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- Oct 21, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/EntryLayerTool.cxx: minor code style improvements (ATLASSIM-2263) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4CommonTools-00-03-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Removing IParticleBroker::registerParticle(..) method from IParticleBroker.h interface (ATLASSIM-2263) * tag as ISF_Interfaces-00-04-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Elmar Ritsch authored
removing std::map to associate G4Tracks with ISFParticles (ATLASSIM-2263, ATLASSIM-1868) (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-18) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-18 * removing std::map to associate G4Tracks with ISFParticles (ATLASSIM-2263, ATLASSIM-1868) ** the map was replaced by code in the TrackProcessorUserActionBase which calls ISF::ISFG4Helpers::linkG4TrackToISFParticle(..) for all new G4Tracks to propergate the ISFParticle pointer of the parent G4Track to all its G4 secondaries 2015-10-13 Elmar Ritsch <> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-17 * cmt/requirements - disabling C++ debug flags 2015-10-13 Elmar Ritsch <> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-16 * python/ISF_Geant4ToolsConfig(Db).py - removing obsolete 'QuasiStableG4TrackProcessorUserAction' configuration (switched to 'FullG4TrackProcessorUserAction' instead) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
John Derek Chapman authored
share/g4/ - revert change in SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-09, as this branch is now only for 19.2.X.Y. share/specialConfig/ - updates obo Sascha Mehlhase. ATLASSIM-2275. Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-11 (SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-11) * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-11 * share/g4/ - revert change in SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-09, as this branch is now only for 19.2.X.Y. * share/specialConfig/ - updates obo Sascha Mehlhase. ATLASSIM-2275 2015-10-04 Zach Marshall <> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-10 * Back-port of flux recording fragment 2015-09-21 John Chapman <> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-06-09-09 * share/g4/ (particleid_setupcalos): remove call to LArG4GlobalOptions.SetDoCalibHitParticleID method. ATLASSIM-2070. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/RHadronProcessDefinition.cxx - add additional PDGIDs to standardpdgidtodecay vector. ATLASSIM-2275. src/FullModelReactionDynamics.cxx - GetDefinition() returns a const G4ParticleDefinition in G4 10.1. ATLASSIM-1751 (Compatible with G4 9.6.) RHadrons/FullModelHadronicProcess.hh - define GHADLISTSIZE for G4 versions before G4 10.1, as G4ReactionDynamics.hh has been removed in G4 10.1 (seems to be compatible with G4 9.6). ATLASSIM-1751 Tagging RHadrons-00-00-65-01 (RHadrons-00-00-65-01)
Elmar Ritsch authored
now retrieving ISFParticle extraBarcode directly from ISFParticle instance, not from attached ParticleUserInformation object (goes with ISF_Event-00-08-03, see ATLASSIM-2263) (ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-03-00) * src/PileupSimSelector.cxx - now retrieving ISFParticle extraBarcode directly from ISFParticle instance, not from attached ParticleUserInformation object (goes with ISF_Event-00-08-03, see ATLASSIM-2263) * tagging as ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-03-00
Elmar Ritsch authored
moving extra-barcode member variable from ParticleUserInformation into ISFParticle class (ATLASSIM-2263) + adding barcode to ISFParticle::dump(..) printout (ISF_Event-00-08-03)
Elmar Ritsch authored
* src/ParticleBrokerDynamicOnReadIn.h/.cxx - removing obsolete m_extraParticles vector (ATLASSIM-2263) * ISF_Services-00-03-21-09 2015-10-08 Elmar Ritsch <> * src/ParticleBrokerDynamicOnReadIn.h/.cxx - removing public ISF::ParticleBrokerDynamicOnReadIn::registerParticle(..) method (ATLASSIM-2263) * ISF_Services-00-03-21-08 2015-08-25 John Chapman <> * python/ (getPileupSimHitService): fix typo. * ISF_Services-00-03-21-07 2015-08-18 John Chapman <> * python/, python/ - add getNoG4SimHitService for ISF jobs not running Geant4 (as in trunk). Just returns getSimHitService in this branch, but this means that other configuration packages require less branching. * src/SimHitSvc.h, src/SimHitSvc.cxx - some tidying to match ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Adapting include statements since FCS_StepInfo.h and FCS_StepInfoCollection.h files moved to ISF_FastCaloSimEvent package (ATLASSIM-2006) (ISF_Geant4UserActions-00-00-14-50)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Adapting include statements for FCS_StepInfo.h and FCS_StepInfoCollection.h since both have moved to ISF_FastCaloSimEvent package (ATLASSIM-2006) (ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-01-07-01)
