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- May 04, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Christian Ohm authored
Further improvements to the notification email and script (Tier0ChainTests-00-02-84) * Major update of script which was very outdated. Not perfect yet, but job status reported is now correct 2015-05-01 Christian Ohm <> * Update of notification email * Tagged as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-83 2015-04-30 Thijs Cornelissen <> * Fixes for MC15 test * Tagged as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-82 2015-04-27 Thijs Cornelissen <> * Add MC15 and trigger transform tests * Tagged as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-81
Antonio Limosani authored
Scott Snyder authored
Jochen Meyer authored
Siarhei Harkusha authored
renamed some triggers and added some new histograms for Tier0 and online monitoring (TileMonitoring-00-07-42) * cmt/requirements: added dependency on ByteStreamCnvSvcBase * TileRODMonTool: added histograms with rod fragment size per run and per lumiblock; added histograms with relative difference betwean energy and time in dsp and offline per partition added possibility to avoid filling histograms with releative difference betwean energy and time in dsp and offline per dsp which is controlled by new property Details * TileCellMonTool.cxx: removed labels from histogram with correlated modules * Tagging TileMonitoring-00-07-42 2015-04-24 Siarhei Harkusha <> * share/ set up TDAQ_IPC_TIMEOUT environment variable for noise and time monitoring jobs * src/TileDQFragMonTool.cxx: added new errors in DMU header errors histograms: ANY_CH_BAD_HV => any channel in DMU have bad HV ALL_M_BAD_DCS => all module has bad DCS status. * src/TileDigitsMonTool.cxx: set up errors to RMS on pedestal histograms. 2015-04-23 Siarhei Harkusha <> * src/TileDigitsMonTool.cxx: don't search stuck bits if statistics is poor (modified by Tibor) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
David Adams authored
* JetRec-03-00-39-01 * ATLJETMET-333, ATLJETMET-321 * trigger/go: Update for new trigger names. * */*.ref: Update for new track selection. 2015-04-30 Mark Hodgkinson * JetRec-03-00-39-00 * ATLJETMET-333 * python/, python/ Add loose track selection to track jets 2015-04-23 Mark Hodgkinson * JetRec-03-00-39 * ATLJETMET-335 * The initial tag of the JetRec-03-00-39-branch is JetRec-03-00-39 * This branch of tags is for the 20.1 Tier0 release
Massimo Corradi authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Improved reporting of core dump information (ATLASJT-224) (PyJobTransforms-02-03-47) * Tag PyJobTransforms-02-03-47 2015-04-29 Frank Volkmer <> * python/ - added string to list unfolding for all files arguments containing (" ") * test/ - Add test_info_r65i94 to verify string to list unfolding 2015-04-29 Lisa Errenst <> * python/ - Edit athena logfile scan to find and parse missed bad_alloc * python/ - Remove duplicates SIGIOT, SIGCLD and SIGPOLL from error code list * test/ - Add test for missed bad_alloc to test_badAlloc and combined coreDumpTests 2015-04-20 Frank Volkmer <> * python/ - added string to list unfolding for Exec parameters * test/ ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Viviana Cavaliere authored
* Added mu14_iloose (ATR-10952) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-10 2015-04-29 Catrin Bernius * Added egamma triggers (ATR-10849) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-09 2015-04-16 Viviana Cavaliere * Fixing narrow scan chain with 0 counts (ATR-10822) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-08
James Catmore authored
* Restoring Q variable * Tagged as xAODTruthCnv-00-01-14
Jack Cranshaw authored
Walter Lampl authored
LArDSPThresholdsFlat: bugfix for valgrind error reported as RECTS-2020 + bounds checking (LArCOOLConditions-00-00-16)
Peter Onyisi authored
* Fix hancool for Run 2 * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-00 2015-04-15 Yuriy Ilchenko <yuriy.ilchenko AT> * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-19-02 with David's 'have_root_headers' fix 2015-04-15 David Quarrie <> * cmt/requirements Remove the cmake-specific dictionary creation commands now that 'have_root_headers' is being used 2015-03-22 Peter Onyisi <ponyisi AT> * Add panic function to send MQ message * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-19-01
Susan Cheatham authored
* StauTileCal change nEbins * Tagging as MuGirlStau-00-02-25
Rachel Reisner Hinman authored
- Apr 24, 2015
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Added with updated mu distribution for 1st week of data taking (RunDependentSimData-00-00-51) * share/, share/ uncomment include of * Tagging RunDependentSimData-00-00-50 2015-04-XX David * adding share/, share/ * Tagging RunDependentSimData-00-00-49
