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- Oct 19, 2016
John Derek Chapman authored
share/heavyIons/ updates to also copy HijingEventParams into the ESD and AOD and to allow the possibility of writing out multiple streams in a single job. ATLASSIM-2712. Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-12 (SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-12)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/MergeHijingParsTool.h, src/MergeHijingParsTool.cxx: support writing out HijingEventParams from a background event if one is not found in the signal event. Set Psi angles manually. ATLASSIM-2712. cmt/requirements, CMakeLists.txt: add dependency on CxxUtils. src/MergeMcEventCollTool.h, src/MergeMcEventCollTool.cxx - add saveHeavyIonInfo method to try to ensure that GenEvent::heavy_ion is filled for the first event in the McEventCollection in heavy ion jobs. ATLASSIM-2712. Tagging: MCTruthSimAlgs-01-02-04-12 (MCTruthSimAlgs-01-02-04-12)
Jochen Meyer authored
- Oct 11, 2016
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
* add files with Xenon TRT folders for HI production and with Pixel folders from OFLCOND-MC15c-SDR-11 * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-27-01
- Jul 13, 2016
Andrew Haas authored
* add options to turn off background ID overlay hits * InDetOverlay-00-06-03-01
Andrew Haas authored
2016-06-16 Andy Haas * use data Lorentz corrections and other ID folders * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-27 2016-06-06 Andy Haas * minor fixups for running with trigger on * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-26 2016-05-16 Tanya Kharlamova <> * share/ - updated folders for trigger running case * share/ - added for run1 * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-25 2016-05-13 Tanya Kharlamova <> * scripts/ - add triggerConfigOption (to use as --triggerConfig='overlayBS=DEFAULT') * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-24 2016-05-11 John Chapman <> * share/, share/ - compatibility with V2 UserActions (completely back compatible). ATLASSIM-2226 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
* Tagging TrigJetMonitoring-00-05-21. * Fix coverity warning. * Tagging TrigJetMonitoring-00-05-20. * HLTJetMonTool was taking a large amount of memory to compile, sometimes causing failures in the gcc5 build. Removed unused code/headers to reduce memory usage during compilation by about 900Mb.
- Apr 25, 2016
Jochen Meyer authored
Paul James Laycock authored
* Added DAOD_RPVLL (to be made from DRAW_RPVLL) * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-05
Antonio Limosani authored
* Tagging PROCTools-00-01-14 * Remove check for proxy grid certificate 2016-04-22 Antonio Limosani <> * Tagging PROCTools-00-01-13 * Make clean directory name unique 2016-04-20 Christian Ohm <> * updated fixed-version path to eos to sym link as recommended in 2016-04-18 scott snyder <> * Tagging PROCTools-00-01-12. * Fix typo in requirements file.
Benjamin Trocme authored
James Frost authored
* ATLJETMET-434 for event-level LAr * Added fracSamplingMax to high-pT histo * Increased axis of LArQF 2016-03-16 <> * ATLASRECTS-2974 * python/ : replace [0] by _0_ in histo names * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-39
Christos Leonidopoulos authored
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
Andrew Haas authored
(seem to work right now in 20.7) * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-21 2016-04-12 Tanya Kharlamova * added add an empty python/ to compile with cmake * EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-06-20 2016-04-05 Andy Haas
Goetz Gaycken authored
Use Storgate overwrite to update PixelByteStreamErrors (obo Andrew Haas). (PixelConditionsServices-00-24-28-01) * Use Storgate overwrite to update PixelByteStreamErrors.
