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- Jun 07, 2015
Pierre Antoine Delsart authored
* ATLASRECTS-2121 * Root/CopyTruthJetParticles.cxx : avoid infinite loops. * this tag is only for 20.1.4.Y cache releases, to fix issues in 50ns production. * ParticleJetTools-00-03-33-50
Ignacio Aracena authored
* share/ - Write all trigger xAOD containers * share/ - Avoid setting trigger configuration by removing writing of trigger xAOD containers * Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-46 2015-05-27 Graeme Stewart <> * scripts/ * scripts/ * scripts/ * scripts/ * scripts/ - Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameter from executors * scripts/ * scripts/ - Remove deprecated files * share/ - Correct baseline JOs to RecJobTransforms/ - Allow input from RDO_FILT (RDO filtered at the sim step) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Antonio Limosani authored
* Send jobs to long queue only * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-21 2015-05-18 Antonio Limosani * Remove test * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-20
Antonio Limosani authored
* Write select files to atlaspmb project area * RecPerfTests-00-08-21 2015-05-11 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT> * Produce xAOD checkfile dump for select jobs * RecPerfTests-00-08-20
Graeme Stewart authored
- When transform globs input files from posix fs, make sure final list is sorted (ATLASJT-239) * python/ - Add NTUP_TRIG types as extraDPDs for supporting merging in NTUPMerge_tf * scripts/ - Remove spurious debug print statement * share/atlas_error_mask.db - Update error mask for Herwig lines that match loging service regexp (ATLMCPROD-1426) * test/ - Test globbing in alphbetical orger now * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-52 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-52) * python/ - When transform globs input files from posix fs, make sure final list is sorted (ATLASJT-239) * python/ - Add NTUP_TRIG types as extraDPDs for supporting merging in NTUPMerge_tf * scripts/ - Remove spurious debug print statement * share/atlas_error_mask.db - Update error mask for Herwig lines that match loging service regexp (ATLMCPROD-1426) * test/ - Test globbing in alphbetical orger now * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-52 2015-05-20 John Chapman <> * python/ - add g4ExceptionLineDepth argument to g4ExceptionParser to make the maximum allowed length of each G4Exception configurable. Set this to 40 when the function is called to allow for the longer exceptions seen in G4 10.1. ATLASSIM-2007 * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-51
- May 31, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Making sure that wherever a new HepMC::GenParticle is created by the code, its generated_mass value is set to a non-default value. * Tagging as McParticleTools-00-19-05
Oleg Fedin authored
2015-04-17 Will Buttinger <> * removed CaloCell_ID dependency * for now, eliminate truth particle extrapolating to calorimeter, so that tool works in AthAnalysisBase without heavy dependency 2015-05-28 Oleg Fedin * Fix problem with the Sherpa back looping particles * for mc15 production tagged as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-01 2015-05-29 Oleg Fedin * some protection against null pointer * tagged as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-02
Graeme Stewart authored
* share/ * share/ * share/ * share/ * share/ - Import common options from RecJobTransforms (not deprecated from PATJobTransforms) to pickup new --valid flag properly * Tag as PATJobTransforms-00-05-45 (PATJobTransforms-00-05-45)
Sanya Solodkov authored
John Derek Chapman authored
python/, scripts/, share/ - remove all uses of tmpRDO and tmpRDO_FILT. ATLMCPROD-1302. Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-04 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-04) * python/, scripts/, share/ - remove all uses of tmpRDO and tmpRDO_FILT. ATLMCPROD-1302 * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-04 2015-05-21 John Chapman <> * share/, share/ - remove lines switching off magnetic field in some cases for Forward Detector simulation. ATLASSIM-1612 * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-03 2015-05-20 Zach Marshall <> * share/ Ensuring that truth jets are passed along in releases 19 and later * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-02
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
