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added a seperate module for GDML output writing

Added a seperate module for the GDML output file writing to allow for more modules that can create geometries.

The GDMLOutputWriter does not work with the detectors with "bumps" e.g. the HybridPixelDetectors, but does work for the MonolithicPixelDetectors. This also does not work in the current master branch, so I have not included extra errors.

I re-written the code because the if(GDML_output_file.size() <= 5 || GDML_output_file.substr(GDML_output_file.size() - 5, 5) != ".gdml") { GDML_output_file += ".gdml";} part doesn't make sense at all. If you input a file with the .gdml extension, the parser.Write() wont work since you create 2 files with the same name, and the parser.Write() can't overwrite files. That's why it's also necessary to have a new name for every output file.

Edited by Simon Spannagel

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