Andrew Haas authored
* Add xAOD::EventInfo during CopyMcEventCollection so that TileBeamInfoProvider::getDQstatus() , called from TileCalorimeter/TileSimAlgs/src/TileDigitsMaker.cxx , is able to get the right BCID, and thus make Tile cells * OverlayCommonAlgs-00-04-09 2016-04-14 Tanya Kharlamove * CMakeLists.txt added from trunk * OverlayCommonAlgs-00-04-08
Bertrand Laforge authored
- Apr 21, 2016
Paul James Laycock authored
* Added DESDM_IDALIGN (replacing ALLCELLS for some use cases) * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-04 2016-04-20 Paul Laycock <> * Updated DAOD_IDPIXLUMI (David Salek) * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-03 2016-04-14 Paul Laycock <> * Replaced DAOD_IDLUMI with DAOD_IDPIXLUMI * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-02
Benjamin Trocme authored
Joboptions modifications to switch off sporadicNoise in all but CosmicCalo (CaloMonitoring-00-04-29-06) * CaloClusterMon: Add property to switch off energy cut plots (not Et). * tag CaloMonitoring-00-04-29-05 2016-04-18 Benjamin Trocme * CaloCellVecMon: bug fix in doInverseMasking treatment * CaloClusterMon: Add property to switch off energy cut plots (not Et). Remove refined cosmics clusters plots (top vs bottom...). * tag CaloMonitoring-00-04-29-04 2016-04-18 Benjamin Trocme * CaloCellVecMon: bug fix in normalized distribution * CaloClusterMon: reduce the number of thresholds down to 4. Add property to switch off total energy * Change the ClusterMon thresholds : EMCluster: 0-4-10-25GeV / CaloCluster: 0-10-25-50GeV * tag CaloMonitoring-00-04-29-03 2016-04-18 Benjamin Trocme * Several modification to reduce memory consumption of CaloCellVecMon * Reduce the number of histograms via joboptions in both Cosmics/Collisions. Cleaning of both jO to ease the comparison. * Add a property to not produce the EnervyVsTime histograms (false by default) * tag CaloMonitoring-00-04-29-02 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Magda Anna Chelstowska authored
* Changed the geometry version in M11_cosmics test * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-12
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
Christos Leonidopoulos authored
Semen Turchikhin authored
* Added trigger lists for pp and HI modes (for ATR-13200) * removed old _express histogram folders * revised monitoring_bphys list * added new L1Topo chains to primary_bphys * fixed binning in Lxy and ctau histograms * added Tau3mu chains * TrigBphysMonitoring-00-00-60
Walter Lampl authored
Walter Lampl authored
2016-04-14 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@> * refactor to avoid dangling pointer + minor cleanup * tag PixelCabling-00-01-06 2016-04-05 John Chapman <> * add python/, python/, cmt/requirements, share/ - Fixed Pixel Cabling for Run1 digi jobs. ATLASSIM-2680 * Tagged as PixelCabling-00-01-05 2016-03-18 Jiri Masik <> * share/ ability to run with run1 cabling in the online mode. PIXELDAQ-152 * tagged as PixelCabling-00-01-04
Kenji Hamano authored
2015-Apr-13 Kenji Hamano <> * modified HLTMETMonTool.cxx to remove commented out codes. * tagged: TrigMETMonitoring-00-05-01 2015-Apr-12 Kenji Hamano <> * changed from cell to tc_lcw in HLTMETMonTool.cxx * modified HLTMETMonTool.cxx to remove hard coded trigger names etc. * tagged: TrigMETMonitoring-00-05-00 2015-Apr-07 Kenji Hamano <> * removed all Effh_* related lines in HLTMETMonTool.cxx * moved electron and muon histos to Expert/Elmu in HLTMETMonTool.cxx * tagged: TrigMETMonitoring-00-04-22 2015-Mar-16 Kenji Hamano <> * added pp and cosmic category to * tagged: TrigMETMonitoring-00-04-21 2015-Feb-09 Kenji Hamano <> 2015-Jan-29 Kenji Hamano <>
Ye Chen authored
* Add variable for MAM (ATR-13200)
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
* BACKED OUT change OBO Jack Cranshaw * share/ Reset POOL/ROOT attributes for DxAOD writing. Long-term this should really go somewhere else (currently it is used in merge only). * tagging RecExCommon-00-14-47-06 2016-03-13 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@> * Enable RecoTimingAlg also in RAWtoALL workflow * Tagging as RecExCommon-00-14-47-04
- Apr 17, 2016
Benjamin Trocme authored
Graeme Stewart authored