Andrew Haas authored
John Derek Chapman authored
Temporary branch for AthSimulationBase reverting the changes in TileGeoG4SD-00-04-13 and TileGeoG4SD-00-04-14. Tagging TileGeoG4SD-00-04-21-01 (TileGeoG4SD-00-04-21-01)
John Derek Chapman authored
cmt/requirements - pick up FCS_StepInfo from ISF_FastCaloSimEvent rather than ISF_Event. ATLASSIM-2006. Tagging ISF_AthenaPool-00-00-03 (ISF_AthenaPool-00-00-03)
- Oct 05, 2015
John Derek Chapman authored
src/ - fix to set ParticleID correctly for Tile CaloCalibrationHits when running in ISF. ATLASSIM-2248. Tagging TileGeoG4Calib-00-04-12-01 (TileGeoG4Calib-00-04-12-01)
Elmar Ritsch authored
updating G4Track UserInformation with HepMC representation of regenerated particle (see ATLASSIM-2247) (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-14) * src/Geant4TruthIncident.cxx - updating G4Track UserInformation with HepMC representation of regenerated particle (see ATLASSIM-2247). * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-14 2015-08-28 John Chapman <> * src/TrackProcessorUserAction.cxx - drop unnecessary include of MCTruth/TruthStrategyManager.h (see ATLASSIM-2144). * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-13
Zach Marshall authored
* Moving to MG5_aMC_v2_2_3_p4 for AGENE-1035 * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-24-01 ---------------------------------------------------- BRANCH FOR WORK WITH 2.2.3 BEFORE 2.3.2 IS VALIDATED ---------------------------------------------------- 2015.08.21 Zach Marshall <> * Moving to MG5_aMC_v2_3_2 (several tickets) * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-24 2015.08.10 Zach Marshall <> * Moving to MG5_aMC_v2_3_0 (AGENE-1010 and AGENE-1012) * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-23
Orel Gueta authored
Changed the printing format of the cross-section to be in scientific notation and with higher precision. (Herwigpp_i-00-06-20) * Tagging: Herwigpp_i-00-06-20 * src/: Changed the printing format of the cross-section to be in scientific notation and with higher precision.
Josh McFayden authored
* Updating generate_from_gridpack for NLO * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-24 2015.08.10 Josh McFayden <> * Updating arrange_output to use is_NLO_run * Fixing run_name for NLO generate_from_gridpack 2015.08.10 Josh McFayden <> * Adding is_NLO_run function and adding real=QCD case * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-23 2015.08.10 Zach Marshall <> * Removing unnecessary config code * Tagging: MadGraphControl-00-05-22
- Sep 25, 2015
James Robinson authored
Restored deprecated generation options. Fixed DYNNLO nominal weight. Increased number of user-configurable parameters. (PowhegControl-00-02-15) * Restored deprecated generateRunCard() and generateEvents() for backwards compatibility * Increased number of user-configurable parameters * Tagged 00-02-15 2015-09-14 James Robinson <> * LHEv3 converter now writes out nominal weight 2015-09-10 James Robinson <> * Added DYNNLO support - manually forces output into LHEv3 format * Fixed random number bug caused by the fact that iseed supercedes pwgseeds.dat * Tagged 00-02-14 2015-09-01 James Robinson <> * Rewrote output handling for robustness against stream blocking * Renaming of strategies and functions (interface is unchanged) 2015-08-28 James Robinson <> * Added output tar-ing when outputTXTFile is supplied * Added VBFssWW (validated); ttj, ssWWjj (unvalidated) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
2015-09-21 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * update to version 1.54 (lcgcmt67c) * tag as Epos-01-54-01 2015-08-26 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * back to version 1.5.3 (new software architecture and fixed requirements) - as 1.5.4 one does not work for gcc48 and higher * tagged Epos-01-53-03 2015-08-26 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * fix for version 1.4 (new software architecture) * tagged Epos-01-40-01 2015-06-10 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * new version new software infrastructure * tag as Epos-01-54-00 2015-06-05 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * fix requeirements * tag as Epos-01-53-02 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* replace Jimmy with HErwig in JOs names in tests * tag as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-41 2015-09-15 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * fix checking of generator names in * tag as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-40 2015-09-08 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * fix checking of generator names in * tag as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-39