add doTrigBJet to PhysValMon test and make sure finally ALL releases use the new tag (TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-07) * Add PhysValMonitoring RTT Test * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-xy 2015-05-21 Patrick Czodrowski <> * add doTrigBJet to PhysValMon test * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-07 2015-05-09 Patrick Czodrowski <> * fix root comp for AthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring - now for real remove customrootcomp and use the regular version see ATR-10936 * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-06 2015-05-04/05/06/7 Patrick Czodrowski <> * fix root comp for AthenaTrigESD_HLTMonitoring * add root-comp, chaindump, TE dump for all other tests that have expert-mon files * fix (reduce output level and remove std. input, add menu selection) * add testAthenaTrigRDOtoBS_MC test * update HIST and REG reference path to ATN conf file to new unified structure * rm the edmcheck * Add PhysValMonitoring ATN Test (RTT to be configured) * Add MC_standalone test to run BS from the AthenaTrigRDOtoBS_MC test (try with rerunLVL1=1 for now) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
fix ATN AthenaTrigBS_L2EFMerging and AthenaTrigRDO xml setup as well as many ATNs inputs (TriggerTest-00-07-07) plans for next tag(s): Patrick Czodrowski <> * add cosmics test - need RDO! try : mc14_cos.108864.CosSimPixVolSolOffTorOff.recon.RDO.s2110_r6256/ RDO.05306241._000001.pool.root.1,RDO.05306241._000002.pool.root.1 mc14_cos.108865.CosSimPixVolSolOnTorOn.recon.RDO.s2111_r6258/ RDO.05313290._000001.pool.root.1,RDO.05313290._000002.pool.root.1 2015-05-20 Patrick Czodrowski <> * fix ATN AthenaTrigBS_L2EFMerging and AthenaTrigRDO xml setup * fix input for ATN AthenaTrigRDO_standalone BphysicsSliceAthenaTrigRDO_MC MinBiasSliceAthenaTrigRDO MinBiasSliceAthenaTrigRDO_MC MinBiasSliceAthenaTrigRDO_Enhanced * TriggerTest-00-07-07 2015-05-11 Patrick Czodrowski <> * reactivate the basic AthenaTrigRDO test as this is used as reference for the leakcheck * TriggerTest-00-07-06 2015-05-04/05/06/07 Patrick Czodrowski <> * move to new ATN reference path /afs/ * parallelise ATN tests by adding tons of suits * reduce number of suits again until the ATN internal test is fixed * TriggerTest-00-07-05 2015-03-27 Patrick Czodrowski <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Graeme Stewart authored
- Correct parsing of single strings for argSubstepConditions with substep specified * test/ - Test for the above case * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-50 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-50) * python/ - Correct parsing of single strings for argSubstepConditions with substep specified * test/ - Test for the above case * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-50 2015-05-18 Graeme Stewart <> * python/ - Remove file committed by mistake * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-49 2015-05-14 Alexandre Vaniachine <> * test/ - Added import inpFileInterestingKeys from trfFileUtils - Added tests for ESD and AOD 'input' files using inpFileInterestingKeys 2015-05-14 Alexandre Vaniachine <> * python/ - Add inpFileInterestingKeys to retrieve GUID and nentries without runMiniAthena subprocess for input POOL files * python/ ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Thijs Cornelissen authored
* Fix uninitialized variable * tag JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-16
Kazuya Mochizuki authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
* add HLT_a4tcemnojcalibFS and HLT_a10tcemsubjesFS to AODSLIM * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-28 2015-05-14 Fabrizio Salvatore * added 'CaloClusterCellLinkContainer#HLT_TrigCaloClusterMaker_Link' and 'CaloCellContainer#HLT_TrigCaloCellMaker' to BS and ESD for Calo (C. Wiglesworth) * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-27 2015-05-13 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-26 * move bjet RoiDescriptors from Bjet to Tracking 2015-05-13 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-25 * remove bjet RoiDescriptors from AODSLIM 2015-05-13 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-24 * add TrigRoiDescriptor_SplitJet to AODFULL / AODSLIM ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Graeme Stewart authored
Tag changes from Sasha to support efficient retrieval of in-file metadata without running athena event loop (PyUtils-00-14-29) * Tagging PyUtils-00-14-29 2015-05-15 Alexandre Vaniachine <> * Adding new file/class * python/ replacement for ATEAM-141: read in-file metadata without Athena 2015-04-23 Alexandre Vaniachine <> * Tagging PyUtils-00-14-28 * python/ new class AthInpFile for ATEAM-141: for input files read in-file metadata without Athena
