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Move Module Tests to Source

Simon Spannagel requested to merge tests_to_modules into master

This MR moves all module functionality tests into the respective module folders. This fixes #126 (closed). This allows for a better overview which module a test is actually covering, how many there are per module and which modules don't have any test coverage.

The latter is printed as a list by CMake:

-- Unit tests: 63 module functionality tests
-- Modules without functionality tests:
--    CapacitiveTransfer
--    DatabaseWriter
--    DepositionReader
--    Dummy
--    GDMLOutputWriter
--    InducedTransfer
--    TransientPropagation
--    VisualizationGeant4
--    WeightingPotentialReader
  • When a module is not built, its tests are not added to the testing list - another step to allow running the test suite locally
  • Currently, not built modules show up as having no tests, needs to be fixed
  • The manual still has the outdated list of module tests, this should be removed and maybe re-added via #207 (closed)

Any other ideas/remarks?

Edited by Simon Spannagel

Merge request reports