Flavor Tagging Ntuple Dumper
This is to dump b-tagging info from an AthAnalysis release.
The training-dataset-dumper documentation is hosted via mkdocs. In case of issues with the hosting, or to access older documentation, see the docs/
directory in this package.
If you want to get the code up and running fast without reading the documentation:
git clone ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/atlas-flavor-tagging-tools/training-dataset-dumper.git
source training-dataset-dumper/setup/athanalysis.sh
source training-dataset-dumper/setup/build.sh
Run a test in /tmp/
to see if everything worked:
test-dumper pflow
The first few lines printed to the terminal will tell you what code ran, and where. See the options in test-dumper -h
. You can inspect the output files with
h5ls output.h5