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Commit fafb460d authored by Stefan Richter's avatar Stefan Richter
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Revise Powheg SVN revision checking in PowhegControl

Now doesn't raise an exception if the .svn directory has been stripped from the Powheg process
directory installed on CVMFS. Instead, it will fall back to trying to read the revision from a
text file that lists them. If this fails as well, the revision is reported as 'unknown' without
parent e885096f
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# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
import os
import subprocess
def check_svn_revision(path):
"""! Infer used SVN code revision.
Infer used SVN code revision.
@param path location of the code whose SVN revision will be checked.
If the target path is not an SVN repository, a manually maintained text file database of revisions will be
consulted as a fallback.
If neither the SVN check nor the fallback solution finds a revision, 'unknown' will be returned.
@author Stefan Richter <>
command = "svn info {path}".format(path=os.path.realpath(path)) # expand symbolic links
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(svninfo, _) = p.communicate()
for line in svninfo.split('\n'):
if "Revision:" in line:
return line.split()[-1]
# Try getting the revision hash from the SVN repository
command = "svn info {path}".format(path=os.path.realpath(path)) # expand symbolic links
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(svninfo, _) = p.communicate()
for line in svninfo.split('\n'):
if "Revision:" in line:
return line.split()[-1]
# If it fails for whatever reason, ignore it
# As a fallback solution, try to read the revision from a text database
with open("/afs/", "r") as dbfile:
with open(os.path.join(os.environ["POWHEGPATH"], "ProcessRevisions.txt"), "r") as dbfile:
for line in dbfile:
tokens = line.split(" : ")
if tokens[0] == os.path.basename(path): # found the process of interest
return tokens[1][1:] # return the revision number without the leading 'r'
# If it fails for whatever reason, ignore it
# Neither method of getting the revision hash worked, so it is marked as "unknown"
return "unknown"
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