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Commit a722f058 authored by Peter Alan Steinberg's avatar Peter Alan Steinberg Committed by Graeme Stewart
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'small change to adapt to xAOD changes (zdcModule)' (ZdcRec-00-02-08)

parent 46e5bcd9
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Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* ZdcRecChannelToolV2.h
* Two steps:
* 1. Convert the towers to ZdcModules
* 2. Process the ZdcModules and add Energy/time info
* Created on: September 27, 2015
* Author: steinber
#include <string>
#include <map>
//#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "AsgTools/AsgTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
#include "xAODTrigL1Calo/TriggerTowerContainer.h"
#include "xAODTrigL1Calo/TriggerTowerAuxContainer.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleContainer.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleAuxContainer.h"
class StatusCode;
class Identifier;
class ZdcID ;
class ZdcRecChannelToolV2: public asg::AsgTool, virtual public IIncidentListener
ZdcRecChannelToolV2(const std::string& name);
virtual ~ZdcRecChannelToolV2() {};
virtual StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode finalize();
virtual void handle( const Incident& );
int convertTT2ZM(const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer* ttCollection, xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer* zdcModules);
int makeRawFromDigits(xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer& zdcModules); // NOT const -- we're going to modify the objects to add signal processing
int makeWaveformFromDigits(xAOD::ZdcModule& module);
int splitWaveform(std::map<int,float>& waveform, std::vector<float>& times, std::vector<float>& adcs);
int getPeakProperties(std::vector<float>& times, std::vector<float>& adcs, float& time, float& amp, float& qual);
unsigned int m_nsamples;
float m_sample_time;
int m_delta; // A number to check for signal
int m_zeroSupress;
int m_saturation; // saturation level (absolute ADC)
static int s_ppmChannel;
const ZdcID* m_zdcId;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// ZdcRec.h, (c) ATLAS Detector software
#ifndef ZDCRECV2_H
#define ZDCRECV2_H
#include <string>
#include <map>
//which one ???
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
//#include "GaudiKernel/Algorithm.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
//#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecNoiseTool.h"
//#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecChannelTool.h"
class ISvcLocator;
class StatusCode;
class Identifier;
class StoreGateSvc;
class ZdcRecChannelToolV2;
#include "xAODTrigL1Calo/TriggerTowerContainer.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleContainer.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleAuxContainer.h"
/** @class ZdcRec
Class definition for the ZDC Reconstruction class
@author Brian Cole and Peter Steinberg,,
and M. Leite
class ZdcRecV2 : public AthAlgorithm
ZdcRecV2(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
StatusCode initialize();
StatusCode execute();
StatusCode finalize();
/** class member version of retrieving StoreGate */
//StoreGateSvc* m_storeGate;
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> m_storeGate;
/** Does the collection own it's objects ? **/
int m_ownPolicy;
/** Digits data container name */
std::string m_ttContainerName;
/** Raw data object name */
std::string m_zdcModuleContainerName;
std::string m_zdcModuleAuxContainerName;
/** Pointer to Zdc input "digits" data */
const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer* m_ttContainer;
int m_eventCount;
bool m_complainContain;
bool m_complainRetrieve;
//Include here all tools to do the job. They will be called by the algorithm execute method
//Another option is to use ToolHandleArray<IZdcRecTool>, where IZdcRecTool is the factory for
//the tools
ToolHandle<ZdcRecChannelToolV2> m_ChannelTool;
package ZdcRec
author Peter Steinberg <>
author Marco Leite <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
#library ZdcRec *.cxx components/*.cxx
#apply_pattern component_library
apply_pattern dual_use_library files="*.cxx"
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py"
use AthenaBaseComps AthenaBaseComps-* Control
use DataCollection DataCollection-* External
use AtlasGSL AtlasGSL-* External
use ZdcEvent ZdcEvent-* ForwardDetectors/ZDC
use AthenaBaseComps AthenaBaseComps-* Control
use DataCollection DataCollection-* External
use AsgTools AsgTools-* Control/AthToolSupport
use AtlasGSL AtlasGSL-* External
use ZdcEvent ZdcEvent-* ForwardDetectors/ZDC
use xAODTrigL1Calo xAODTrigL1Calo-* Event/xAOD
use xAODForward xAODForward-* Event/xAOD
use ZdcIdentifier ZdcIdentifier-* ForwardDetectors/ZDC
use ZdcConditions ZdcConditions-* ForwardDetectors/ZDC
use ZdcConditions ZdcConditions-* ForwardDetectors/ZDC
use StoreGate StoreGate-* Control
use AtlasROOT AtlasROOT-* External
apply_pattern dual_use_library files=*.cxx
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py"
apply_tag ROOTBasicLibs
apply_tag ROOTMathLibs
apply_tag ROOTSTLDictLibs
apply_tag ROOTGraphicsLibs