James William Monk authored
* Updated weight storage so that names instead of ids are used in the HepMC record * tagging Pythia8_i-00-12-02 2015-09-08 James Monk <> * Added JetMatchingMadGraphHook.cxx for FxFx matching 2015-08-02 James Monk <> * Updated version of GravFlat UserHook from Jan Stark for 13 TeV running
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* fix the parameters of crmc_set_f (AGENE-1015) * tagging as Epos_i-00-01-03 2015-06-12 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * correct the specification of crmc_set_f - as chenged in crmc 1.54 * tagging as Epos_i-00-01-02 2015-05-20 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * comment out print out
Daniel Hayden authored
10-07-15 Daniel Hayden <> * Updated Same as Powheg-00-02-06 (further fixes), but for Rel19. * Tagged Powheg-00-03-04
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* Update to Pythia 8.210 * tag as Pythia8-02-10-00
- Sep 03, 2015
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* fill signal_process_id * tagging QGSJet_i-00-00-03
John Derek Chapman authored
src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.cxx - use TruthUtils/PIDHelpers.h rather than TruthUtils/PIDUtils.h. Requires TruthUtils-02-00-09-04 or later. Tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-01 (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-01) * src/GenParticleSimWhiteList.cxx - use TruthUtils/PIDHelpers.h rather than TruthUtils/PIDUtils.h. Requires TruthUtils-02-00-09-04 or later * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-05-01 representation of AtlasDetDescr::AtlasRegion enum
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Andy Buckley authored
* Tagging TruthUtils-02-00-09-04 * Put PIDHelpers.h into the right folder (d'oh) * Tagging TruthUtils-02-00-09-03 * Add forward compatibility PIDHelpers.h header
jhenders authored
* Removing changes from 2015-07-16 and 2015-07-16 due to MCTruthClassifier issues * Re-adding TrimuMassRangeFilter * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-28 2015-07-24 Jim Henderson <> * Adding TrimuMassRangeFilter, AGENE-1003 * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-27 2015-07-16 Jim Henderson <> * Adding MCTruthClassifier to requirements file, ATLMCPROD-1835 * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-26 2015-07-16 Jim Henderson <> * Updating MissingEtFilter and HTFilter, ATLMCPROD-1835 * Tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-25
John Derek Chapman authored
test/SimCoreTests_TestConfiguration.xml: G4AtlasGeoTest - stop inverting DaughterOvershootGrepper post-processing test, as this succeeds now. Add back in regression test tests where file names were previously wrong - now fixed. Tagging: SimCoreTests-00-01-02-01 (SimCoreTests-00-01-02-01) * test/SimCoreTests_TestConfiguration.xml: G4AtlasGeoTest - stop inverting DaughterOvershootGrepper post-processing test, as this succeeds now. Add back in regression test tests where file names were previously wrong - now fixed. * Tagging: SimCoreTests-00-01-02-01
John Derek Chapman authored
share/, share/, share/ - use ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00 and change output HITS file name to test.HITS.pool.root to match other tests. Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-08-09-03 (G4AtlasApps-00-08-09-03) * Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-08-09-03 * share/, share/, share/ - use ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00 and change output HITS file name to test.HITS.pool.root to match other tests.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
More fixes for Token Extractor: adding protection against throwing std::out_of_range (CollectionUtilities-00-02-24) * More fixes for Token Extractor: adding protection against throwing std::out_of_range
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ - removing unused and unfinished G4ConfigTool implementation (ATLASSIM-2053). Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-12 (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-12) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-37-12 * python/ - removing unused and unfinished G4ConfigTool implementation (ATLASSIM-2053)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/, share/ - removing unused 'UseNewG4Config' flag from ISF flags (ATLASSIM-2053). Tagging ISF_Config-00-01-18-04 (ISF_Config-00-01-18-04) * python/, share/ - removing unused 'UseNewG4Config' flag from ISF flags (ATLASSIM-2053) * tagging ISF_Config-00-01-18-04
Elmar Ritsch authored
removing unused and unfinised G4ConfigTool implementation (ATLASSIM-2053) (ISF_Geant4Config-00-01-23)
- Aug 12, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored