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- Oct 06, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-07-23 Salvador Marti <> * New steering job options. User can select which segment to retain, the upper or the lower. Default: both segments (as up to now) * Tag as InDetTrackValidation-01-00-07 2015-05-27 Simone Pagan Griso <>
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Shaun Roe authored
Oleg Fedin authored
* fixed bug for Particle Gun generation * tagged as MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-03 2015-07-28 Oleg Fedin * add classification of origin for the neutrino * The code prepared by Pierre-Antoine Delsart * some protection against null pointer * Tagged MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-04 2015-09-28 Oleg Fedin * add aditional protection against null pointer * fix classification for Bkg electrons in Sherpa * Tagged MCTruthClassifier-00-01-32-05
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ - addStandardHITSMergeSubstep: patch to ensure that core transform code does not try to access the event count for inputLogsFiles... Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12 (SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12) * python/ - addStandardHITSMergeSubstep: patch to ensure that core transform code does not try to access the event count for inputLogsFiles... * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-12 2015-08-11 John Chapman <> * python/ (addSimulationSubstep): use TXT_EVENTID for inData in release 20.3 and later. ATLASSIM-2110. * share/ add hook for inputTXT_EVENTIDFile. ATLASSIM-2110 * Tagging: SimuJobTransforms-00-28-13-11 2015-08-05 John Chapman <> * share/, share/ - remove back-compatibility protections on AFP and FwdRegion DetFlags, as these are no longer necessary. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Iain Bertram authored
Detailed changes see Changelog. Updated test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration.xml to fix bug described in [ATLASSIM-2170]. Required reformatting preExec arguments for jobs with pileup. Also added scripts directory and as a first pass at creating a test job for developers. Needs some fine tuning and is not ready for prime time [ATLASSIM-1697]. Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-49. (DigitizationTests-01-01-49) * test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration.xml * Fixed bug in preExec command that meant that the python modules were not being loaded correctly. [ATLASSIM-2170] * Scripts effected: mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_pileup mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_pileup_lowMu mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_pileup_noNoise mc15_2015_ttbar_50ns_algs_pileup mc15_2015_ttbar_25ns_pileup mc15_2015_ttbar_25ns_pileup_noNoise mc15_2015_ttbar_25ns_algs_pileup mc15_ttbar_LVL1_on_50ns_pileup mc15_ttbar_LVL1_on_25ns_pileup * Added additional pileup files and modified the copy command to be shorter and easier to copy. * Cleaned up all the commands to use consistant formats to avoid problems like the above. * Added new amiTag script to allow testing of changes to Digitization. [ATLASSIM-1697] ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Xiaohu Sun authored
* kv test RecoZeeJet uses OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-32 * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-21 2015-07-21 Xiaohu Sun * update splash events with 2015 data * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-20
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Update eta and Et binning * Improve resolution binning * Update offline tools to latest tunes * provide config for 50ns studies * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-67 2015-07-13 Ryan White <> * Handle trigger prefix via parse function * Fix bug in objectList for electrons in NavAnalysis * Use match method for tag * Requires TrigEgammaMathchingTool-00-00-06 * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-66 2015-07-13 Ryan White <> * Move Counters to directory * Use Sumw2 all histograms (need han-config to set HIST for reference) * Move Inefficiency method to base class * TrigEgammaAnalysisTools-00-00-65 2015-07-10 Ryan White <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Remove TrigEMCLuster matching for RootCore * TrigEgammaMatchingTool-00-00-07 2015-07-13 Ryan White <> * Remove prefix * Several methods to validate in RootCore/Athena * Make xAODAnalysis compatible * Add checks in test algo * TrigEgammaMatchingTool-00-00-06