apply_tag ROOTTableLibs
use AtlasROOT AtlasROOT-* External
use AtlasReflex AtlasReflex-* External -no_auto_imports
use ZdcByteStream ZdcByteStream-* ForwardDetectors/ZDC/ZdcCnv
#apply_pattern lcgdict dict=ZdcRec selectionfile=selection.xml headerfiles="../ZdcRecStream/ZdcRecDict.h"
#apply_pattern dual_use_library files=*.cxx
#apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.py"
#apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py"
#apply_tag ROOTBasicLibs
#apply_tag ROOTMathLibs
#apply_tag ROOTSTLDictLibs
#apply_tag ROOTGraphicsLibs
#apply_tag ROOTTableLibs
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# specifies egamma"standard"
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
from RecExConfig.Configured import Configured
class ZdcModuleGetter ( Configured ) :
_outputType = "xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer"
_output = { _outputType: ["ZdcModules" ]}
def preconfigure (self):
mlog = logging.getLogger ('')'entering')
preconfigureBase = super (ZdcModuleGetter,self).preconfigure()
if not preconfigureBase:
return False
#mlog = logging.getLogger( 'Configured::preconfigure:%s:' % self.__class__.__name__.replace( ".", '_' ) )
#mlog.debug("Output= %s" % self.output() )
#if self.checkExistingOutput ():
# return False
# a bit unusual: check if input exist before scheduling the alg. Will nt report ERROR in input does not exist
from RecExConfig.ObjKeyStore import objKeyStore
if not objKeyStore.isInInput("xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer","ZdcTriggerTowers"):"no ZdcTriggerTowers: Quit.")
return False
return True
def configure(self):
mlog = logging.getLogger ('')'entering')
from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags
if not DetFlags.detdescr.ZDC_on():"not DetFlags.detdescr.Zdc_on : Quit.")
return False
if not DetFlags.makeRIO.ZDC_on():"not DetFlags.makeRIO.Zdc_on : Quit.")
return False
from ZdcRec.ZdcRecConf import ZdcRecV2"got ZdcRecV2")
self._zdcRecHandle = ZdcRecV2()
except Exception:
mlog.error("could not get handle to ZdcRecV2")
print traceback.format_exc()
return False
# output to ESD:
from RecExConfig.ObjKeyStore import objKeyStore
# output to AOD:
# add to topsequence"now adding to topSequence")
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
topSequence += self.zdcRecHandle()"added ZdcRecV2")
return True
def zdcRecHandle(self):
return self._zdcRecHandle
def outputKey(self) :
return self._output[self._outputType]
def outputType(self):
return self._outputType
def outputTypeKey(self) :
return str(self.outputType()+"#"+self.outputKey())
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
def AppendOutputList(HIAODItemList) :
"""Adds HIGlobalAODOutputList to the list passed in as an argument"""
HIAODItemList+= ["xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer#ZdcTriggerTowers",
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
__version__ = '1.0.0'
__author__ = 'David Rousseau '
__all__ = [ 'ZdcRawChannelGetter']
__all__ = [ 'ZdcModuleGetter']
__doc__ =""" - Python modules for the ATLAS Reconstruction -
ZdcRawChannelGetter - build from ZdcRawChannelContainer from ZdcDigitsCollection>
ZdcModuleGetter - build ZdcModuleContainer from ZdcTriggerTowers>
__description__ ='Python interface for ATLAS reconstruction '
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* ZdcRecChannelTool.cxx
* Created on: Nov 24, 2009
* Author: leite
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <math.h>
#include "TMath.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IInterface.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
#include "xAODTrigL1Calo/TriggerTowerContainer.h"
#include "xAODTrigL1Calo/TriggerTowerAuxContainer.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleToString.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleContainer.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleAuxContainer.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecChannelToolV2.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcSignalSinc.h"
#include "ZdcByteStream/ZdcToString.h"
//#include "ZdcIdentifier/ZdcID.h"
#include "ZdcIdentifier/ZdcID.h"
#include "ZdcConditions/ZdcCablingService.h"
const int slink2ppmChannel[64] =
{0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60,
3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51, 55, 59, 63,
1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61,
2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62 };
ZdcRecChannelToolV2::ZdcRecChannelToolV2(const std::string& name):
//Declare properties here...
declareProperty("ZeroSuppress", m_zeroSupress = 0,"Supress channels with only 0");
declareProperty("DeltaPeak", m_delta = 5,"Minimum difference between min and max to be considered a signal");
declareProperty("SaturationADC",m_saturation = 1000,"ADC value above which a HG channel is considered saturated");
#define PACKAGE_VERSION "unknown"
void ZdcRecChannelToolV2::handle( const Incident& inc )
if ( inc.type() == IncidentType::EndEvent) {
StatusCode ZdcRecChannelToolV2::initialize()
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Initializing " << name() << endreq;
//Get the pedestal information for the channels.
