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Commit 4493fa69 authored by Federico Stagni's avatar Federico Stagni
Browse files

simplified template

parent 3d96754a
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......@@ -58,17 +58,11 @@ validationFlag = '{{validationFlag#GENERAL: Set True for validation prod#False}}
# workflow params for all productions
pr.startRun = '{{startRun#GENERAL: run start, to set the start run#0}}'
pr.endRun = '{{endRun#GENERAL: run end, to set the end of the range#0}}'
pr.runsList = '{{runsList#GENERAL: discrete list of run numbers (do not mix with start/endrun)#}}'
targetSite = '{{WorkflowDestination#GENERAL: Workflow destination site e.g.}}'
extraOptions = '{{extraOptions#GENERAL: extra options as python dict stepNumber:options#}}'
pr.derivedProduction = '{{AncestorProd#GENERAL: ancestor prod to be derived#0}}'
pr.previousProdID = int( '{{previousProdID#GENERAL: previous prod ID (for BK query)#0}}' )
pr.fractionToProcess = int( '{{fractionToProcess#GENERAL: fraction to process, per run#0}}' )
pr.minFilesToProcess = int( '{{minFilesToProcess#GENERAL: minimum number of files to process, per run#0}}' )
# reco params
recoPriority = int( '{{RecoPriority#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): priority#2}}' )
recoCPU = '{{RecoMaxCPUTime#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): Max CPU time in secs#1000000}}'
recoCPU = '{{RecoMaxCPUTime#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): Max CPU time in secs#1500000}}'
recoPlugin = '{{RecoPluginType#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): production plugin name#RAWProcessing}}'
recoFilesPerJob = '{{RecoFilesPerJob#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): Group size or number of files per job#1}}'
recoDataSE = '{{RecoDataSE#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): Output Data Storage Element#Tier1-BUFFER}}'
......@@ -76,9 +70,6 @@ try:
recoDataSESpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{RecoDataSESpecial#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): Special SE (a dictionary Type:SE)#}}' )
except SyntaxError:
recoDataSESpecial = {}
recoType = '{{RecoType#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): DataReconstruction or DataReprocessing#DataReconstruction}}'
recoIDPolicy = '{{recoIDPolicy#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): policy for input data access (download or protocol)#download}}'
recoMulticoreFlag = '{{recoMulticoreFLag#PROD-1: multicore flag#True}}'
recoAncestorDepth = int( '{{recoAncestorDepth#PROD-1: Ancestor Depth#0}}' )
recoCompressionLvl = '{{recoCompressionLvl#PROD-1: compression level#LOW}}'
recoOutputVisFlag = '{{recoOutputVisFlag#PROD-1: Visibility flag of output files #Y}}'
......@@ -97,8 +88,6 @@ try:
strippDataSESpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{StrippDataSESpecial#PROD-2:Stripping: Special SE (a dictionary Type:SE)#}}' )
except SyntaxError:
strippDataSESpecial = {}
strippIDPolicy = '{{strippIDPolicy#PROD-2:Stripping: policy for input data access (download or protocol)#download}}'
strippMulticoreFlag = '{{strippMulticoreFLag#PROD-2: multicore flag#True}}'
strippAncestorDepth = int( '{{strippAncestorDepth#PROD-2: Ancestor Depth#0}}' )
strippCompressionLvl = '{{strippCompressionLvl#PROD-2: compression level#LOW}}'
strippOutputVisFlag = '{{strippOutputVisFlag#PROD-2: Visibility flag of output files#N}}'
......@@ -117,9 +106,7 @@ try:
mergingDataSESpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{MergingDataSESpecial#PROD-3:Merging: Special SE (a dictionary Type:SE)#}}' )
except SyntaxError:
mergingDataSESpecial = {}
mergingIDPolicy = '{{MergeIDPolicy#PROD-3:Merging: policy for input data access (download or protocol)#download}}'
mergingRemoveInputsFlag = '{{MergeRemoveFlag#PROD-3:Merging: remove input data flag True/False#True}}'
mergeMulticoreFlag = '{{mergeMulticoreFLag#PROD-3: multicore flag#True}}'
mergeCompressionLvl = '{{mergeCompressionLvl#PROD-3: compression level#HIGH}}'
mergeOutputVisFlag = '{{mergeOutputVisFlag#PROD-3: Visibility flag of output files#Y}}'
......@@ -133,7 +120,6 @@ indexingCPU = '{{IndexingMaxCPUTime#PROD-4:indexing: Max CPU time in secs#50000}
indexingPlugin = '{{IndexingPlugin#PROD-4:indexing: plugin#ByRunFileTypeSizeWithFlush}}'
indexingGroupSize = '{{IndexingFileSize#PROD-4:indexing: Size (in GB) of the Indexed files#50}}'
indexingDataSE = '{{IndexingStreamSE#PROD-4:indexing: output data SE (Indexed streams)#IndexerSE}}'
indexingIDPolicy = '{{IndexingIDPolicy#PROD-4:indexing: policy for input data access (download or protocol)#protocol}}'
pr.requestID = '{{ID}}'
pr.prodGroup = '{{inProPass}}' + '/' + '{{pDsc}}'
......@@ -147,6 +133,11 @@ pr.processingPass = '{{inProPass}}'
pr.bkFileType = '{{inFileType}}'
pr.eventType = '{{eventType}}'
pr.visibility = 'Yes'
recoType = 'DataReconstruction'
targetSite = 'ALL'
recoMulticoreFlag = strippMulticoreFlag = mergeMulticoreFlag = 'True'
recoIDPolicy = strippIDPolicy = mergingIDPolicy = indexingIDPolicy = 'download'
w1 = ast.literal_eval( w1 )
w2 = ast.literal_eval( w2 )
......@@ -157,8 +148,6 @@ w5 = ast.literal_eval( w5 )
localTestFlag = ast.literal_eval( localTestFlag )
validationFlag = ast.literal_eval( validationFlag )
if extraOptions:
pr.extraOptions = ast.literal_eval( extraOptions )
mergeRemoveInputsFlag = ast.literal_eval( mergingRemoveInputsFlag )
if not w1 and not w2 and not w3 and not w4:
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