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Commit 906d7a04 authored by Emmanuel Le Guirriec's avatar Emmanuel Le Guirriec Committed by Graeme Stewart
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small bug in MV2Tag (JetTagTools-01-00-42-04)

        * back-porting changes in JetTagTools-01-00-48, JetTagTools-01-00-49 and JetTagTools-01-00-50
	* bug fix in MV2Tag.cxx and JetFitterNNTool.cxx (ATLASRECTS-2100)
	* when input data is missing, return default tagger values rather than go on with undefined inputs
	* fix to still consider MV2 for cases where JetFitter has not run avoiding to connect variables which are not available
	* degrade WARNING in JetFitterNNTool to DEBUG (as we know this will happen
	* tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-42-03

2015-05-19 Kazuya Mochizuki
        * update MV2Tag.cxx: fix initialization of egammaMVA use
	* tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-42-02
parent 16185e89
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