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Commit 39e6cd84 authored by Zoltan Mathe's avatar Zoltan Mathe
Browse files

Merge branch 'finalRemovalOfAnalyseLogF' into 'devel'

final removal of AnalyseLogFile

See merge request !357
parents 692e363c 5890dfb5
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""" Utilities to check the application log files (for production jobs)
### This module is now not used anywhere (starting from workflows created after January 2017)
### It is anyway still here because of possibly old workflows created previously
import re
import os
from DIRAC import gLogger
__RCSID__ = "$Id$"
class LogError( Exception ):
""" custom exception
def __init__( self, message = "" ):
self.message = message
Exception.__init__( self, message )
def __str__( self ):
return "LogError:" + repr( self.message )
class ProductionLog( object ):
""" Encapsulate production log info
def __init__( self, fileName, applicationName = '', log = None ):
# Well known application Errors
self.__APPLICATION_ERRORS__ = {'Terminating event processing loop due to errors' : 'Event Loop Not Terminated'}
# Well known Gaudi Errors
self.__GAUDI_ERRORS__ = {'Could not connect' : 'CASTOR error connection',
'SysError in <TDCacheFile::ReadBuffer>: error reading from file' : 'DCACHE connection error',
'Failed to resolve' : 'IODataManager error',
'Error: connectDataIO' : 'connectDataIO error',
'Error:connectDataIO' : 'connectDataIO error',
' glibc ' : 'Problem with glibc',
'segmentation violation' : 'segmentation violation',
'GaussTape failed' : 'GaussTape failed',
'Writer failed' : 'Writer failed',
'Bus error' : 'Bus error',
'Standard std::exception is caught' : 'Exception caught',
'User defined signal 1' : 'User defined signal 1',
'Not found DLL' : 'Not found DLL',
'std::bad_alloc' : 'FATAL Bad alloc'}
if not log:
self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'ProductionLogs' )
self.log = log
self.fileName = fileName "Attempting to open log file: %s" % fileName )
if not os.path.exists( fileName ):
raise LogError( 'Log File Not Available' )
if os.stat( fileName )[6] == 0:
raise LogError( 'Log File Is Empty' )
fopen = open( fileName, 'r' )
self.fileString =
self.applicationName = applicationName
if not self.applicationName:
self.__guessAppName() 'Guessed application name is "%s"' % ( self.applicationName ) )
self.prodName = None
self.jobName = None
self.stepName = None
def analyse( self ):
""" analyse the log
self.__checkLogEnd() 'Logs OK' )
return True
except LogError, e:
self.log.error( 'LogError', "Found error in " + self.fileName + ": " + str( e ) )
return False
def __checkErrors( self ):
for errString in self.__GAUDI_ERRORS__.keys():
found = re.findall( errString, self.fileString )
if found:
raise LogError( errString )
def __checkFinish( self ):
for errString in self.__APPLICATION_ERRORS__.keys():
# 'Checking for "%s" meaning job would fail with "%s"' % ( errString, description ) )
found = re.findall( errString, self.fileString )
if found:
raise LogError( errString )
def __checkLogEnd( self ):
""" This method uses Gaudi strings that are well known and determines
success / failure based on conventions.
# Check if the application finish successfully
toFind = 'Application Manager Finalized successfully'
if self.applicationName.lower() == 'moore':
# toFind = 'Service finalized successfully'
toFind = ''
if toFind:
okay = re.findall( toFind, self.fileString )
if not okay:
raise LogError( '"%s" was not found in the log' % toFind )
def __guessAppName( self ):
""" Given a log file (in a string), look for the application
for line in self.fileString.split( '\n' ):
if ( 'Welcome to', line ) and 'version', line ) ) or \
( 'Welcome to', line ) and 'Revision', line ) ):
self.applicationName = line.split()[2]
if self.applicationName == 'ApplicationMgr':
self.applicationName = 'LHCb'
if not self.applicationName:
raise LogError( "Could not guess the app name" )
return self.applicationName
def analyseLogFile( fileName, applicationName = '', log = None, lf_o = None ):
""" Analyse a log file
if not lf_o:
lf_o = ProductionLog( fileName, applicationName, log = log )
return lf_o.analyse()
""" Analyse log file(s) module
### This module is now not used anywhere (starting from workflows created after January 2017)
### It is anyway still here because of possibly old workflows created previously
import os
import re
import glob
from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger
from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.PoolXMLFile import getGUID
from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient import NotificationClient
from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager
from LHCbDIRAC.Core.Utilities.ProductionData import constructProductionLFNs
from LHCbDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.ModuleBase import ModuleBase
from LHCbDIRAC.Core.Utilities.ProductionLogs import analyseLogFile
__RCSID__ = "$Id$"
class AnalyseLogFile( ModuleBase ):
""" Analyse not only the XML summary, also the log file is inspected
def __init__( self, bkClient = None, dm = None ):
"""Module initialization.
