This project is mirrored from
Pull mirroring updated .
- Sep 18, 2015
Marcin Nowak authored
- Sep 15, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Nicholas Styles authored
Miles Wu authored
Miles Wu authored
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
grybkine: cmt/requirements: Define AtlasHepMCAnalysis_native_version macro (AtlasHepMCAnalysis-00-00-23)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/InDetTrigAmbiguitySolver.cxx (InDetTrigAmbiguitySolver): coverity fix, tagged as InDetTrigAmbiguitySolver-00-04-25
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
- share/ - set globalFlags.DetDescrVersion rather than simFlags.SimLayout. ATLASSIM-1919. - tag CaloDigEx-00-00-74
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* python/, python/ - add EntryLayerFilter configuration for MC12LLP truth strategy. ATLASSIM-2129 * tag as ISF_Tools-00-04-08 2015-05-15 Elmar Ritsch <> *, adding EntryLayerFilter configuration for 'MC12Plus' and 'MC15aPlus' truth strategies (ATLASSIM-1967) * tag as ISF_Tools-00-04-07
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* AthenaBaseComps migration * tag MuonSpShowerBuilderAlgs-00-06-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging TrackToVertex-01-00-07. * src/TrackToVertex.cxx (initialize): Fix clang warning: can't concatenate a char* and a ToolHandle.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* ATLJETMET-372 * Root/JetTruthParticleSelectorTool.cxx : fix bugs in isWZDecay * thanks to T.J. Khoo * change intended to go in 19.2.3.X releases. * JetSimTools-00-02-09-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* iPatTrackFollower/SiliconClusterMap.h: typo in include guard * tag as iPatTrackFollower-02-11-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* update the memory information - taken first three numbers from /proc/self/statm * and multiplied by the pagesize * tagged as RecAlgs-00-00-20 * Tagged as RecAlgs-00-00-19
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Fixing wrong initializations of ToolHandles
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements Create a dual_use rather than component library since the latter can't be used to create a dictionary using CMake * Tagged as TrackVertexAssociationTool-00-00-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* cmt/requirements Declare this as a metalibrary for cmake so that its clients have access to the libraries and header files of packages that this one depends on * Tagged as TrkFitterInterfaces-01-00-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
13-08-2015 Jochen Meyer * removing redundant dependency on GeoAdaptors * Tagged MSVertexUtils-00-01-08 29-05-2015 Jochen Meyer * fixing dependencies (thanks to Zachary Marshall) * Tagged MSVertexUtils-00-01-07 16-03-2015 Andrea Coccaro <Andrea.Coccaro AT> * using *this in operator= * Tagged MSVertexUtils-00-01-06 02-03-2015 <> * Added assignment operator to address Coverity defect * Tagged MSVertexUtils-00-01-05 04-02-2015 <>
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coverity defect 13977 * Tagging MuonTrackFindingEvent-01-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixing issues introduced in the previous 2 tags (thanks Scott Snyder) * MuonCompetingClustersOnTrackCreator-01-00-04 2015-05-18 Jochen Meyer * migration to AthenaBaseComps * MuonCompetingClustersOnTrackCreator-01-00-03 2015-05-18 Jochen Meyer * addressing coverity defect 13811 * MuonCompetingClustersOnTrackCreator-01-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coverity defect 28923 * tagging RPC_LinearSegmentMakerTool-01-00-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* AthenaBaseComps migration * tagging MuonSegmentCleaner-01-00-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coverity defect 30092 * tagging MuonStationIntersectSvc-01-00-04 2015-04-28 Jochen Meyer * addressing coverity defects 13978, 14008 * tagging MuonStationIntersectSvc-01-00-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* AthenaBaseComps migration * MuonAssociationTools-01-00-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Alg->AthAlg + coverity fixes * tag as MuonTGMeasAssocAlg-01-00-04
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* AthenaBaseComps migration * tagging MuonCombinePatternTools-01-00-02
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coverity defect 28700 * MuonPrepRawDataToxAOD-00-00-11
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Tagging MuonRdoToPrepData-01-06-05. * AthenaBaseComps migration.
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coveriy defects 13884, 29023 * tagging MdtCalibRt-02-00-04
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Remove MdtValidationAlg::DisconnectDb(), no longer used * Code cleaned and documentation * tagging MdtCalibValidation-00-02-02 2015-02-21 Domizia Orestano <> * cmt/requirements add use statement for AthenaBaseComps * MdtCalibValidation/*.h and src/*.cxx move from Algorithm to AthAlgorithm * tagging MdtCalibValidation-00-02-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coverity defect 13682 (again ...) * Tagged as MdtCalibT0-00-09-09 2015-05-12 Jochen Meyer * addressing coverity defect 13682 * Tagged as MdtCalibT0-00-09-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tagging MuonCalibAlgs-02-01-02 2015-02-21 Domizia Orestano <> * cmt/requirements add use statement for AthenaBaseComps * MuonCalibAlg.h move from Algorithm to AthAlgorithm * MuonCalibAlg.cxx move from Algorithm to AthAlgorithm * Tagged as * tagging MuonCalibAlgs-02-01-01
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coverity defect 13830 (in agreement with Peter Kluit) * tagging MuonCalibExtraTreeEvent-01-00-05 04-05-2015 Jochen Meyer * addressing coverity defects 14766-7, 30046, 13623 * tagging MuonCalibExtraTreeEvent-01-00-04 14-04-2015 Jochen Meyer * addressing coverity defects 14248, 13494, 14595-8, 14765-7 * tagging MuonCalibExtraTreeEvent-01-00-03
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* addressing coverity defects 13625-7 * tagging MuonCalibExtraNtuple-02-00-03