//For now, this is a file; later on it will be moved to a database
const ZdcID* zdcId = 0;
if (detStore()->retrieve( zdcId ).isFailure() ) {
msg(MSG::ERROR) << "execute: Could not retrieve ZdcID object from the detector store" << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
else {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "execute: retrieved ZdcID" << endreq;
m_zdcId = zdcId;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "--> ZDC : END OF MODIFICATION 0" << endreq ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
ServiceHandle<IIncidentSvc> incidentSvc("IncidentSvc", name());
incidentSvc->addListener(this, IncidentType::EndEvent);
StatusCode ZdcRecChannelToolV2::finalize()
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Finalizing " << name() << endreq;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
int ZdcRecChannelToolV2::convertTT2ZM(const xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer* ttCollection, xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer* zdcModules )
//typedef std::map<uint64_t,xAOD::ZdcModule*> hashmapType;
typedef std::map<uint32_t,xAOD::ZdcModule*> hashmapType;
hashmapType digits_map;
Identifier chan_id;
xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer::const_iterator tt_itr = ttCollection->begin();
xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer::const_iterator tt_end = ttCollection->end();
//std::cout << "Zdc TT's have " << ttCollection->size() << " towers" << std::endl;
for (;tt_itr != tt_end;tt_itr++)
//std::cout << "ZdcTT coolId = " << (*tt_itr)->coolId() << std::endl;
//std::cout << ZdcToString(*(*tt_itr)) << std::endl;
uint32_t coolId = (*tt_itr)->coolId();
uint32_t pin = (coolId>>8) & 0xf;
uint32_t asic = coolId & 0xf;
uint32_t slinkChannel = asic*16 + pin;
uint32_t ppmChannel = slink2ppmChannel[slinkChannel];
uint32_t module = (coolId>>16) & 0xf;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "--> ZCS: " << ZdcCablingService::getInstance() << " mod=" << module << " slinkC=" << slinkChannel << " ppmC=" << ppmChannel );
chan_id = ZdcCablingService::getInstance()->h2s_channel_id(module, ppmChannel);
const uint32_t chan_hash = chan_id.get_identifier32().get_compact();
//const uint64_t chan_hash = chan_id.get_identifier32().get_compact();
// std::cout << "Trying to get gain_delay" << std::endl;
int gain = ZdcCablingService::getInstance()->hwid2gain(module,ppmChannel);
int delay = ZdcCablingService::getInstance()->hwid2delay(module,ppmChannel);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Trying to find chan_hash " << chan_hash << " g" << gain << "d" << delay);
//std::cout << "Trying to make map" << std::endl;
hashmapType::iterator iter = digits_map.find(chan_hash);
if (iter == digits_map.end())
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("new channel for " << chan_id);
xAOD::ZdcModule* new_mod = new xAOD::ZdcModule();
iter = digits_map.find(chan_hash);
if (iter != digits_map.end())
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("new elementlinks for " << chan_id);
//std::cout << "Trying to set properties of " << chan_id << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Set id=" << std::hex << chan_hash << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Trying to set element links of " << chan_id << std::dec << std::endl;
if (gain==0&&delay==0) (*iter).second->setTTg0d0Link( ElementLink<xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer_v2> ((*tt_itr),*ttCollection ) );
if (gain==0&&delay==1) (*iter).second->setTTg0d1Link( ElementLink<xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer_v2> ((*tt_itr),*ttCollection ) );
if (gain==1&&delay==0) (*iter).second->setTTg1d0Link( ElementLink<xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer_v2> ((*tt_itr),*ttCollection ) );
if (gain==1&&delay==1) (*iter).second->setTTg1d1Link( ElementLink<xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer_v2> ((*tt_itr),*ttCollection ) );
//std::unique_ptr< xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer > zdcModules( new xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer() );
//std::unique_ptr< xAOD::ZdcModuleAuxContainer > zdcModulesAux( new xAOD::ZdcModuleAuxContainer() );
//zdcModules->setStore( zdcModulesAux.get() );
hashmapType::iterator iter = digits_map.begin();
hashmapType::iterator iter_end = digits_map.end();
for (;iter != iter_end;iter++)
makeWaveformFromDigits( *((*iter).second) );
return 0;
int ZdcRecChannelToolV2::makeWaveformFromDigits(xAOD::ZdcModule& module)
const size_t nsamp = 5;
const float gain = 10;
std::map<int,float> waveform; // using int so i can do direct tests on whether a time exists.