self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'AnalyseLogFile' )
super( AnalyseLogFile, self ).__init__( self.log, bkClientIn = bkClient, dm = dm )
self.version = __RCSID__
self.logFilePath = ''
self.coreFile = '' = NotificationClient()
self.logAnalyser = analyseLogFile
def _resolveInputVariables( self ):
""" By convention any workflow parameters are resolved here.
super( AnalyseLogFile, self )._resolveInputVariables()
super( AnalyseLogFile, self )._resolveInputStep()
def execute( self, production_id = None, prod_job_id = None, wms_job_id = None,
workflowStatus = None, stepStatus = None,
wf_commons = None, step_commons = None,
step_number = None, step_id = None ):
""" Main execution method.
super( AnalyseLogFile, self ).execute( self.version,
production_id, prod_job_id, wms_job_id,
workflowStatus, stepStatus,
wf_commons, step_commons,
step_number, step_id )
if self.workflow_commons.has_key( 'AnalyseLogFilePreviouslyFinalized' ): "AnalyseLogFile has already run for this workflow and finalized with sending an error email" )
return S_OK() "Performing log file analysis for %s" % ( self.applicationLog ) )
# Resolve the step and job input data
analyseLogResult = self.logAnalyser( fileName = self.applicationLog,
applicationName = self.applicationName,
log = self.log )
if not analyseLogResult:
self._finalizeWithErrors( "Log reports ERROR" )
# return S_OK if the Step already failed to avoid overwriting the error
if not self.stepStatus['OK']:
return S_OK()
self.setApplicationStatus( "Log reports ERROR" )
return S_ERROR( "Log reports ERROR" )
# if the log looks ok but the step already failed, preserve the previous error
elif not self.stepStatus['OK']:
return S_OK()
# If the job was successful Update the status of the files to processed "Log file %s OK" % self.applicationLog )
self.setApplicationStatus( "%s Step OK" % self.applicationName )
return S_OK()
except Exception as e: #pylint:disable=broad-except
self.log.exception( "Failure in AnalyseLogFile execute module", lException = e )
self.setApplicationStatus( repr(e) )
return S_ERROR( str(e) )
super( AnalyseLogFile, self ).finalize( self.version )
def _finalizeWithErrors( self, subj ):
""" Method that sends an email and uploads intermediate job outputs.
