02 and SiClusterOnTrackTool-03-01-03-03 2016-08-29 Roland Jansky * Add centroid method for clustering and flag do turn on/off Lorentz correction * tag as SiClusterOnTrackTool-03-01-03-01
Wolfgang Walkowiak authored
Noemi Calace authored
* Bug fix in the src/KalmanUpdatorSMatrix.cxx * Tagged as TrkMeasurementUpdator-01-00-08-01
Noemi Calace authored
* bug fix in EstimatedBremOnTrackCnv_p1.h * tag as TrkEventTPCnv-01-09-18-02
Noemi Calace authored
* Updating PixelLightDigitizationTool for ITk purpose * Tagged as PixelDigitization-02-00-20-16 2016-08-29 Noemi Calace < * Updating PixelLightDigitizationTool for ITk purpose * Adding a flag to turn on/off the Lorentz angle * Tagged as PixelDigitization-02-00-20-14 and PixelDigitization-02-00-20-15 2016-08-26 Simon Viel * Removed doITk flag except in SurfaceChargesTool, as in PixelDigitization-02-03-10 * Permanent fix for ATLASRECTS-3294 in PixelNoisyCellGenerator::addCell The temporary fix was only good for chips with 336 rows * Tagged as PixelDigitization-02-00-20-13 2016-08-17 Noemi Calace < * Updating PixelLightDigitizationTool for ITk purpose * Bug fix in PixelDigitization-02-00-20-12 * Tagged as PixelDigitization-02-00-20-11 and PixelDigitization-02-00-20-12 2016-07-28 Noemi Calace < ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Taught the ElementLinkResetAlg algorithm not to call toTransient() on links that don't have a valid-looking persistent key. As this could invalidate links created in the job itself. * This is to address ATLASG-718 * Tagging as xAODCoreCnv-00-00-07-02 2016-05-20 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Created a new algorithm (xAODMaker::ElementLinkResetAlg) that can reset the caches of all ElementLink objects stored as auxiliary variables. To make sure for instance that after AODFix all the links would be functional. * Had to add a dependency on AthLinks to achieve this. * Had to add a CMakeLists.txt file to the branch, otherwise SVN wouldn't let me modify the requirements file. * Tagging as xAODCoreCnv-00-00-07-01
Simon Viel authored
* Bug fix in * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-09 2016-08-29 Noemi Calace <> * Merging eta-merged configuration with truth tracking fixes * Merging InDetRecExample-02-06-99-07 with InDetRecExample-02-06-01-05 * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-08 2016-08-25 Christoph Rauchegger <> * Removed not used cuts for InDetDynamicCutsTool * Added cuts/mode for InclBrl4 and ExtBrl4 eta-dependent cuts * Remove Nicholas Styles fix for missing rdo_tot (ATLASRECTS-2848) * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-07 2016-08-23 Christoph Rauchegger <> * Dynamic cuts optimization for InclBrl4 layout * Change minPt-Cut to 400 MeV in forward region (Noras suggestion) * Remove Nicholas Styles fix for missing rdo_tot (ATLASRECTS-2848) * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-06 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Igor Gavrilenko authored
stop use barcode() and tag as InDetTrackClusterAssValidation-00-01-06-02
Arthur Lesage authored
This tag includes the corrections so that the coverty reports messages will be solved. (IsolationSelection-00-05-05) * Fix CMakeLists.txt (obo Johannes) * Tagging IsolationSelection-00-05-04 2016-07-30 Arthur Lesage <> * Tagging IsolationSelection-00-05-02. * The code was tested by Will Buttinger and the corresponding tag is ready to be added to the Analysis Base. 2016-07-26 Arthur Lesage <> * Tagging IsolationSelection-00-05-01. * Creating the IsolationClobeByCorrectionTool (calculates the correction to be removed for close-by objects, formerly part of the IsolationTool/IsolationHelper). 2016-06-27 scott snyder <> * Tagging IsolationSelection-00-04-04. * Root/Interp3D.cxx: Fix gcc6 indentation warning. * Tagging IsolationSelection-00-04-03. * Coverity 30105, 31690. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Sarka Todorova authored
* memory leak fixes * tag TrkExEngine-00-00-40 2016-03-26 Sharka Todorova <> * update related to pathCorrection * tag TrkExEngine-00-00-39
Sarka Todorova authored
* memory leak fixes * tagged as ISF_FatrasTools-00-03-44 2016-07-05 Sharka Todorova <> * bufixes in material update * tagged as ISF_FatrasTools-00-03-43
Simon Viel authored
* Really fix PixelModuleDesign::getReadoutTechnology to consider LoI pixel chips as RD53 instead of FEI4 There are circuits with as little as 672 * 80 = 53760 pixels * Tagged as InDetReadoutGeometry-02-01-09 2016-09-01 Simon Viel * Fix PixelModuleDesign::getReadoutTechnology to consider LoI pixel chips as RD53 instead of FEI4 * Tagged as InDetReadoutGeometry-02-01-08 2016-08-18 Jike Wang * merge the fixes in 02-01-06-06 and the fixes to StripBoxDesign/StripAnnulusDesign/StripStereoAnnulusDesign for ATLITKSW-24, into trunk * Tagged as InDetReadoutGeometry-02-01-07
Roland Jansky authored
* Add usage of InDetDynamicCutsTool (fixed tag merging error). * TrkTruthTrackTools-00-01-07 2016-09-07 Roland Jansky * Add usage of InDetDynamicCutsTool. * TrkTruthTrackTools-00-01-06 2015-08-25 Alex ALonso * Add a protection in case the fitter fails. * TrkTruthTrackTools-00-01-05 2015-08-12 Alex ALonso * Save the PatternRecognitionInfo to TrackInfo, so it gets save in Tracks and xAOD. * TrkTruthTrackTools-00-01-04
Igor Gavrilenko authored
optimization for ITK tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-02
Jochen Meyer authored
* adding BMG chambers to StationManager.cxx * Tagging MuGirlCandidate-00-02-13 2016-08-30 scott snyder <> * Tagging MuGirlCandidate-00-02-12. * Hoist FP division out of loop. * Tagging MuGirlCandidate-00-02-11. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions. * Tagging MuGirlCandidate-00-02-10. * clang warnings: Use of abs. * Tagging MuGirlCandidate-00-02-09. * MuGirlCandidate/MuGirlNS.h: clang warnings: spurious semicolons. 2016-08-23 Jochen Meyer * endreq -> endmsg * Tagging MuGirlCandidate-00-02-08
Jochen Meyer authored
* tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-22 * cutout correction of BMG3C14 (see 104-211500-00_BMG_3C14_2ia.pdf) 2016-08-22 Jochen Meyer <> * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-21 * endreq -> endmsg 2016-07-12 scott snyder <> * Tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-20. * src/MultiLayer.cxx: Fix clang warnings (initialization bracing). * Tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-19. * src/Station.cxx: Fix gcc6 indentation warning. * Tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-18. * src/Mdt.cxx: Output streaming fix (fix compilation with gcc6).
Jochen Meyer authored
* reverting to outputLevel for 20.7 (just temporary) * hard-coded cabling for BMG chambers used if not from CondDB * Tagging MDT_CondCabling-00-00-27 2016-07-28 scott snyder <> * Tagging MDT_CondCabling-00-00-26. * endreq -> endmsg. 2016-04-13 scott snyder <> * Tagging MDT_CondCabling-00-00-25. * src/MDTCablingDbTool.cxx: Fix warnings with Gaudi 27: outputLevel -> msgLevel.