- Specifically to test fork after first event for memory savings - Also collects many other minor fixes - EXCLUDES lightweight output file metadata patch (r731518) (PyJobTransforms-02-03-76-01) 2016-04-15 Graeme Stewart <> ** Merge in trunk changes from r740535 2016-04-15 Graeme Stewart <> ** Manually patch in trunk fixes athenaMPMergeTargetSize handling (ATLASJT-298) *** WARNING - Do not attempt to merge r731518 onto this branch *** 2016-04-15 Graeme Stewart <> ** Merge in trunk changes, excluding lightweight metadata fixes 2016-04-11 Azzah Alshehri<> ** Change the self merge method to save the merge information * python/ - Change the stanalone variable 'myMerger'inside the method to a class variable. - Save the 'merge executor instance' you get back in the athenaExecutor _smartMerge method. - Add an accessor to the base executor class, that returns the self._myMerge value. * python/ - Re-set 'myMerger' to the real merger executor in the actual merge. - Return myMerger for each of the specific file mergers method. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Emre Celebi authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* remove builds argument in setup * PROCTools-00-01-11 2016-04-11 Antonio Limosani <> * Re-instate check for proxy grid certificate * PROCTools-00-01-10
Susumu Oda authored
Changed the order of algorithms to run RDO/PRD to xAOD tools only events are accepeted. (InDetPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-01-37) * Changed the order of algorithms to run RDO/PRD to xAOD tools only events are accepeted. * Tagging as InDetPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-01-37 2016-04-12 Susumu Oda <> * Changed names of algorithms and tools in share/ to avoid coflict with share/ * Move the prescale tool in share/ to preselection. * Tagging as InDetPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-01-36 2016-04-12 Susumu Oda <> * Add a prescale factor for reduction file size to share/ * Add python/ to configure the prescale factor. * Tagging as InDetPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-01-35
Daniele Zanzi authored
* bug fix for accessing NUMVERTICES decoration * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-74 2016-04-09 Daniele Zanzi <daniele . zanzi@> * Clean up, various fixes * J25 extra jet eff * updated list of monitored chains * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-73 2016-04-07 Lotte Thomsen <lotte.ansgaard.thomsen@> * Copy emulation file to shifter folder * Change plot for TAU20IM_2TAU12IM_3J25_2J20_3J12 * Remove duplicates of turn on histograms * Copy high L1 and HLT pt plots to shifter folder * Fixed some problems from the coverity report * Uncommethe function emulate2StepTracking 2016-03-18 Lotte Thomsen <lotte.ansgaard.thomsen@> * Remove unused variables ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* For the Event Service: support multiple outputs per single event range
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-65 * allow efficiency scaling 2016-04-10 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-64 * fix the cmakelists
Mark Sutton authored
Paul James Laycock authored
* Added back DESDM_EXOTHIP (was DESD_HIPs) * Added DAOD_IDLUMI * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-01 2016-04-08 Paul Laycock <> * Removed ancient formats from share and ancient filters from python * Reduced steering in share/ and python/ to minimum * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-00 2016-03-29 Graeme Stewart <> * share/ - Cosmetic code changes and tidy up useless messages 2016-04-05 Paul Laycock <> * Adding DAOD_IDNCB format for non-colliding backgrounds group * Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-05-42 2016-03-29 Graeme Stewart <> * Remove import of from (old Run1 DRAW, now superceded by ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
James Catmore authored
* Track measurement thinning tool * Protection against no PVs (non-collision) * Tagging DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-53 2016-04-05 Jake Searcy * Adding more protection to MuonTrackParticleThinning * Prevents wrong index coming from muons which point to track particles in InDetForwardTrackParticles instead of InDetTrackParticles in case where a slectoin string is used * Tagging DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-52 2015-10-09 Jake Searcy * Adding protection to MuonTrackParticleThinning * Prevents wrong index coming from muons which point to track particles in InDetForwardTrackParticles instead of InDetTrackParticles * Tagging DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-51