self.workflow_commons['AnalyseLogFilePreviouslyFinalized'] = True
# Have to check that the output list is defined in the workflow commons, this is
# done by the first BK report module that executes at the end of a step but in
# this case the current step 'listoutput' must be added.
if self.workflow_commons.has_key( 'outputList' ):
for outputItem in self.step_commons['listoutput']:
if outputItem not in self.workflow_commons['outputList']:
self.workflow_commons['outputList'].append( outputItem )
self.workflow_commons['outputList'] = self.step_commons['listoutput']
result = constructProductionLFNs( self.workflow_commons, self.bkClient )
if not result['OK']:
self.log.error( "Could not create production LFNs with message '%s'" % ( result['Message'] ) )
raise Exception( result['Message'] )
if not result['Value'].has_key( 'DebugLFNs' ):
self.log.error( "No debug LFNs found after creating production LFNs, result was:%s" % result )
raise Exception ( "DebugLFNs Not Found" )
debugLFNs = result['Value']['DebugLFNs']
subject = '[' + self.siteName + '][' + self.applicationName + '] ' + self.applicationVersion + \
": " + subj + ' ' + self.production_id + '_' + self.prod_job_id + ' JobID=' + str( self.jobID )
msg = 'The Application ' + self.applicationName + ' ' + self.applicationVersion + ' had a problem \n'
msg = msg + 'at site ' + self.siteName + '\n'
msg = msg + 'JobID is ' + str( self.jobID ) + '\n'
msg = msg + 'JobName is ' + self.production_id + '_' + self.prod_job_id + '\n'
if self.coreFile: 'Will attempt to upload core dump file: %s' % self.coreFile )
msg += '\n\nCore file found:\n'
coreLFN = ''
for lfn in debugLFNs:
if '[0-9]+_core', os.path.basename( lfn ) ):
coreLFN = lfn
if self._WMSJob():
if coreLFN: "Attempting putAndRegister('%s','%s','%s') on master catalog" % ( coreLFN, self.coreFile,
self.debugSE ) )
result = DataManager( masterCatalogOnly = True ).putAndRegister( coreLFN, self.coreFile, self.debugSE ) result )
if not result['OK']:
self.log.error( 'Could not save core dump file', result['Message'] )
msg += 'Could not save dump file with message "%s"\n' % result['Message']
msg += coreLFN + '\n'
else: "JOBID is null, would have attempted to upload: LFN:%s, file %s to %s" % ( coreLFN,
self.debugSE ) )
toUpload = {}
for lfn in debugLFNs:
if os.path.exists( os.path.basename( lfn ) ):
toUpload[os.path.basename( lfn )] = lfn
if toUpload:
msg += '\n\nIntermediate job data files:\n'
for fname, lfn in toUpload.items():
guidResult = getGUID( fname )
guidInput = ''
if not guidResult['OK']:
self.log.error( "Could not find GUID for %s with message" % ( fname ), guidResult['Message'] )
elif guidResult['generated']: 'PoolXMLFile generated GUID(s) for the following files ', ', '.join( guidResult['generated'] ) )
guidInput = guidResult['Value'][fname]
guidInput = guidResult['Value'][fname]
if self._WMSJob(): 'Attempting putAndRegister("%s","%s","CERN-DEBUG","%s") on master catalog"' % ( fname, lfn,
guidInput ) )
result = DataManager( masterCatalogOnly = True ).putAndRegister( lfn, fname, self.debugSE, guidInput ) result )
if not result['OK']:
self.log.error( 'Could not save INPUT data file with result', str( result ) )
msg += 'Could not save intermediate data file %s with result\n%s\n' % ( fname, result )
msg = msg + lfn + '\n' + str( result ) + '\n'
else: 'JOBID is null, would have attempted to upload: LFN:%s, file %s, GUID %s to %s'
% ( lfn, fname, guidInput, self.debugSE ) )
if self.applicationLog:
logurl = '' + self.logFilePath
msg = msg + '\n\nLog Files directory for the job:\n'
msg = msg + logurl + '/\n'
msg = msg + '\n\nLog File for the problematic step:\n'
msg = msg + logurl + '/' + self.applicationLog + '\n'
msg = msg + '\n\nJob StdOut:\n'
msg = msg + logurl + '/std.out\n'
msg = msg + '\n\nJob StdErr:\n'
msg = msg + logurl + '/std.err\n'
globList = glob.glob( '*coredump.log' )
for check in globList:
if os.path.isfile( check ):
self.log.verbose( 'Found locally existing core dump file: %s' % ( check ) )
fd = open( check )
contents =
msg = msg + '\n\nCore dump:\n\n' + contents
if not self._WMSJob(): "JOBID is null, *NOT* sending mail, for information the mail was:\n====>Start\n%s\n<====End"
% ( msg ) )
mailAddress = self.opsH.getValue( 'EMail/JobFailures', '' ) 'Sending crash mail for job to %s' % ( mailAddress ) )
for mA in mailAddress.replace( ' ', '' ).split( ',' ):
res = mA, subject, msg, '', localAttempt = False )
if not res['OK']:
self.log.warn( "The mail could not be sent" )
......@@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ class AnalyseXMLSummary( ModuleBase ):
failTheJob = True
if failTheJob:
if self.workflow_commons.has_key( 'AnalyseLogFilePreviouslyFinalized' ): "AnalyseLogFile has already run for this workflow and finalized with sending an error email" )
return S_OK()
self._finalizeWithErrors( "XMLSummary reports error" )
self.setApplicationStatus( "XMLSummary reports error" )
......@@ -141,9 +137,6 @@ class AnalyseXMLSummary( ModuleBase ):
def _finalizeWithErrors( self, subj ):
""" Method that sends an email and uploads intermediate job outputs.
