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- Oct 28, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Extended TDC plot range from 1400 to 2000
Gabriele Chiodini authored
Peter Onyisi authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
The SCT MonitoringTool now has histograms which only look at the first bunch of a bunch train to measure intrinsic hit efficiency without being effected by the 01X cut. (InDetRecExample-02-05-64-06)
Michael Boehler authored
John Derek Chapman authored
cmt/requirements - replace use statement for TrigDecisionTool with statements for TrigConfInterfaces and TrigConfHLTData. src/BSFilter.cxx/.h - remove include for TrigDecisionTool.h and add includes for TrigConfHLTData/HLTChainList.h and TrigConfInterfaces/ITrigConfigSvc.h. OverlayCommonAlgs-00-03-01-02 (OverlayCommonAlgs-00-03-01-02) * cmt/requirements - replace use statement for TrigDecisionTool with statements for TrigConfInterfaces and TrigConfHLTData. * src/BSFilter.cxx/.h - remove include for TrigDecisionTool.h and add includes for TrigConfHLTData/HLTChainList.h and TrigConfInterfaces/ITrigConfigSvc.h * OverlayCommonAlgs-00-03-01-02
Shohei Shirabe authored
* remove std::cout<<"For BCID"<<BCID... * tag as SCT_Monitoring-00-06-57 2015-10-19 Shohei Shirabe * Add the histograms of the efficiency with first BCID events * tag as SCT_Monitoring-00-06-56
Elemer Nagy authored
Kristian Anders Gregersen authored
* updated usage of track selector (removed requirement on having one IBL hit) * added/updated histograms for low level b-tagging info * tag: JetTagMonitoring-00-04-18
Peter Onyisi authored
* Added missing * Fix accidental display of over/underflow bins due to ROOT version upgrade * Tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-16 2015-10-01 Peter Onyisi * James Frost tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-14 * MDT monitoring folks removed MuonTrackPhys postprocessing, tweaked a few more things * yours truly tagged DataQualityUtils-02-20-15
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ (getStandardForwardPileUpTools): Rename ZDC_DigitizationTool to ZDC_PileUpTool. ATLASSIM-2289. Tagging: Digitization-01-17-01 (Digitization-01-17-01)
Joerg Stelzer authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Fix output alignment, putting Topo modules 0 and 1 on CTP front panel cables 1 and 2 (L1TopoSimulation-00-00-16-01)
Sanya Solodkov authored
Fabrizio Salvatore authored
python/ added HI specific Jet containers (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-03) * python/ added HI specific Jet containers * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-03
Kenji Hamano authored
* tagged : TrigMETMonitoring-00-04-18 * added : Significance (HLT_XS) and MET_etaphi histograms for each trigger and alig. 2015-Oct-05 Kenji Hamano <> * fix : component names in * removed Eff_ histograms from trigger and algorithm folders
Joerg Stelzer authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Joerg Stelzer authored
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
- Oct 20, 2015
Tony Tong authored
2015-10-19 <> * Fix muon segment RZ position plot bug * Tagging MuonHistUtils-00-03-24 2015-09-21 <> * Add Muon segment plot prec/trig hit efficiency per eta station * Tagging MuonHistUtils-00-03-23 * Add Muon segment plot precision hit efficiency * Tagging MuonHistUtils-00-03-22
Andrzej Olszewski authored
* Updated Modified HI tests. Split tests with/without monitoring. * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-00 2015-10-14 Andrzej Olszewski <> * Updated Modified HI tests. Added test on 2015 pp data. * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-02-99
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
Daiki Yamaguchi authored
* changed the overlapped names in Errors.cxx 2015-10-13 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * debuged the "uninitialized pointers" reported in cid 16972 2015-10-13 Kazuki Motohashi <> * applied a calibration of the NTCs on the IBL cooling pipe 2015-10-11 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * normalize the error (bit) at each LB histograms in Errors.cxx 2015-10-10 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * add the #tracks per mu per event at each LB in Track.cxx
Tatjana Lenz authored
* added histograms for MV2C20 discriminant in bins of phi * tag: JetTagMonitoring-00-04-17 2015-10-13 Kristian Gregersen <> * added histograms for MV2c20 discriminant in bins of pT and eta * fixed conditional for filling histograms for tracks with failed cuts * added eta-phi histogram of bad jets
Fabrizio Salvatore authored
corrected typo: xAOD::JEMTobRoIContainer#JEMTobRoIsRoIB instead of xAOD::JEMTobRoIAuxContainer#JEMTobRoIsRoIB (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-02)
Sasha Mazurov authored
Fix typo in the decoders' configuration for xAOD::JEMTobRoIContainer objects (TrigT1CaloByteStream-00-09-45)
- Oct 15, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
Tony Tong authored
Shohei Shirabe authored
Kazuki Motohashi authored
John Derek Chapman authored
Goetz Gaycken authored