# CMS Ph2 ACF (Acquisition & Control Framework)
- A middleware API layer, implemented in C++, which wraps the firmware calls and handshakes into abstracted functions
- A C++ object-based library describing the system components (CBCs, RD53, Hybrids, Boards) and their properties (values, status)
### A short guide to write the GoldenImage to the SD card
1. Connect the SD card
2. Download the golden firmware from the [cms-tracker-daq webpage](
3. `sudo fdisk -l` - find the name of the SD card (for example, /dev/mmcblk0)
4. `sudo chmod 744 /dev/sd_card_name` - to be able to play with it
5. Go to the folder were you saved the sdgoldenimage.img file
6. `dd if=sdgoldenimage.img of=/dev/sd_card_name bs=512` - to write the image to the SD card.
If the SD card is partitioned (formatted), pay attention to write on the block device (e.g. `/dev/mmcblk0`) and not inside the partition (e.g. `/dev/mmcblk0p1`)
7. Once the previous command is done, you can list the SD card: `./imgtool /dev/sd_card_name list` - there should be a GoldenImage.bin, with 20MB block size
8. Insert the SD card into the FC7
Alternatively, instead of the `dd` command above, to only copy the needed bytes you can do:
dd if=$imageName bs=512 iflag=count_bytes of=somefile_or_device count=$(ls -s --block-size=1 $imageName | awk '{print $1}')
If you installed the command `pv` (`sudo yum install -y pv`), then the best way is the following (replacing `/dev/mmcblk0` with your target device):
pv sdgoldenimage.img | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0
- Mattermost forum: [`cms-it-daq`](
- DAQ web page:
- Detailed description of the various calibrations:
- ROC tuning sequence:
- Program to generate enable/injection patterns for x-talk studies: `pyUtilsIT/`
- Mask converter from `Ph2_ACF` to `Alki's` code: `pyUtilsIT/`
1. Install `wireshark` in order to figure out which is the MAC address of your FC7 board (`sudo yum install wireshark`, then run `sudo tshark -i ethernet_card`, where `ethernet_card` is the name of the ethernet card of your PC to which the FC7 is connected to)
2. In `/etc/ethers` put `mac_address fc7.board.1` and in `/etc/hosts` put ` fc7.board.1`
3. Restart the network: `sudo /etc/init.d/network restart`
4. Install the rarpd daemon (version for CENTOS6 should work just fine even for CENTOS7): `sudo yum install rarp_file_name.rpm` from [here](
5. Start the rarpd daemon: `sudo systemctl start rarpd` or `sudo rarp -e -A` (to start rarpd automatically after bootstrap: `sudo systemctl enable rarpd`)
More details on the hardware needed to setup the system can be found [here](
1. Check whether the DIP switches on FC7 board are setup for the use of a microSD card (`out-in-in-in-out-in-in-in`)
2. Insert a microSD card in the PC and run `/sbin/fdisk -l` to understand to which dev it's attached to (`/dev/sd_card_name`)
3. Upload a golden firmware on the microSD card (read FC7 manual or run `dd if=sdgoldenimage.img of=/dev/sd_card_name bs=512`)
4. Download the proper IT firmware version from [here](
6. From Ph2_ACF use the command `fpgaconfig` to upload the proper IT firmware (see instructions: `IT-DAQ setup and run` before running this command)
**N.B.:** a golden firmware is any stable firmware either from IT or OT, and it's needed just to initialize the `IPbus` communication at bootstrap (in order to create and image of the microSD card you can use the command: `dd if=/dev/sd_card_name conv=sync,noerror bs=128K | gzip -c > sdgoldenimage.img.gz`) <br />
