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Pull mirroring updated .
- May 11, 2015
John Derek Chapman authored
src/Geant4TruthIncident.cxx, src/Geant4TruthIncident.h - drop re-implementations of secondaryPt2Pass and secondaryEkinPass, which were not being used. Add override final keywords to declarations of methods that have been overridden from ITruthIncident. ATLASSIM-1953. Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-04 (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-04) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-04 * src/Geant4TruthIncident.cxx, src/Geant4TruthIncident.h - drop re-implementations of secondaryPt2Pass and secondaryEkinPass, which were not being used. Add override final keywords to declarations of methods that have been overridden from ITruthIncident. ATLASSIM-1953.
John Derek Chapman authored
ISF_Event/ITruthIncident.h (secondaryP2Pass, secondaryPt2Pass, secondaryEkinPass): Fix loop end condition for truth strategies which can save partial vertices (i.e. MC15/MC15a). ATLASSIM-1953. Tagging as ISF_Event-00-06-03-01 (ISF_Event-00-06-03-01)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/HepMC_TruthSvc.cxx (registerTruthIncident): small tweak to ensure that the output is unchanged for MC12 Truth Strategies. ATLASSIM-1953. Tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-09 (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-09) * src/HepMC_TruthSvc.cxx (registerTruthIncident): small tweak to ensure that the output is unchanged for MC12 Truth Strategies. ATLASSIM-1953. * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-09
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* implement EvgenOTFTopUpSvc from Zach * tagging EvgenProdTools-00-02-13
Richard Hawkings authored
* src/GenEventStackFiller.cxx, .h - add ability to merge in separate McEventCollection for pileup triggered by new parameter PileupMCEventCollection, default is "" which keeps behaviour as before * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-08
- May 07, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* protos.dat->protoslhef.dat,> to fix AGENE-880 * tagged as ProtosLHEF_i-00-00-04 2015-03-27 Patricia Fernandez <> * fixed compiler warning * tagged as ProtosLHEF_i-00-00-03 2015-03-20 Patricia Fernandez <> * patched version for r19 (mc15 production) * fix directories for generator common files * tagged as ProtosLHEF_i-00-00-02
James William Monk authored
Elmar Ritsch authored
adding support for writing out secondary particles individually to the MC truth (ATLPHYSVAL-243,ATLASSIM-1953) + minor code cleanup (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-08) * src/HepMC_TruthSvc.cxx ** adding support for writing out only individual secondary particles involved in an 'interesting' interaction, rather than all secondary particles (ATLPHYSVAL-243,ATLASSIM-1953) ** minor code cleanup * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-08
James Robinson authored
Added t_sch, ttH and Wt_DS. Negative weights on by default for all processes. Process renaming for consistency. Additional diboson decay modes (needs External/Powheg-00-03-02). (PowhegControl-00-02-09) 15-05-05 James Robinson <> * Validated t_sch, ttH and Wt_DS * Removed ssWWjj, ttj and VBF_ssWW in preparation for 00-02-09 * Added additional diboson decays * Tagged 00-02-09 15-04-30 James Robinson <> * Changed withNegativeWeights back to ON by default * Renamed processes for consistency 15-04-13 James Robinson <> * Added parameter registry to allow easier handling of available options 15-04-08 Daniel Hayden <> * Added VBF_ssWW and ttJ processes 15-04-05 James Robinson <> * Added ssWWJJ, t_sch and Wt_DS processes 15-03-31 James Robinson <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* inherit ReadHepEvtFromAscii from AthAlgorithm * tag as TruthIO-00-00-12 2015-04-17 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * add ReadHepEvtFromAscii (Dirk Sammel) * tag as TruthIO-00-00-11
jhenders authored
* Add MissingEtFilter (ATLMCPROD-1428) * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-19 2015-05-02 Jim Henderson <> * Add HTFilter (ATLMCPROD-1427) * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-18 2015-04-16 Jim Henderson <> * Add DecaysFinalStateFilter (AGENE-893) * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-17 2015-04-16 Jim Henderson <> * Fixes to remove compiler warning about variable initalisation order * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-16 2015-04-10 Jim Henderson <> * Fixes for coverity issues from ( * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-15
Josh McFayden authored
* Fixes for LHAPDF that was causing Py8 issues * Tagging:MadGraphControl-00-05-06 2015.04.29 Josh McFayden <> * Fixes for LHAPDF that was causing Py8 issues 2015.04.28 Zach Marshall <> * Adding possibility to use MadSpin to the SM generate functions * Tagging:MadGraphControl-00-05-05 2015.04.23 Josh McFayden <> * Updating NLO running to use run_name and adding check for MadSpin output folder 2015.03.24 Josh McFayden <> * Fixing multicore with int cast of ATHENA_PROC_NUMBER