Mark Hodgkinson authored
* ATLJETMET-360 * python/ Update retrieveAODList to NOT add any container with "HLT" in the name. * JetRec-03-00-39-03 (JetRec-03-00-39-03) * ATLJETMET-360 * python/ Update retrieveAODList to NOT add any container with "HLT" in the name. * JetRec-03-00-39-03
Christian Ohm authored
Toshi Sumida authored
fixed src/MuonTrigCoinData/TgcCoinDataCnv_p3.cxx to resolve the issue ATLASRECTS-2078 (MuonEventTPCnv-01-07-08)
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Turn off dump of obsolete track collections * Remove StoreGate dependency * TrigValAlgs-00-01-23 2015-04-24 <> * Changed output levels of some output (ATR-10561) * TrigValAlgs-00-01-22 2015-04-15 <> * Fixed (TDC.cxx) FAs failed ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.Navigation see: ATR-10195 * TrigValAlgs-00-01-21 2015-04-11 Sebastien Prince <> * Changed message when no filled jet containers is found from ERROR to DEBUG (ATR-10561) * Fixed hexadecimal output from egamma affecting jet output * TrigValAlgs-00-01-20 2015-04-03 scott snyder <> * Tagging TrigValAlgs-00-01-19. * src/TrigEDMChecker.cxx: Fix clang warning (unused variable). ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Anthony Lionti authored
* src/TrigTRTHTHCounter.cxx: Addition of parameters RoadMaxEta to limit road calculation to the barrel only and WedgeNBin to select the number of adjacent bins used. Default values changes: * maxCaloEta=1.7 * nBinCoarse=14 * nBinFine=14 * roadMaxEta=1.06 * wedgeNBin= 5 * Output a 5 size vector of float including fHT and nHT for both road and wedge calculation and ROI eta. * The fine binning is now done for 3 coarse bins. * src/TrigTRTHTHhypo.cxx: New parameter DoRoad set by default to 0. Default cuts changed to fHT= 45% and nHT= 20 * Tagged as TrigTRTHighTHitCounter-00-00-23
Thijs Cornelissen authored
* Tagged as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-87 2015-05-09 Christian Ohm <> * Added q223 tests with 900 GeV data15_comm reco (MP + non-MP) 2015-05-06 Thijs Cornelissen <>
Niels Van Eldik authored
Niels Van Eldik authored
Scott Snyder authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Add test * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-09 2015-05-11 Antonio Limosani * Refine Eflow test * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-08 2015-05-11 Antonio Limosani * Split RawToESD valgrind jobs * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-07
Peter Onyisi authored
Bertrand Laforge authored
Put Trigger use to false in python script to have some DQ plots for early runs (egammaPerformance-00-03-19)
Sarka Todorova authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Fix data12 tests * Add dAOD derivation test * RecPerfTests-00-08-19
James Frost authored
* ATLASRECTS-2061 * src/JetVertexTaggerTool.cxx : revert to dummy vertex in events where there is no vertex of type PrimaryVtx * JetMomentTools-00-03-11-00
Edward Moyse authored
'Merged MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-64-branch back into trunk (fix for ATLASRECT-1946).' (MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-75) * Merged MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-64-branch back into trunk (fix for ATLASRECT-1946). * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-75 2015-04-20 * Possible fix for ATLASRECTS-1946 * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-64-00
Iain Bertram authored
Added mc15 configurations for 2015 with pile up. Adjusted RegressionTest_mc15_2015_ttbar_no_pileup and RegressionTest_mc15_2015_ttbar_noNoise to make use of centrally generated ttbar sample using geometry version ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00. Fixed one minor bug in a file name. ATLASSIM-1695. Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-43. (DigitizationTests-01-01-43) * test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration.xml - Updated RegressionTest_mc15_2015_ttbar_no_pileup and RegressionTest_mc15_2015_ttbar_noNoise to make use of centrally generated ttbar sample using geometry version ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00. Added new RTT including pileup RegressionTest_mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_pileup Corrected some xrdcp commapds missing the r in the beginning: xrdcp oot://eosatlas//eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/proj-sit/digitization/RTT/mc12a/mc12_8TeV.119995.Pythia8_A2MSTW2008LO_minbias_inelastic_low.merge.HITS.e1119_s1469_s1471/HITS.743321._000614.pool.root.3 * Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-43
