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Forked from atlas / athena
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Peter Van Gemmeren's avatar
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
	* Tagging as PyUtils-00-14-85-01
	* python/AthFile/ Revert to DEFAULT implementation
	(Jira: ATLASJIT-331 and ATEAM-333).

2016-08-09 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
	* resurrect
	* tag PyUtils-00-14-85

	* python/scripts/ - first attempt at JIRA interface
      - This has a few not so desirable features at the moment. You need to have the requests library installed, which you can do with : pip install --user requests
	* tag PyUtils-00-14-84

2016-07-14  Frank Winklmeier  <fwinkl@cern>
	* python/ (Client.get_releases): Fix the retrieval of the open TC releases, fix project retrieval
	* tag PyUtils-00-14-83

2016-06-20 Will Buttinger <>
   * python/scripts/new_asgtool : added comments re how to access concrete tool class in test application
    * tag PyUtils-00-14-82
(Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)

Former-commit-id: 2a14cd77
Name Last commit Last update