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Pull mirroring updated .
- Apr 24, 2015
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Added with updated mu distribution for 1st week of data taking (RunDependentSimData-00-00-51) * share/, share/ uncomment include of * Tagging RunDependentSimData-00-00-50 2015-04-XX David * adding share/, share/ * Tagging RunDependentSimData-00-00-49
Nicholas Styles authored
James Catmore authored
James Catmore authored
Nicholas Styles authored
* Fix Monitoring verbosity * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-54 2015-04-20 Nick Styles * Add option to use SCT Module Veto Service * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-53
Gabriele Sabato authored
Using different configuration for JetCalibrationTool to avoid ERROR messages in Cosmic run (JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-15) * Using different configuration for JetCalibrationTool to avoid ERROR messages in Cosmic run. * tag JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-15 2015-04-20 Gabriele Sabato<> * Removing code duplication in JetMissingEtIdentificationTagTool * Using the already calibrated jets from JetMissingEtTagTool "AntiKt4LCTopoJets_TAGcalib" * Change config option in the JetCalibrationTool aj->aroj * tag JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-14
Mark Hodgkinson authored
* Tagging JetRecTools-00-03-23 * Update to use new interface of m_tvaTool in TrackVertexAssociationTool.cxx (JetRecTools-00-03-23)
Bo Liu authored
Change interface to avoid the crash from NULL pointer, more seen ChangeLog (TrackVertexAssociationTool-00-00-04)
- Apr 21, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* update MV2Tag.cxx: fix crash using TTree with egammaMVACalib package * tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-42-01
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Added two new config files to update run222510 and 222525 as requested (RunDependentSimData-00-00-49)
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
Christian Ohm authored
Update of frozen Tier-0 policy test log file post processing, and added two containers to POOL file comparison ignore list (Tier0ChainTests-00-02-80) * Fixed names of log files to parse for comparison job post processing * Added "EventFormat" and "_TagInfo" to ignore list for POOL file comparisons * Tagged as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-80
- Karl Czodrowski authored
* Fix TrigID JO - thanks to Ben * PhysValMonitoring-00-01-36 08.04.2015 <> * importing tool needed for muons * tagging PhysValMonitoring-00-01-35 31.03.2015 <> * Change for Muon JOs, added plots for STACO author * tagging PhysValMonitoring-00-01-34 25.03.2015 <> * Change for Muon JOs, removing plots for disabled muonauthor * tagging PhysValMonitoring-00-01-33
Xiaohu Sun authored
* add ATN Reco_MC15_13TeV * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-14 2015-04-19 Xiaohu SUN * replacing Reco_MC15_13TeV_nopileup with Reco_MC15_13TeV in the chain * keep Reco_MC15_13TeV_nopileup out of the chain * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-13 2015-04-13 Xiaohu SUN * data11_7TeV_diffinput turn CaloMon LArMon off tmp, follow ATLASRECTS-1957 * DigiMReco_FCT turn off CaloMon LArMon, follow ATLASRECTS-1695 * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-12
Sasha Mazurov authored
Christian Ohm authored
* Adjust to r20 logs to fix TCT comparisons * python/ * python/
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Use object et for Run2 -- same as offline * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-18
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
* Revert TriggerTrheshold fix for cut-base * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29-03 2015-04-16 Ludovica Aperio Bella <> * Trigger Trheshold fix for cut-base * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29-02
Elisabetta Pianori authored
* Fix for Deta default value (ATR-10828) * Needs TrigJetHypo-03-00-23 * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-07 2015-04-16 Viviana Cavaliere * Added New egamma chains for mc15a fixing a chain (ATR-10849) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-06 2015-04-16 Viviana Cavaliere * Added New egamma chains for mc15a (alignment-robust nod0 & TRT commissioning) ATR-10849 * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-05 2015-04-15 Catrin Bernius * Enabling noalg_mb_L1MBTS_X_Y triggers in the loose PS (ATR-10813) * Fixed a typo in a bjet chain (ATR-10809) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-04 2015-04-15 Catrin Bernius * Making first branch tag, using 03 because -01/-02 tags already used * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-03 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Sherwood authored
Nicholas Styles authored
* Turn off SG Deletion for VtxLumi * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-52 2015-03-27 Roland Jansky * Modified JobProperties to never run TRTPhaseCalculation if pseudo tracking is on and newtracking off.
Semen Turchikhin authored
* Fix non-unique tracks issue in EFBMuMuXFex (#ATR-10839) * Fix the rest of coverity warnings (#ATR-10754) * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-35
Anthony Morley authored
* Fix coverity issue 28771 * Tagged as InDetPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-01-12
Craig Wiglesworth authored
Elemer Nagy authored
Niels Van Eldik authored
* fix CSC hit counts * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-70 2015-04-10 Massimiliano Bellomo <> * MuonCombinedFitTagTool using mag field svc to check toriod-off case for SA fit * cmt/requirements use mag field svc package * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-69 2015-04-09 Peter Kluit * Fix for Toroid off ATLASRECTS-1970 * MuonCombinedFitTagTool.cxx * do not refit SA track * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-01-68
Giuseppe Lerner authored
* Changed queue of jobTransforms from short to long * TrigEgammaValidation-00-08-08
Susan Cheatham authored
* Remove declaration UserStore, DetStore and EvtStore: ATLASRECTS-1979 * Tagging as MuGirlStau-00-02-24
David Adams authored
* JetRec-03-00-36 * ATLJETMET-323 * python/ Lower cone-labeling jet-pT threhold from 10 GeV to zero for non-track jets. * share/test_RunJetRec.log.clean.ref, share/pflowjets.log.clean.ref, rdotoesd/*.ref: Update for above change.
Susan Cheatham authored
doDecoding configurable to prevent MuGirl decoding modules when run in TrigMuSuperEF (MuGirlCandidate-00-02-05) * doDecoding configurable added to prevent MuGirl decoding modules when run in TrigMuSuperEF * Tagging MuGirlCandidate-00-02-05
Elisabetta Pianori authored
* Update LVL1config_Physics_pp_v5.xml to be consistent with HLT TM-00-09-40 * Not yet deployed at P1 (ATR-10786) * TriggerMenuXML-04-00-62
Massimiliano Bellomo authored
* src/CombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx using mag field svc to check toriod-off case for SA fit * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-49 2015-04-09 Peter Kluit * fix for Toroid off running ATLASRECTS-1970 * do not perform SA fit in case of Toroid off data * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-48 2015-04-01 Sue Cheatham <> * reduce warning to debug "indetExtension:: reject with insufficient MS measurements" * ATLASRECTS-1786 * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-47
Joerg Stelzer authored
* Remove the use of TF.triggerUseFrontier from connection manager * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-45
Bertrand Laforge authored
John Derek Chapman authored
python/, python/, scripts/ - override skipEvents argument so that it is only applied to the EVNTtoHTIS step by default. As suggested by Graeme Stewart in ATLASSIM-492. EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-05-02 (EventOverlayJobTransforms-00-05-02)
Dimitris Varouchas authored
- Apr 15, 2015
Sarka Todorova authored
* recover covariance in the previous fix * Tagged as TrkExTools-03-01-31