A golden firmware can be downloaded from the [cms-tracker-daq webpage]( <br />
A detailed manual about the firmware can be found [here](
1. Folow instructions below to install all needed software packages (like `pugixml`, `boost`, `python`. etc ...)
3. `cp settings/RD53Files/CMSIT_RD53A/B.txt choose_a_name`
4. `cp settings/CMSIT_RD53A/B.xml choose_a_name`
6. Edit the file `CMSIT_RD53A/B.xml` in case you want to change some parameters needed for the calibrations or for configuring the chip
7. Run the command: `CMSITminiDAQ -f CMSIT_RD53A/B.xml -r` to reset the FC7 (just once)
8. Run the command: `CMSITminiDAQ -f CMSIT_RD53A/B.xml -c name_of_the_calibration` (or `CMSITminiDAQ --help` for help)
**N.B.:** to speed up the `IPbus` communication you can implement [this]( trick
**Basic list of commands for the `fpgaconfig` program (run from the `choose_a_name` directory):**
- Run the command: `fpgaconfig -c CMSIT_RD53A/B.xml -l` to check which firmware is on the microSD card
- Run the command: `fpgaconfig -c CMSIT_RD53A/B.xml -f firmware_file_name_on_the_PC -i firmware_file_name_on_the_microSD` to upload a new firmware to the microSD card
- Run the command: `fpgaconfig -c CMSIT_RD53A/B.xml -i firmware_file_name_on_the_microSD` to load a new firmware from the microSD card to the FPGA
The program `CMSITminiDAQ` is the portal for all calibrations and for data taking.
Through `CMSITminiDAQ`, and with the right command line option, you can run the following scans/ calibrations/ operation mode:
1. Latency scan
2. PixelAlive
3. Noise scan
5. Gain scan
6. Threshold equalization
7. Gain optimization
8. Threshold minimization
9. Threshold adjustment
10. Injection delay scan
11. Clock delay scan
12. Bit Error Rate test
13. Data read back optimisation
It might be useful to create one `CMSIT.xml` file for each "set" of calibrations, for instance `noise`, `gain`, and "the rest".
### Setup
Firmware for the FC7 can be found in /firmware. Since the "old" FMC flavour is deprecated, only new FMCs (both connectors on the same side) are supported.
You'll need Xilinx Vivado and a Xilinx Platform Cable USB II (
For more information on the firmware, please check the doc directory of
### Gitlab CI setup for Developers (required to submit merge requests!!!)
i. from `settings > CI/CD` expand the `Runners` section
ii. click the `Allow shared Runners` button
sudo yum install -y centos-release-scl-rh
sudo yum install -y devtoolset-10
2. On CC7 you also need to install boost v1.53 headers (default on this system) and pugixml as they don't ship with uHAL any more:
sudo yum install -y boost-devel pugixml-devel json-devel
2. Install uHAL. SW tested with uHAL version up to 2.7.1
Follow instructions from
sudo yum install -y root
sudo yum install -y root-net-http root-net-httpsniff root-graf3d-gl root-physics root-montecarlo-eg root-graf3d-eve root-geom libusb-devel xorg-x11-xauth.x86_64
sudo yum install -y python3 python3-devel
Follow instructions from
8. Install pybind11 (if installed in the same directoory when you plan to install the Ph2_ACF, the will point to the correct location)
tar zxvf v2.9.2.tar.gz
### Run in docker container
Docker container are provided to facilitate users and developers in setting up the framework.
All docker containers can be found here:
Do run using one of the container, use the command:
docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD <image>
Suggested images are:
- For users (comes with Ph2_ACF of Dev branch installed): ``
- For developers (no Ph2_ACF, just environment and libraries): ``
Specific tags can be pulled substituting `latest` with `ph2_acf_<Ph2_ACF tag>` (i.e. `ph2_acf_v4-05`)
### clang-format (required to submit merge requests!!!)
1. install 7.0 llvm toolset:
yum install centos-release-scl
yum install llvm-toolset-7.0
2. if you already sourced the environment, you should be able to run the command to format the Ph2_ACF (to be done before each merge request!!!):
### git requirements (required to push after large files have been added!!!)
sudo yum install git-lfs
git-lfs install
git config lfs. true # or your username instead of cms_tk_ph2
Follow these instructions to install and compile the libraries (provided you installed the latest version of gcc, µHal, mentioned above):
Georg Auzinger
1. Clone the GitHub repo and run cmake
git clone --recurse-submodules # N.B. to syncrhonize only the submodule: `git submodule sync; git submodule update --init --recursive --remote`
cd Ph2_ACF
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. # add -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug if you plan to use gdb for debugging, if you yum-instanlled `cmake3`, you might need to tall it `cmake3 ..`
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2. Do a `make -jN` in the build/ directory or alternatively do `make -C build/ -jN` in the Ph2_ACF root directory.
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3. Don't forget to `source` to set all the environment variables correctly.
systemtest --help
to test the parsing of the HWDescription.xml file.