Goetz Gaycken authored
This resolves item 2 of ATLASRECTS-2285. (InDetRecExample-02-05-62) * do not use beam constraint if doExpressProcessing is set (see ATLASRECTS-2285). 2015-07-18 Shaun Roe * correct indentation in InDetRecConditionsAccess * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-61 2015-07-16 Shaun Roe * Add option to force Cool Vector payload in conditions and cabling access for SCT * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-60
Lianyou Shan authored
Siarhei Harkusha authored
Siarhei Harkusha authored
* src/TileCellMonTool.cxx: removed setting up minimum occupanyc plots with average energy * src/TileDigiNoiseMonTool.cxx: removed setting up user range on pedestal plots * Tagging TileMonitoring-00-07-54 2015-07-17 Tomas Davidek <> * Added cell time histograms to TileJetMonTool and introduce energy threshold for enediff histograms as a jO parameter 2015-07-09 Siarhei Harkusha <> in addition to usage of time difference in MBTS to determine if it is "collision" event, logic is "OR"; * Tagging TileMonitoring-00-07-52 * TileMonitoring/TileFatherMonTool.h: added property CellsContainerName (AllCalo by default) to be used to get gap scintilators when determine if it is "collision" event * src/TileFatherMonTool.cxx: only once try to get cells container if it doesn't exist * src/TileCellMonTool.cxx: set up "COLZ" option for some histograms to display them so by default 2015-07-08 Tomas Davidek <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Jovan Mitrevski authored
* python/ add doExpressProcessing flag * tag RecExConfig-00-03-53 * tag RecExConfig-00-03-52
Joseph Reichert authored
Implement SafeTH1 in the TElectronLikelihoodTool to circumvent double deletes of TH1s with multiple threads (ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29-11) * Implement SafeTH1 in the TElectronLikelihoodTool to circumvent double deletes of TH1s with multiple threads * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29-11
Carlos Chavez Barajas authored
*** python/ *** python/ * Fix update to use cppyy instead of PyCintex in root 6 (ATR-11025) *** create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-30 2015-07-16 Mark Stockton <> *** python/ *** share/ * Fix renaming for debug recovery (skip input files in search) *** create Tag TrigTransform-00-00-29
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Backporting a fix from xAODTrigger-00-00-37, which is needed in order to be able to read xAOD::TriggerMenu metadata successfully. * Tagging as xAODTrigger-00-00-35-02
Nick Barlow authored
2015-07-15 Nick Barlow, o.b.o. Shimpei Yamamoto * Updates from Shimpei to KinkTrk filters: - change of L1top names - new selection based on j80(100)_xe80 (as backup) - use of MuonSelectorTool - set prescales for Zll events having low-pt leptons * Tag as LongLivedParticleDPDMaker-00-01-09 2015-06-09 Nick Barlow * New triggers for HV analysis * Tag as LongLiveddParticleDPDMaker-00-01-08 2015-06-02 Nick Barlow
Claudia Glasman authored
Sanya Solodkov authored
Adding "TileMuonReceiverContainer/TileMuRcvCnt" to list of containers which can be read from ByteStream (CaloRec-03-00-37-03)
Sanya Solodkov authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Bug fix of MemoryMonitor (see ATEAM-147) * tag AthenaMP-01-02-30-04
Goetz Gaycken authored
Li Yuan authored
Sasha Mazurov authored
Currently this vector is empty in MC data (q221 test) (TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-48) * PPrMon.cxx: check sat80Vec range to avaoid segmentaion fault. Currently this vector is empty in MC data (q221 test) * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-48 2015-07-13 Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen <> * Remove sequencing of decoration in jobOptions (now done in calorec) * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-47 2015-07-11 Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen <> * Add monitoring for bits of 80MHz saturated BCID * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-46 2015-07-07 Kate Whalen <> * src/CPMon.cxx: fixed 2D CPM EM / tau TOB RoI histograms - Removed bit-shifting hack to fix gaps in hitmaps * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-45
