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release/21.0.2987b7ceb8 · ·
This is the latest build of the Tier0 data-taking. Note that this is frozen-Tier0-violating, and includes the AOD TF recommendations to produce slimmed AODs
release/21.0.28fe7349ce · ·
This is the latest build of the Tier0 data-taking. Note that this is frozen-Tier0-violating.
release/21.1.53fa56ea0 · ·
P1 build from nightly/21.1/2017-06-01T2215 with the version number updated after the fact in a spin off branch
release/21.0.275d3811f6 · ·
This is the latest build of the Tier-0 data-taking. Note that this is *not* FT0 with respect to 21.0.26.
release/21.0.2614b18db2 · ·
This is the latest build of the Tier-0 data-taking. Note that this is *not* FT0 with respect to 21.0.25.
release/21.0.257b1014da · ·
This is the latest build of the Tier-0 data-taking branch that adds the ability to produce L1CALO DAODs in r2a workflow. Note that this is FT0 with respect to 21.0.24. Cannot be used for Simulation with Frozen Showers in the FCAL. OK for FullG4 simulation without Frozen Showers.
release/21.0.2442f3afd4 · ·
This is the latest build of the Tier-0 data-taking branch that fixes MDT cabling maps. Note that this is a frozen Tier-0 breaking tag with respect to outputs from 21.0.23.
release/21.0.23746100c3 · ·
Release used to reconstruct LHC commisioning data, and cosmics (combined muon rec turned off) at the Tier0. This release does *not* conserve FT0 policy with respect to 21.0.22
release/21.0.2281320c38 · ·
This is a Tier-0 release to be used to reconstruct cosmics (with no combined muon reconstruction) and beam splash data. Note that this is a frozen-Tier-0-breaking tag compared to the last major version.
release/21.1.2f6ad2079 · ·
New P1 release, detailed in ATR-16231 Validated in the reprocessings: ATR-16202 and ATR-16204 Conditions tag CONDBR2-HLTP-2017-01 validated in ATR-16183