std::map<int,float> waveformG0; // using int so i can do direct tests on whether a time exists.
std::map<int,float> waveformG1; // using int so i can do direct tests on whether a time exists.
float amp=0;
float ampL=0; // low gain
float rawamp=0;
float rawampL=0; // low gain
for (size_t isamp = 0;isamp<nsamp;isamp++)
if ( module.TTg1d0Link().isValid() )
if ( (*module.TTg1d0Link())->adc().size())
rawamp = (*module.TTg1d0Link())->adc().at(isamp);
amp = rawamp - (*module.TTg1d0Link())->adc().at(0);
waveform[isamp*250] = amp;
waveformG1[isamp*250] = amp;
if ( module.TTg0d0Link().isValid() )
if ( (*module.TTg0d0Link())->adc().size())
rawampL = (*module.TTg0d0Link())->adc().at(isamp);
ampL = rawampL - (*module.TTg0d0Link())->adc().at(0);
waveformG0[isamp*250] = ampL;
if (rawamp > m_saturation) // i.e. if high gain defined for D0 saturates
waveform[isamp*250] = ampL * gain;
if ( module.TTg1d1Link().isValid() )
if ( (*module.TTg1d1Link())->adc().size())
rawamp = (*module.TTg1d1Link())->adc().at(isamp);
amp = rawamp - (*module.TTg1d1Link())->adc().at(0);
waveform[isamp*250-125] = amp;
waveformG1[isamp*250-125] = amp;
if ( module.TTg0d1Link().isValid() )
if ((*module.TTg0d1Link())->adc().size())
rawampL = (*module.TTg0d1Link())->adc().at(isamp);
ampL = rawampL - (*module.TTg0d1Link())->adc().at(0);
waveformG0[isamp*250-125] = ampL;
if (rawamp > m_saturation) // i.e. if high gain defined for D1 saturates
waveform[isamp*250-125] = ampL * gain;
// copy constructed waveform into module for subsequent processing
// also add summary information on amplitude, time, qual
std::vector<float> times;
std::vector<float> adcs;
float peak_amp=0, peak_time=0, peak_qual=0;
// copy them to the module
// copy them to the module
// copy them to the module
return 0;
//Returns a pointer to a RawChannel Collection with energy and time
int ZdcRecChannelToolV2::makeRawFromDigits(xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer& m_ChannelCollection)
Identifier id;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "--> ZDC : ZdcRecChannelToolV2 m_ChannelCollection size " << m_ChannelCollection.size() << endreq ;
return 0;
int ZdcRecChannelToolV2::splitWaveform(std::map<int,float>& waveform, std::vector<float>& times, std::vector<float>& adcs)
std::map<int,float>::const_iterator wf_it = waveform.begin();
std::map<int,float>::const_iterator wf_end = waveform.end();
for (;wf_it != wf_end;wf_it++)
//std::cout << iwf++ << "t=" << (*wf_it).first << " a=" << (*wf_it).second << std::endl;
times.push_back((*wf_it).first / 10. ); // convert back to ns
adcs.push_back((*wf_it).second );
return 1;
int ZdcRecChannelToolV2::getPeakProperties(std::vector<float>& times, std::vector<float>& adcs, float& time, float& amp, float& qual)
if (times.size() != adcs.size())
msg(MSG::WARNING) << "times and ADCs inconsistent!" << endreq;
return 0;
float max_adc = -999;
float max_time = -999;
float max_qual = 0;
for (size_t i = 0;i<times.size();i++)
if ( > max_adc)
max_adc =;
max_time =;
max_qual = 1.;
time = max_time;
amp = max_adc;
qual = max_qual;
return 1;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
* ZdcRecV2.cxx
* Created on: Nov 24, 2009
* Author: leite
#include <memory>
#include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
//#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleAuxContainer.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleContainer.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecV2.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecChannelToolV2.h"
#include "xAODForward/ZdcModuleToString.h"
#include "ZdcByteStream/ZdcToString.h"
ZdcRecV2::ZdcRecV2(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
m_storeGate("StoreGateSvc", name),
m_ownPolicy(static_cast<int> (SG::OWN_ELEMENTS)),
declareProperty("OwnPolicy",m_ownPolicy) ;
declareProperty("DigitsContainerName", m_ttContainerName, "ZdcTriggerTowers");
declareProperty("ZdcModuleContainerName", m_zdcModuleContainerName, "ZdcModules");
declareProperty("ZdcModuleAuxContainerName", m_zdcModuleAuxContainerName, "ZdcModulesAux.");
ZdcRecV2::~ZdcRecV2() {}
StatusCode ZdcRecV2::initialize()
MsgStream mLog(msgSvc(), name());
// Look up the Storegate service
StatusCode sc = m_storeGate.retrieve();
if (sc.isFailure())
mLog << MSG::FATAL << "--> ZDC: Unable to retrieve pointer to StoreGateSvc" << endreq;
return sc;
// Reconstruction Tool
StatusCode scTool = m_ChannelTool.retrieve();
if (scTool.isFailure())
mLog << MSG::WARNING << "--> ZDC: Could not retrieve " << m_ChannelTool << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "--> ZDC: SUCCESS retrieving " << m_ChannelTool << endreq;
// Container output name
//TODO: change MESSAGE !!
