# before change your branch use git checkout "existing branch name"
git branch -d newMaster
Note: After when you pushed the tag to the master, a gitlab job will create the tar files. This job will fail and usually you receive a mail: LHCbDIRAC | Pipeline #160464 has failed for v8r8p8 | 51233249.
Please continue the next section 'Propagate to the devel branch' and when this is ready retry the pipeline. You can found the pipeline in your mail or https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-dirac/LHCbDIRAC/pipelines
Remember: you can use "git status" at any point in time to make sure what's the current status.
@@ -239,8 +242,17 @@ If it is the production release, and only in this case, once satisfied by the bu
take note of the build id (you can use the direct link icon) and make the request via https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LHCBDEP.
* NOTE: If some package is already released, please do not indicate in the Jira task. For example: a Jira task when:
* DIRAC is not released, then the message in the JIRA task: Summary:Dirac v6r14p37 and LHCbDirac v8r2p50; Description: Please release Dirac and LHCbDirac in this order based on build 1526; Please you must deploy only x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt platform
* DIRAC is not released, then the message in the JIRA task: Summary:Dirac v6r14p37 and LHCbDirac v8r2p50; Description: Please release Dirac and LHCbDirac in this order based on build 1526;
* DIRAC is released, then the message in the JIRA task: Summary:LHCbDirac v8r2p50; Description: Please release LHCbDirac based on build 1526;
* Dependency is not fulfilled for the platform: x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt please ask to force the release using --no-strict option
Changing the prod version for Pilot
ask the CVMFS librarians to change the prod version for the pilot on cvmfs. The commands for changing the prod::
@@ -334,10 +346,13 @@ Use the following script (from, e.g., lxplus after having run `lb-run LHCbDIRAC
dirac-pilot-version -S v8r2p42
NOTE: YOU HAVE TO KEEP TWO PILOT VERSION. AFTER YOU EXECUTED THIS COMMAND PLEASE MODIFY THE CS! for example:/Operation/LHCb-Production/Pilot/Version to v8r2p42, v8r241
for checking and updating the pilot version. Note that you'll need a proxy that can write in the CS (i.e. lhcb-admin).
This script will make sure that the pilot version is update BOTH in the CS and in the json file used by pilots started in the vacuum.
Basic instruction how to merging the devel branch into master (NOT for PATCH release)
@@ -156,9 +156,7 @@ a quick test to validate the installation is to run the SHELL script $LHCBRELEAS
go to https://jenkins-lhcb-nightlies.web.cern.ch/job/nightly-builds/job/release/build page for asking to install the client release in AFS and CVMFS:
* in the field "Project list" put : "Dirac vNrMpK LHCbGrid vArB LHCbDirac vArBpC " (LHCbGrid version can be found: https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhcb-dirac/LHCbDIRAC/blob/devel/dist-tools/projectConfig.json)
* in the field "platforms" put : "x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt x86_64-centos7-gcc62-opt"
* inthe field "build_tool" put : "CMake"
* inthe field "scripts_version" put : "prepare-for-new-jenkins"
* in the field "platforms" put : "x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt x86_64-slc6-gcc49-opt x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt x86_64-centos7-gcc62-opt"
Then click on the "BUILD" button
@@ -166,8 +164,21 @@ Then click on the "BUILD" button
* if there is a problem in the build, it can be re-started via the dedicated button (it will not restart by itself after a retag)
When the release is finished https://lhcb-nightlies.cern.ch/release/, you can deploy to the client.
When the release is finished https://lhcb-nightlies.cern.ch/release/, you can deploy to the client to afs dev area or prod.
prod area
If you want to deploy this release to production release area, you
have to create a JIRA task and make the request via https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/LHCBDEP.
* NOTE: If some package is already released, please do not indicate in the Jira task. For example: a Jira task when:
* DIRAC is not released, then the message in the JIRA task: Summary:Dirac v6r14p37 and LHCbDirac v8r2p50; Description: Please release Dirac and LHCbDirac in this order based on build 1526;
* DIRAC is released, then the message in the JIRA task: Summary:LHCbDirac v8r2p50; Description: Please release LHCbDirac based on build 1526;
afs deve area
Note: Please execute the following commands sequentially.