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Commit 8f9963f2 authored by Federico Stagni's avatar Federico Stagni
Browse files

added reco17

parent 6ca7391f
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......@@ -26,39 +26,38 @@ class ProductionJobTestCase( IntegrationTest ): = ProductionRequest()
self.diracProduction = DiracProduction()
#TODO (disabled now)
class Reco17Success( ProductionJobTestCase ):
def test_Integration_Production( self ):
lfns = ['']
# From request XXXXXX
stepsInProd = [{'StepId': '', 'StepName': 'Reco17', 'ApplicationName': 'Brunel', 'ApplicationVersion': '',
'ExtraPackages': 'AppConfig.v3r149', 'ProcessingPass': 'Reco17', 'Visible': 'Y', 'Usable': 'Yes',
'DDDB': 'dddb-20120831', 'CONDDB': 'cond-20120831', 'DQTag': '', 'OptionsFormat': '',
'OptionFiles': '$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/', 'mcTCK': '', 'ExtraOptions': '',
lfns = ['/lhcb/data/2017/RAW/FULL/LHCb/COLLISION17/192165/192165_0000000011.raw']
# From request 39597
stepsInProd = [{'StepId': '131333', 'StepName': 'Reco17a', 'ApplicationName': 'Brunel', 'ApplicationVersion': 'v52r4',
'ExtraPackages': 'AppConfig.v3r323;SQLDDDB.v7r10', 'ProcessingPass': 'Reco17a', 'Visible': 'Y', 'Usable': 'Yes',
'DDDB': 'dddb-20150724', 'CONDDB': 'cond-20170510', 'DQTag': '', 'OptionsFormat': '',
'OptionFiles': '$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/;$APPCONFIGOPTS/Brunel/', 'mcTCK': '', 'ExtraOptions': '',
'isMulticore': 'N', 'SystemConfig': '',
'fileTypesOut':['BRUNELHIST', 'FULL.DST'],
'visibilityFlag':[{'Visible': 'N', 'FileType': 'FULL.DST'},
'fileTypesOut':['BRUNELHIST', 'RDST'],
'visibilityFlag':[{'Visible': 'N', 'FileType': 'RDST'},
{'Visible': 'Y', 'FileType':'BRUNELHIST'}
{'StepId': 38510, 'StepName': 'DataQuality-FULL', 'ApplicationName': 'DaVinci', 'ApplicationVersion': 'v32r2',
'ExtraPackages': 'AppConfig.v3r149', 'ProcessingPass': 'DataQuality-FULL', 'Visible': 'N', 'Usable': 'Yes',
'DDDB': 'dddb-20120831', 'CONDDB': 'cond-20120831', 'DQTag': '', 'OptionsFormat': 'DQ',
{'StepId': 131327, 'StepName': 'DataQuality-FULL', 'ApplicationName': 'DaVinci', 'ApplicationVersion': 'v42r4',
'ExtraPackages': 'AppConfig.v3r324;SQLDDDB.v7r10', 'ProcessingPass': 'DataQuality-FULL', 'Visible': 'N', 'Usable': 'Yes',
'DDDB': 'dddb-20150724', 'CONDDB': 'cond-20170510', 'DQTag': '', 'OptionsFormat': 'DQ',
'isMulticore': 'N', 'SystemConfig': '', 'mcTCK': '', 'ExtraOptions': '',
'visibilityFlag':[{'Visible': 'Y', 'FileType': 'DAVINCIHIST'}
prod = 'Reconstruction', stepsInProd, {'FULL.DST': 'Tier1-BUFFER'}, 0, 100,
prod = 'Reconstruction', stepsInProd, {'RDST': 'Tier1-BUFFER'}, 0, 100,
outputMode = 'Run', inputDataPolicy = 'protocol', inputDataList = lfns, events = 25 )
prod.LHCbJob.setInputSandbox( find_all( 'pilot.cfg', '.' )[0] )
prod.LHCbJob.setConfigArgs( 'pilot.cfg' )
prod.LHCbJob._addParameter( prod.LHCbJob.workflow, 'runNumber', 'JDL', 154030, 'Input run number' )
prod.LHCbJob._addParameter( prod.LHCbJob.workflow, 'runNumber', 'JDL', 192165, 'Input run number' )
res = self.diracProduction.launchProduction( prod, False, True, 0 )
self.assertTrue( res['OK'] )
......@@ -295,7 +294,7 @@ class RootMergeSuccess( ProductionJobTestCase ):
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( ProductionJobTestCase )
#suite.addTest( unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Reco17Success ) )
suite.addTest( unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( Reco17Success ) )
#suite.addTest( unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( RecoSuccessMultiProcessor ) )
suite.addTest( unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( StrippSuccess ) )
#suite.addTest( unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase( MCMergeSuccess ) )
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