Zach Marshall authored
* Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-01 * share/specialConfig/ adding missing RhadronPDGids setting ==== Branch for the "old" simulation infrastructure ==== 2015-04-01 John Chapman <> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09 * share/pileup/, share/pileup/, share/pileup/ - jobproperties.Beam.BunchSpacing was set incorrectly to 25 rather than 50. Now fixed. ATLASSIM-1915 2015-03-25 John Chapman <> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-08 * share/pileup/ - removed one entry from the BeamIntensityPattern, as it was 3565 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Daniel Hayden authored
28-04-15 Daniel Hayden <> * Updated Updated all to Powheg V1/V2 base r3052. Updated DM processes to r3049. Updated ttH to r3049. * Tagged Powheg-00-03-02
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* new version - 1.53- (old software architecture) * tagged as Epos-01-53-00 2015-04-08 E.M.Lobodzinska <> * new version - 1.4- (new software architecture) * tagged as Epos-01-40-00 2015-04-08 E.M.Lobodzinska <> * fix requirements for a new version (new software architecture) * tagged as Epos-01-30-03 2015-04-08 E.M.Lobodzinska <> * fix requirements for a new version * tagged as Epos-01-30-02
Richard Hawkings authored
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
* Fix for nan appearing in parametrization ( * tagging as FastCaloSim-00-01-58 2015-04-14 <> * Fix Uninitialized scalar field (coverity cid 14458) * tagging as FastCaloSim-00-01-57 2015-04-14 <> * Changing order in FastShowerCellBuilderTool.cxx (l. 1092, 1282) * tagging as FastCaloSim-00-01-56 2015-04-10 <> * One more fix (same as before, l.1053) * tagging as FastCaloSim-00-01-55 2015-04-10 <> * Fix ordering bug in FastShowerCellBuilderTool.cxx (~l.900) * tagging as FastCaloSim-00-01-54 2015-03-30 scott snyder <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Richard Hawkings authored
Richard Hawkings authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
jhenders authored
* add check for steering flag in EvtGen Pythia6/fHerwig case * tag as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-32 2015-04-16 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * add QGSJet into generators list etc. * tag as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-31
John Derek Chapman authored
revert changes in G4AtlasTests-01-00-08, so that this branch is compatible with releases prior to the TrackRecord migration. Tagging G4AtlasTests-01-00-11-01 (G4AtlasTests-01-00-11-01)
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Backwards compatibility fix for 19.2.X.Y: bring back setting the old XRootD environment (AthenaMP-01-02-27)
Zach Marshall authored
* Updating to 2.2.2_p5 to add another model * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-15
Zach Marshall authored
* tagging G4UserActions-00-00-94-02 * Moving LooperKiller verbosity down to 1
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* TestHepMC - if first digit of pdgid ==9, particle not known to Geant (AGENE-874) * tagging EvgenProdTools-00-02-12 2015-03-31 Ewelina Maria Lobpdzinska <> * TestHepMC - add abs for checking SUSY particles dsid * tagging EvgenProdTools-00-02-11 * tagging EvgenProdTools-00-02-10
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* modify interface to work with the new version * tagging Epos_i-00-01-01
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
David Christopher Hall authored
- Apr 09, 2015
Elmar Ritsch authored
allow secondary particles that are not 'alive' to enter the MC truth (ATLASSIM-1903) (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-03) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-03 * src/Geant4TruthIncident.cxx - allow secondary particles that are not 'alive' to enter the MC truth. ATLASSIM-1903 2015-04-07 Elmar Ritsch <> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-02 * src/TrackProcessorUserAction.h/cxx - Adding switch to allow killing of particles when passing a sub-detector boundary and below Ekin threshold. * python/ - Set above-mentioned switch in ATLFASTII to kill all boundary particles below Ekin threshold. ATLASSIM-1903 2015-04-01 Elmar Ritsch <> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-01 * src/TrackProcessorUserAction.h/cxx, src/Geant4TruthIncident.h/cxx - Fixing leakage of secondary particles into subsequent sub-detector region in non-Geant4-only mode. ATLASSIM-1903
John Derek Chapman authored
src/ForwardRegionMgField.cxx - fix initialization ordering warning in the constructor. Tagging ForwardRegionMgField-00-00-10 (ForwardRegionMgField-00-00-10)
John Derek Chapman authored
cmt/requirements: add use statement for AtlasFortranPolicy to match what was done in AtlasFastJet-00-00-25-01. Tagging as AtlasFastJet-00-00-26-01 (AtlasFastJet-00-00-26-01)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Shifting forward ID/Calo boundary in ATLFASTII to make it coincide with a boundary in the Geant4 geometry (ATLASSIM-1903) (ISF_Services-00-03-19-01)