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Commit 021a59b6 authored by Federico Stagni's avatar Federico Stagni
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added script to test interaction with DIRAC environment

parent 72932cb3
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......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class UserJobTestCase( IntegrationTest ):
super( UserJobTestCase, self ).setUp()
self.dLHCb = DiracLHCb()
self.exeScriptLocation = find_all( '', '..', 'Integration' )[0]
self.exeScriptLocation = find_all( '', '.', 'Integration' )[0]
self.exeScriptFromDIRACLocation = find_all( '', '.', 'Integration' )[0]
self.lhcbJobTemplate = LHCbJob()
self.lhcbJobTemplate.setLogLevel( 'DEBUG' )
self.lhcbJobTemplate.setInputSandbox( find_all( 'pilot.cfg', '..' )[0] )
......@@ -100,6 +101,17 @@ class HelloWorldSuccessOutputWithJobID( UserJobTestCase ):
del os.environ['JOBID']
class HelloWorldFromDIRACSuccess( UserJobTestCase ):
""" Simple hello world (but using DIRAC gLogger)
def test_Integration_User( self ):
oJob = copy.deepcopy( self.lhcbJobTemplate )
oJob.setName( "helloWorldFROMDIRAC-test" )
oJob.setExecutable( self.exeScriptFromDIRACLocation )
res = oJob.runLocal( self.dLHCb )
self.assertTrue( res['OK'] )
class GaudirunSuccess( UserJobTestCase ):
def test_Integration_User_mc( self ):
""" A MC production job, run as a user job
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Script to run Executable application'''
import os
print "This is the environment in which I am running"
print os.environ
print "Now I will try importing DIRAC"
import DIRAC
from DIRAC import gLogger
gLogger.always("Hello hello!")
from DIRAC.Core.Base.Script import parseCommandLine
from DIRAC import gConfig
setup = gConfig.getValue('/DIRAC/Setup')
gLogger.always("I am running on setup %s" % setup)
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Script to run Executable application'''
from os import system
import sys
from os import system
# Main
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(system('''echo Hello World''')/256)
sys.exit(system('''echo Hello World''')/256)
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