Nicholas Styles authored
James Catmore authored
James Catmore authored
Nicholas Styles authored
* Fix Monitoring verbosity * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-54 2015-04-20 Nick Styles * Add option to use SCT Module Veto Service * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-53
Gabriele Sabato authored
Using different configuration for JetCalibrationTool to avoid ERROR messages in Cosmic run (JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-15) * Using different configuration for JetCalibrationTool to avoid ERROR messages in Cosmic run. * tag JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-15 2015-04-20 Gabriele Sabato<> * Removing code duplication in JetMissingEtIdentificationTagTool * Using the already calibrated jets from JetMissingEtTagTool "AntiKt4LCTopoJets_TAGcalib" * Change config option in the JetCalibrationTool aj->aroj * tag JetMissingEtTagTools-00-02-14
Mark Hodgkinson authored
* Tagging JetRecTools-00-03-23 * Update to use new interface of m_tvaTool in TrackVertexAssociationTool.cxx (JetRecTools-00-03-23)
Bo Liu authored
Change interface to avoid the crash from NULL pointer, more seen ChangeLog (TrackVertexAssociationTool-00-00-04)
- Apr 21, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* update MV2Tag.cxx: fix crash using TTree with egammaMVACalib package * tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-42-01
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Added two new config files to update run222510 and 222525 as requested (RunDependentSimData-00-00-49)
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
Christian Ohm authored
Update of frozen Tier-0 policy test log file post processing, and added two containers to POOL file comparison ignore list (Tier0ChainTests-00-02-80) * Fixed names of log files to parse for comparison job post processing * Added "EventFormat" and "_TagInfo" to ignore list for POOL file comparisons * Tagged as Tier0ChainTests-00-02-80
- Karl Czodrowski authored
* Fix TrigID JO - thanks to Ben * PhysValMonitoring-00-01-36 08.04.2015 <> * importing tool needed for muons * tagging PhysValMonitoring-00-01-35 31.03.2015 <> * Change for Muon JOs, added plots for STACO author * tagging PhysValMonitoring-00-01-34 25.03.2015 <> * Change for Muon JOs, removing plots for disabled muonauthor * tagging PhysValMonitoring-00-01-33
Xiaohu Sun authored
* add ATN Reco_MC15_13TeV * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-14 2015-04-19 Xiaohu SUN * replacing Reco_MC15_13TeV_nopileup with Reco_MC15_13TeV in the chain * keep Reco_MC15_13TeV_nopileup out of the chain * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-13 2015-04-13 Xiaohu SUN * data11_7TeV_diffinput turn CaloMon LArMon off tmp, follow ATLASRECTS-1957 * DigiMReco_FCT turn off CaloMon LArMon, follow ATLASRECTS-1695 * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-02-12
Sasha Mazurov authored
Christian Ohm authored
* Adjust to r20 logs to fix TCT comparisons * python/ * python/
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Use object et for Run2 -- same as offline * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-18
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
* Revert TriggerTrheshold fix for cut-base * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29-03 2015-04-16 Ludovica Aperio Bella <> * Trigger Trheshold fix for cut-base * Tagging as ElectronPhotonSelectorTools-00-02-29-02
Elisabetta Pianori authored
* Fix for Deta default value (ATR-10828) * Needs TrigJetHypo-03-00-23 * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-07 2015-04-16 Viviana Cavaliere * Added New egamma chains for mc15a fixing a chain (ATR-10849) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-06 2015-04-16 Viviana Cavaliere * Added New egamma chains for mc15a (alignment-robust nod0 & TRT commissioning) ATR-10849 * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-05 2015-04-15 Catrin Bernius * Enabling noalg_mb_L1MBTS_X_Y triggers in the loose PS (ATR-10813) * Fixed a typo in a bjet chain (ATR-10809) * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-04 2015-04-15 Catrin Bernius * Making first branch tag, using 03 because -01/-02 tags already used * TriggerMenu-00-09-41-03 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Peter Sherwood authored
Nicholas Styles authored
* Turn off SG Deletion for VtxLumi * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-52 2015-03-27 Roland Jansky * Modified JobProperties to never run TRTPhaseCalculation if pseudo tracking is on and newtracking off.