- May 11, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
- Add new auxiliaryFile property to argFile, signaling that a file should not be validated or appear in the jobReport * python/ - Add memMonitor property to scriptExecutor, that will try to use the external MemoryMonitor binary to memory monitor the script executor's child process - MemoryMonitor is launched immediately after the scriptExecutor's child process and the memory summary JSON file parsed afterwards and added to the executor memory report - Deprecate the perfMonFile property of athenaExecutor and stop parsing any perfmon outputs - For DBRelease files, dereference all soft links, allowing for use with the pre-release DBRelease-pcache-current.tar.gz link - Change suffix on multiple-merged outputs after AthenaMP has run to _N (as expected by PanDA) * python/ - Add inpFileInterestingKeys (not yet used) * python/ - Update report version number to 1.0.1 - Modify top level report 'resource' entry to have entries per executor with MemoryMonitor summary information and a separate entry for the transform and its externals - Add machine report information to resource entry, with information also parsed from /proc/cpuinfo * python/ - Add small debug message when setting up a DBRelease from CVMFS * python/ - Ensure that auxilliary files are never validated * test/ - Add new test for DBRelease-pcache-current.tar.gz link * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-48 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-48) 2015-05-08 Graeme Stewart <> * python/ - Add new auxiliaryFile property to argFile, signaling that a file should not be validated or appear in the jobReport * python/ - Add memMonitor property to scriptExecutor, that will try to use the external MemoryMonitor binary to memory monitor the script executor's child process - MemoryMonitor is launched immediately after the scriptExecutor's child process and the memory summary JSON file parsed afterwards and added to the executor memory report - Deprecate the perfMonFile property of athenaExecutor and stop parsing any perfmon outputs - For DBRelease files, dereference all soft links, allowing for use with the pre-release DBRelease-pcache-current.tar.gz link - Change suffix on multiple-merged outputs after AthenaMP has run to _N (as expected by PanDA) * python/ - Add inpFileInterestingKeys (not yet used) * python/ - Update report version number to 1.0.1 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ - Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameters for substep transforms. python/ - Specify all pileup and background HITS files as auxilliary. Note, requires support from PyJobTransforms (trunk > 02-03-48, branch > 02-03-32-07). Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-01 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-01) * python/ - Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameters for substep transforms * python/ - Specify all pileup and background HITS files as 'auxilliary' *** Note, requires support from PyJobTransforms (trunk > 02-03-48, branch > 02-03-32-07) * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-01 2015-03-27 John Chapman <> * share/ - add protection to ensure that the SimBarcodeOffset is set to 200k for the MC12 and MC15a truth strategies. It will be set to 1M if any other truthStrategy value is specified. ATLASSIM-1909 * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13
Nicholas Styles authored
fix from R. Jansky to avoid crash when track parameters not available (DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-28) * Changed behaviour of TrackStateOnSurfaceDecorator when no TrackParameters are available (because of slimming) - now still sets TrackMeasurementValidationLink etc. but doesn't fill any derived quantities * Tagged as DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-28
Graeme Stewart authored
- Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameter from transform substeps - Support AOD_RPR as input to AOD to TAG step * share/ - Support AOD_RPR as input * Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-44 (RecJobTransforms-01-00-44) * python/ - Remove deprecated perfMonFile parameter from transform substeps - Support AOD_RPR as input to AOD to TAG step * share/ - Support AOD_RPR as input * Tag as RecJobTransforms-01-00-44
Antonio Limosani authored
* Move RawToESD valgrind jobs to high performance queue * tag ValgrindRTTJobs-00-01-06