Georg Auzinger
5. Launch
datatest --help
to test if you can correctly read data
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6. Launch
calibrate --help
to calibrate a hybrid,
Georg Auzinger
hybridtest --help
to test a hybird's I2C registers and input channel connectivity
cmtest --help
to run the CM noise study
pulseshape --help
to measure the analog pulseshape of the cbc
configure --help
to apply a configuration to the CBCs
Georg Auzinger
7. Launch
commission --help
to do latency & threshold scans
fpgaconfig --help
to upload a new FW image to the GLIB
Georg Auzinger
9. Launch
miniDAQ --help
to save binary data from the GLIB to file
Georg Auzinger
10. Launch
miniDQM --help
to run the DQM code from the June '15 beamtest
### Setup on CentOs8 (deprecated)
The following procedure will install (in order):
1. the `boost` and `pugixml` libraries
2. the `cactus` libraries for ipBus (using [these instructions](
3. `root` with all its needed libraries
4. `cmake`, tools for clang, including `clang-format` and `git-extras`
sudo yum install -y boost-devel pugixml-devel json-devel
sudo curl \
-o /etc/yum.repos.d/ipbus-sw.repo
sudo yum-config-manager --enable powertools
sudo yum clean all
sudo yum groupinstall uhal
sudo yum install -y root root-net-http root-net-httpsniff root-graf3d-gl root-physics \
root-montecarlo-eg root-graf3d-eve root-geom libusb-devel xorg-x11-xauth.x86_64
sudo yum install -y cmake3
sudo yum install -y clang-tools-extra
sudo yum install -y git-extras
Install devtoolset 10
sudo yum install -y python3 python3-devel
Follow instructions to install protobuf from (Just install section is needed)
Install `pybind11` (if installed in the same directoory when you plan to install the Ph2_ACF, the will point to the correct location)
tar zxvf v2.9.2.tar.gz
The following procedure will install (in order):
2. when installing `rarpd` use the version for `Fedora`
3. the `boost` and `pugixml` libraries
4. `erlang` (using [these instructions](
5. the `cactus` libraries for ipBus (using [these instructions](
6. `root` with all its needed libraries
7. `cmake`, tools for clang, including `clang-format` and `git-extras`
#### Complete the CERN installation
Make sure that the CERN installation is complete by running
sudo dnf --repofrompath=cern9el, --repo=cern9el install cern-release
#### Libraries needed by Ph2_ACF
sudo yum install -y boost-devel pugixml-devel json-devel
#### Erlang (needed by uHAL)
This installs `erlang` from a specific rpm. It would be nice if in the future, the correct version
of `erlang` could be made available via the CERN repository
sudo yum -y install erlang-25.1.2-1.el9.x86_64.rpm
#### uHAL libraries (cactus)
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/ipbus-sw.repo
sudo yum clean all
sudo yum groupinstall -y uhal controlhub
#### ROOT
sudo yum install -y root root-net-http root-net-httpsniff root-graf3d-gl root-physics \
root-montecarlo-eg root-graf3d-eve root-geom libusb-devel xorg-x11-xauth.x86_64
#### Build tools and some nice git extras
sudo yum install -y cmake3 clang-tools-extra git-extras
**devtoolset 12**
sudo yum makecache --refresh
sudo yum install -y python3 python3-devel
Follow instructions to install protobuf from (Just install section is needed)
**pybind11** (if installed in the same directoory when you plan to install the Ph2_ACF, the will point to the correct location)
tar zxvf v2.9.2.tar.gz
When you write a register in the Glib or the Cbc, the corresponding map of the HWDescription object in memory is also updated, so that you always have an exact replica of the HW Status in the memory.
Register values are:
- 8-bit unsigend integers for the CBCs that should be edited in hex notation, i.e. '0xFF'
- 32-bit unsigned integers for the GLIB: decimal values
For debugging purpose, you can activate DEV_FLAG in the sources or in the Makefile and also activate the uHal log in
Please see the D19C FW [documentation]( for instructions on how to use external clock and trigger with the various FMCs (DIO5 and CBC3 FMC)
uHAL exceptions and UDP timeouts when reading larger packet sizes from the GLIB board: this can happen for some users (cause not yet identified) but can be circumvented by changing the line
Georg Auzinger
in the connections.xml file to
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and then launching the CACTUS control hub by the command:
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This uses TCP protocol instead of UDP which accounts for packet loss but decreases the performance.
Georg Auzinger
For any support/suggestions, mail to,