# FIXME: refactoring needed, this is very similar to what is in AnalyseLogFile
self.workflow_commons['AnalyseLogFilePreviouslyFinalized'] = True
# Have to check that the output list is defined in the workflow commons, this is
# done by the first BK report module that executes at the end of a step but in
# this case the current step 'listoutput' must be added.
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ from LHCbDIRAC.BookkeepingSystem.Client.test.mock_BookkeepingClient import bkc_m
# sut
from LHCbDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.AnalyseXMLSummary import AnalyseXMLSummary
from LHCbDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.AnalyseLogFile import AnalyseLogFile
from LHCbDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.BookkeepingReport import BookkeepingReport
from LHCbDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.FailoverRequest import FailoverRequest
from LHCbDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.RemoveInputData import RemoveInputData
......@@ -163,8 +162,6 @@ class AnalyseXMLSummarySuccess( ModulesTestCase ):
for wf_cs in copy.deepcopy( wf_commons ):
for s_cs in step_commons:
if wf_cs.has_key( 'AnalyseLogFilePreviouslyFinalized' ):
self.assertTrue( axlf.execute( prod_id, prod_job_id, wms_job_id,
workflowStatus, stepStatus,
wf_cs, s_cs,
......@@ -246,68 +243,6 @@ class AnalyseXMLSummarySuccess( ModulesTestCase ):
self.assertTrue( res )
self.assertEqual( axlf.fileReport.statusDict, {'aa/1.txt': 'Problematic'} )
@patch( "LHCbDIRAC.Workflow.Modules.ModuleBase.RequestValidator", side_effect = MagicMock() )
class AnalyseLogFileSuccess( ModulesTestCase ):
def test_execute( self, _patch ):
alf = AnalyseLogFile( bkClient = bkc_mock, dm = dm_mock )
alf.stepInputData = ['some.sdst', '00012345_00006789_1.sdst']
alf.jobType = 'merge' = self.nc_mock
logAnalyser = MagicMock()
logAnalyser.return_value = True
alf.logAnalyser = logAnalyser
# no errors, no input data
for wf_cs in copy.deepcopy( wf_commons ):
for s_cs in step_commons:
self.assertTrue( alf.execute( prod_id, prod_job_id, wms_job_id,
workflowStatus, stepStatus,
wf_cs, s_cs,
step_number, step_id )['OK'] )
alf.jobType = 'reco'
# logAnalyser gives errors
logAnalyser.return_value = False
alf.logAnalyser = logAnalyser
for wf_cs in copy.deepcopy( wf_commons ):
for s_cs in copy.deepcopy( step_commons ):
if wf_cs.has_key( 'AnalyseLogFilePreviouslyFinalized' ):
self.assertFalse( alf.execute( prod_id, prod_job_id, wms_job_id,
workflowStatus, stepStatus,
wf_cs, s_cs,
step_number, step_id )['OK'] )
# there's a core dump
logAnalyser.return_value = False
alf.logAnalyser = logAnalyser
open( 'ErrorLogging_Step1_coredump.log', 'w' ).close()
for wf_cs in copy.deepcopy( wf_commons ):
for s_cs in step_commons:
if not wf_cs.has_key( 'AnalyseLogFilePreviouslyFinalized' ):
self.assertFalse( alf.execute( prod_id, prod_job_id, wms_job_id,
workflowStatus, stepStatus,
wf_cs, s_cs,
step_number, step_id )['OK'] )
self.assertTrue( alf.execute( prod_id, prod_job_id, wms_job_id,
workflowStatus, stepStatus,
wf_cs, s_cs,
step_number, step_id )['OK'] )
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