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Commit 1b44e6b6 authored by Philippe Charpentier's avatar Philippe Charpentier
Browse files

fix logging when no RAW or Buffer replication is required

parent 4e9fe22f
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......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class TransformationPlugin( DIRACTransformationPlugin ):
assignedRAW = res['Value']
self.util.logVerbose( "RAW destination assigned for run %d: %s" % ( runID, assignedRAW ) )
elif rawTargets:
self.util.logVerbose( "Run destination not yet defined for run %d" % runID )
# We can go to next in the loop there
......@@ -278,26 +278,30 @@ class TransformationPlugin( DIRACTransformationPlugin ):
self.util.logWarn( 'Failed to find Buffer destination SE for run', str( runID ) )
elif bufferTargets:
self.util.logVerbose( "Run destination not yet defined for run %d" % runID )
elif assignedBuffer and not bufferLogged:
self.util.logVerbose( 'Buffer destination existing for run %d: %s' % ( runID, assignedBuffer ) )
# # Find out if the replication is necessary
assignedSE = [assignedRAW, assignedBuffer] if assignedBuffer else [assignedRAW]
if not updated:
updated = True
res = self.transClient.setTransformationRunsSite( self.transID, runID, ','.join( assignedSE ) )
if not res['OK']:
self.util.logError( "Failed to assign TransformationRun SE", res['Message'] )
return res
ses = sorted( set( assignedSE ) - replicaSE )
# Update the counters as we know the number of files
if assignedRAW in ses:
# Here we pass both the number of files and the runID as we can use either metrics
self.util.updateSharesUsage( existingCount, assignedRAW, len( lfns ), runID )
assignedSE = ','.join( ses )
assignedSE = []
if assignedRAW:
assignedSE.append( assignedRAW )
if assignedBuffer:
assignedSE.append( assignedBuffer )
if assignedSE:
if not updated:
updated = True
res = self.transClient.setTransformationRunsSite( self.transID, runID, ','.join( assignedSE ) )
if not res['OK']:
self.util.logError( "Failed to assign TransformationRun SE", res['Message'] )
return res
ses = sorted( set( assignedSE ) - replicaSE )
# Update the counters as we know the number of files
if assignedRAW in ses:
# Here we pass both the number of files and the runID as we can use either metrics
self.util.updateSharesUsage( existingCount, assignedRAW, len( lfns ), runID )
assignedSE = ','.join( ses )
self.util.logVerbose( 'Creating a task (%d files, run %d) for SEs %s' % ( len( lfns ), runID, assignedSE ) )
tasks.append( ( assignedSE, lfns ) )
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