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Commit dde1f03c authored by Will Buttinger's avatar Will Buttinger Committed by Jiri Masik
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Handle jfex tob ambiguities in monitoring

Handle jfex tob ambiguities in monitoring
parent bc2482d8
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......@@ -83,27 +83,36 @@ StatusCode JfexSimMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
compareRoI("jJ",EventType,m_data_key_jJ, m_simu_key_jJ,ctx,!jFexTowerContainer->empty());
//maximum number of TOBs (not xTOBs) that fit on the realtime path in hardware
static constexpr int jJmaxTobs = 7;
static constexpr int jTAUmaxTobs = 6;
static constexpr int jEMmaxTobs = 5;
bool simReady = !jFexTowerContainer->empty();
compareRoI("jJ",EventType,m_data_key_jJ, m_simu_key_jJ,ctx,simReady,jJmaxTobs);
//compareRoI("jLJ",EventType,m_data_key_jLJ, m_simu_key_jLJ,ctx,false); - commented out b.c. jFEX doesn't produce Large jets now
compareRoI("jTAU",EventType,m_data_key_jTau, m_simu_key_jTau,ctx,!jFexTowerContainer->empty());
compareRoI("jEM",EventType,m_data_key_jEM, m_simu_key_jEM,ctx,false);
compareRoI("jXE",EventType,m_data_key_jXE, m_simu_key_jXE,ctx,!jFexTowerContainer->empty());
compareRoI("jTE",EventType,m_data_key_jTE, m_simu_key_jTE,ctx,!jFexTowerContainer->empty());
compareRoI("jTAU",EventType,m_data_key_jTau, m_simu_key_jTau,ctx,simReady,jTAUmaxTobs);
compareRoI("jEM",EventType,m_data_key_jEM, m_simu_key_jEM,ctx,false,jEMmaxTobs);
compareRoI("jXE",EventType,m_data_key_jXE, m_simu_key_jXE,ctx,simReady);
compareRoI("jTE",EventType,m_data_key_jTE, m_simu_key_jTE,ctx,simReady);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
template<typename T> uint16_t tobEt(const T* tob) { return tob->tobEt(); }
template<> uint16_t tobEt(const xAOD::jFexMETRoI*) { return 0; }
template<> uint16_t tobEt(const xAOD::jFexSumETRoI*) { return 0; }
template <typename T> bool JfexSimMonitorAlgorithm::compareRoI(const std::string& label, const std::string& evenType,
const SG::ReadHandleKey<T>& tobs1Key,
const SG::ReadHandleKey<T>& tobs2Key,
const EventContext& ctx, bool simReadyFlag) const {
SG::ReadHandle<T> tobs1Cont{tobs1Key, ctx};
if(!tobs1Cont.isValid()) {
const SG::ReadHandleKey<T>& tobsDataKey,
const SG::ReadHandleKey<T>& tobsSimKey,
const EventContext& ctx, bool simReadyFlag, size_t maxTobs) const {
SG::ReadHandle<T> tobsDataCont{tobsDataKey, ctx};
if(!tobsDataCont.isValid()) {
return false;
SG::ReadHandle<T> tobs2Cont{tobs2Key, ctx};
if(!tobs2Cont.isValid()) {
SG::ReadHandle<T> tobsSimCont{tobsSimKey, ctx};
if(!tobsSimCont.isValid()) {
return false;
......@@ -121,35 +130,64 @@ template <typename T> bool JfexSimMonitorAlgorithm::compareRoI(const std::string
// The saturation bit is the lowest bit on all TOBs except jTE where it is also the highest bit (2 bits):
auto mask = (label=="jTE") ? 0x7FFFFFFE : 0xFFFFFFFE;
// if have a max tobs count, need to see if we reached max count in any fpga in any jfex module
// if we did, then we allow mismatches of any tob that has the min et
std::map<std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t>,std::multiset<uint16_t>> tobEts_byFpga;
unsigned zeroTobs1 = 0;
unsigned zeroTobs2 = 0;
for(const auto tob1 : *tobs1Cont) {
for(const auto tob1 : *tobsDataCont) {
bool isMatched = false;
auto word1 = tob1->tobWord();
auto jfex1 = tob1->jFexNumber();
auto fpga1 = tob1->fpgaNumber();
for (const auto tob2 : *tobs2Cont) {
for (const auto tob2 : *tobsSimCont) {
if(word1==0 || ((word1&mask) == (tob2->tobWord()&mask) && jfex1 == tob2->jFexNumber() && fpga1 == tob2->fpgaNumber())) { // do not flag as mismatch if the TOB word is zero, it might simply be (zero) suppressed in the other container!
isMatched = true;
if(!isMatched) {
mismatches = true;
// if this signature has a max number of TOBs (in an FPGA),
// possible the mismatch is an ambiguity in the lowest ET TOB
// so treat as a match if this data TOB has same ET as the lowest ET sim TOB in the same FPGA
if(maxTobs>0) {
// first populate the fpga->tobs map with simulation tobs if it hasn't already been filled
if(tobEts_byFpga.empty()) {
for (const auto tob: *tobsSimCont) {
// use of multiset ensures all the TOBs are automatically ordered by ET
// the first tob in the multiset will be the lowest ET tob.
tobEts_byFpga[std::pair(tob->jFexNumber(), tob->fpgaNumber())].insert(tobEt(tob));
// now check if the FPGA that produced the data TOB reached its max number of TOBs and
// the lowest ET TOB has the same ET
if(auto itr = tobEts_byFpga.find(std::pair(jfex1,fpga1)); itr != tobEts_byFpga.end()
&& itr->second.size() == maxTobs // number of TOBs in the FPGA reached the maximum
&& (*itr->second.begin())==tobEt(tob1) // tob has same ET as lowest ET TOB (first tob in the multiset)
) {
// possible ambiguity ... treat as a match
isMatched = true;
if(!isMatched) {
mismatches = true;
if (word1 == 0) {
for (const auto tob2: *tobs2Cont) {
for (const auto tob2: *tobsSimCont) {
if (tob2->tobWord() == 0) {
if(tobs2Cont.isValid() && (tobs1Cont->size() - zeroTobs1) < (tobs2Cont->size() - zeroTobs2) ) {
// check for extra non-zero sim tobs (compared to number of non-zero data tobs)
if(tobsSimCont.isValid() && (tobsDataCont->size() - zeroTobs1) < (tobsSimCont->size() - zeroTobs2) ) {
......@@ -176,8 +214,8 @@ template <typename T> bool JfexSimMonitorAlgorithm::compareRoI(const std::string
auto stobEtas = Monitored::Collection("simEtas", setas);
auto stobPhis = Monitored::Collection("simPhis", sphis);
auto stobWord0s = Monitored::Collection("simWord0s", sword0s);
if(msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
std::cout << "LBN: " << std::string(lbnString) << " EventNumber: " << ULong64_t(evtNumber) << " signature: " << label << std::endl;
std::cout << " data : " << std::hex;
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class JfexSimMonitorAlgorithm : public AthMonitorAlgorithm {
template <typename T> bool compareRoI(const std::string& label, const std::string& evenType,
const SG::ReadHandleKey<T>& tobs1Key,
const SG::ReadHandleKey<T>& tobs2Key,
const EventContext& ctx, bool simReadyFlag=false) const;
const EventContext& ctx, bool simReadyFlag=false, size_t maxTobs=0) const;
// map hold the binlabels (in form of LBN:FirstEventNum) to use for each lb
mutable std::map<int,std::string> m_firstEvents ATLAS_THREAD_SAFE;
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