Giuseppe Lerner authored
* New input reference file reading in * Change in xml config: reference files are copied to the chainstore and re-read from there * TrigEgammaValidation-00-08-23 2015-06-10 Giuseppe Lerner <> * Updated with ratio plots * TrigEgammaValidation-00-08-22 2015-06-09 Giuseppe Lerner <> * Bugfix in * TrigEgammaValidation-00-08-21 2015-06-09 Giuseppe Lerner <> * Updated sample list (see sample_list.txt file) * Modified script to include a reference file in the plots * Increased number of events to 1000 * TrigEgammaValidation-00-08-20 2015-06-27 Giuseppe Lerner <> * Removed default CheckFileRunner test from HelloWorld job group in xml file ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Daiki Yamaguchi authored
Changed the titles of histograms and add the hit tot plots for 20LBs in webdisplay (PixelMonitoring-00-05-07) * Chnage the title of histograms for occupancy * Added the Hit tot plots for m_doLumiBlocks 2015-07-10 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * Replace Occupancy**_Scaled into Occupancy_per_pixel 2015-07-07 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * Change the normalization method to reduce CPU time 2015-07-07 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * Modified the normalization for occupancy * Added the histograms for #error/module/event 2015-06-24 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * Modify the loop for DBM 2015-06-23 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * Fix the normalization for cluster occupancy 2015-06-23 Daiki Yamaguchi <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Hanno Meyer Zu Theenhausen authored
* Add safety flag for retrieving calo energies * Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-05 2015-07-13 Hanno Meyer zu Theenhausen <> * Adjust EtCorreclation plot manager to reduced number of decorations * Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-04 2015-07-10 John Morris <> * reduce number of decorations * Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-03 2015-07-07 John Morris <> * First pass at thinning algorithm using DerivationFramework * Tag as TrigT1CaloCalibTools-00-05-42-02
Jack Cranshaw authored
* ByteStreamCnvSvc-01-34-24-05 * Fix skip event problem
Francesca Pastore authored
moving PureNewSteering and L2EFMerging tests into TrigP1Test, removed (TriggerTest-00-07-20) * moving PureNewSteering and L1EFMerging tests into TrigP1Test, removed * TriggerTest-00-07-20
Graeme Stewart authored
- Allow --skipEvents to be multi-valued (needed by FTK transforms) * scripts/ - Skip, which is a not a PyJobTransforms transform and causes an abort when using __import__ * test/ - Do configureFromJSON test with instead of (which is in a different project, this a problem in ATN during full builds) * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-60 (PyJobTransforms-02-03-60) * python/ - Allow --skipEvents to be multi-valued (needed by FTK transforms) * scripts/ - Skip, which is a not a PyJobTransforms transform and causes an abort when using __import__ * test/ - Do configureFromJSON test with instead of (which is in a different project, this a problem in ATN during full builds) * Tagging PyJobTransforms-02-03-60 2015-07-08 Lisa Errenst <> * python/ - add HEPSPEC to machine report. Report version 1.0.5
Tony Tong authored
* Enable trigger aware * add Muon selection tool * add new histograms * taggging MuonTrackMontioring-04-02-09
Tony Tong authored
* Add Muon segment plot normalization * Tagging MuonHistUtils-00-03-20 2015-06-18 <> * Fixed coverity defects 30878, 30900 * Tagging MuonHistUtils-00-03-19
Sanya Solodkov authored
Magda Anna Chelstowska authored
* Halved the number of events in Reco_MC15_13TeV test * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-02-90
Fabrizio Salvatore authored
added 'xAOD::TauJetContainer#HLT_TrigTauRecCaloOnly' +Aux as per (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-38) * python/ * added 'xAOD::TauJetContainer#HLT_TrigTauRecCaloOnly' +Aux * as per * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-38
Steffen Henkelmann authored
Antonio Limosani authored
* Fix typo in UserJobID names * RecPerfTests-00-08-30 2015-07-08 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT> * Fix data15 file typo * RecPerfTests-00-08-29