mLog << MSG::DEBUG << " Output Container Name " << m_zdcModuleContainerName << endreq;
if (m_ownPolicy == SG::OWN_ELEMENTS)
mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "...will OWN its cells." << endreq;
mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "...will VIEW its cells." << endreq;
mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "--> ZDC: ZdcRecV2 initialization complete" << endreq;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode ZdcRecV2::execute()
MsgStream mLog(msgSvc(), name());
mLog << MSG::DEBUG
<< "--> ZDC: ZdcRecV2 execute starting on "
<< m_eventCount
<< "th event"
<< endreq;
//Look for the container presence
bool dg = m_storeGate->contains<xAOD::TriggerTowerContainer>( m_ttContainerName);
if (!dg) {
if (m_complainContain) mLog << MSG::WARNING << "--> ZDC: StoreGate does not contain " << m_ttContainerName << endreq;
m_complainContain = 0;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Look up the Digits "TriggerTowerContainer" in Storegate
StatusCode digitsLookupSC = m_storeGate->retrieve(m_ttContainer, m_ttContainerName);
if (digitsLookupSC.isFailure())
if (m_complainRetrieve)
<< "--> ZDC: Could not retrieve "
<< m_ttContainerName
<< " from StoreGate"
<< endreq;
m_complainRetrieve = 0;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if (digitsLookupSC.isSuccess() && !m_ttContainer)
mLog << MSG::ERROR
<< "--> ZDC: Storegate returned zero pointer for "
<< m_ttContainerName
<< endreq;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
//mLog << MSG::DEBUG << ZdcToString( *m_ttContainer ) << endreq;
//Create the containers to hold the reconstructed information (you just pass the pointer and the converter does the work)
std::unique_ptr<xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer> moduleContainer( new xAOD::ZdcModuleContainer());
std::unique_ptr<xAOD::ZdcModuleAuxContainer> moduleAuxContainer( new xAOD::ZdcModuleAuxContainer() );
moduleContainer->setStore( moduleAuxContainer.get() );
int ncha = m_ChannelTool->convertTT2ZM(m_ttContainer, moduleContainer.get() );
msg( MSG::DEBUG ) << "Channel tool returns " << ncha << endreq;
msg( MSG::DEBUG ) << ZdcModuleToString(*moduleContainer) << endreq;
//msg( MSG::INFO ) << ZdcModuleToString(*moduleContainer) << endreq;
ATH_CHECK( evtStore()->record( std::move(moduleContainer), m_zdcModuleContainerName) );
ATH_CHECK( evtStore()->record( std::move(moduleAuxContainer), m_zdcModuleAuxContainerName) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode ZdcRecV2::finalize()
MsgStream mLog(msgSvc(),name());
mLog << MSG::DEBUG
<< "--> ZDC: ZdcRecV2 finalize complete"
<< endreq;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRec.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecV2.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecChannelTool.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecChannelToolV2.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcRecNoiseTool.h"
#include "ZdcRec/ZdcSignalSinc.h"
DECLARE_TOOL (ZdcRecChannelTool)
DECLARE_TOOL (ZdcRecChannelToolV2)
DECLARE_TOOL (ZdcRecNoiseTool)
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