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Commit 99ab2392 authored by Joel Closier's avatar Joel Closier
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Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into devel

parents 53f8e44e 63fb5a9e
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use DIRAC v6r17p20
* change the lcgBundle
use DIRAC v6r17p20
* allow to change the step for a given production
* event type has to be number
* add visibility flag to the primary key
* schama changed
use DIRAC v6r17p19
* use m2crypto
* use LCG 88
use DIRAC v6r17p19
* remove fake name
* Change CMTCONFIG value
* default json file
* rename projectConfig.json
* change filename
* change logic for the config tools
* add qt5 toprepare the migration of the Bookkeeping GUI
* add case for gcc48
* add event type to the productionoutputfiles and correctly fill the tables
* use the productionoutputfiles table for storing the event types
* use the environment variable
* setup Bookkeeping jenkins tests
* adapting integration tests to new outputVisibilityFlag of steps
* simple fixes for log and output
* fixed tests for using outVisibilityFlag
use DIRAC v6r17p19
* Use LHCbGrid v11r6
......@@ -121,21 +121,22 @@ alter table jobs ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Prodcont_prod FOREIGN KEY(production) REFEREN
ALTER TABLE jobs ADD HLT2TCK varchar2(20);
DROP TABLE productionoutputfiles CASCADE constraints;
create table productionoutputfiles(
Production NUMBER,
stepid number,
filetype varchar2(256),
eventtypeid number,
filetypeid number,
visible char(1) default 'Y',
CONSTRAINT PK_productionoutputfiles_p PRIMARY KEY (Production, stepid, filetype),
CONSTRAINT PK_productionoutputfiles_p PRIMARY KEY (Production, filetypeid, eventtypeid, visible),
CONSTRAINT FK_productionoutputfiles_steps FOREIGN KEY (stepid) REFERENCES steps(stepid),
CONSTRAINT FK_productionoutputfiles_evt FOREIGN KEY (eventtypeid) REFERENCES eventtypes(eventtypeid),
CONSTRAINT FK_productionoutputfiles_ft FOREIGN KEY (filetypeid) REFERENCES filetypes(filetypeid),
CONSTRAINT FK_productionoutputfiles_prod FOREIGN KEY (production) REFERENCES productionscontainer(production) ON DELETE CASCADE ENABLE);
grant select on productionoutputfiles to LHCB_DIRACBOOKKEEPING_USERS;
grant select,insert,update on productionoutputfiles to LHCB_DIRACBOOKKEEPING_SERVER;
CREATE SYNONYM productionoutputfiles FOR LHCB_DIRACBOOKKEEPING.productionoutputfiles;
alter table productionoutputfiles add eventtypeid number;
alter table productionoutputfiles add constraint fk_prodoutput_eventtypeid FOREIGN KEY (eventtypeid) references eventtypes(eventtypeid);
ALTER TABLE stepscontainer DROP column eventtypeid;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ procedure getFileDesJobId(v_Filename varchar2, a_Cursor out udt_RefCursor);
procedure getAllMetadata(v_jobid NUMBER, v_prod number, a_Cursor out udt_RefCursor);
function getProducedEvents(v_prodid number) return number;
procedure bulkgetIdsFromFiles(lfns varchararray, a_Cursor out udt_RefCursor);
PROCEDURE insertProdnOutputFtypes(v_production number, v_stepid number, v_filetype varchar2, v_visible char, v_eventtype varchar2);
PROCEDURE insertProdnOutputFtypes(v_production number, v_stepid number, v_filetypeid number, v_visible char, v_eventtype number);
......@@ -2296,13 +2296,15 @@ FOR i in lfns.FIRST .. lfns.LAST LOOP
open a_Cursor for select FILENAME, jobid, fileid, filetypeid from table(lfnmeta);
PROCEDURE insertProdnOutputFtypes(v_production number, v_stepid number, v_filetype varchar2, v_visible char, v_eventtype varchar2)IS
PROCEDURE insertProdnOutputFtypes(v_production number, v_stepid number, v_filetypeid number, v_visible char, v_eventtype number)IS
INSERT INTO productionoutputfiles(production, stepid, filetype, visible, eventtypeid)VALUES(v_production,v_stepid, v_filetype, v_visible,v_eventtype);
INSERT INTO productionoutputfiles(production, stepid, filetypeid, visible, eventtypeid)VALUES(v_production,v_stepid, v_filetypeid, v_visible,v_eventtype);
UPDATE productionoutputfiles SET stepid=v_stepid, filetype=v_filetype, visible = v_visible,eventtypeid=v_eventtype WHERE production=v_production;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('EXISTS:'||v_production||'->'||v_stepid||'->'||v_filetypeid||'->'||v_visible||'->'||v_eventtype);
--NOT: If the production is already in the table, we only change the step!!!
UPDATE productionoutputfiles SET stepid=v_stepid WHERE production=v_production and filetypeid=v_filetypeid and visible =v_visible and eventtypeid=v_eventtype;
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ __path__ = extend_path( __path__, __name__ )
majorVersion = 8
minorVersion = 8
patchLevel = 0
preVersion = 0
preVersion = 4
version = "v%sr%s" % ( majorVersion, minorVersion )
buildVersion = "v%dr%d" % ( majorVersion, minorVersion )
......@@ -7,6 +7,33 @@ Sources
Modules = LHCbDIRAC:v8r8-pre4, LHCbWebDIRAC:v4r3p2
Depends = DIRAC:v6r17p20
LcgVer = 2017-05-16
Modules = LHCbDIRAC:v8r8-pre3, LHCbWebDIRAC:v4r3p2
Depends = DIRAC:v6r17p20
LcgVer = 2017-01-27
Modules = LHCbDIRAC:v8r8-pre2, LHCbWebDIRAC:v4r3p2
Depends = DIRAC:v6r17p19
LcgVer = 2017-01-27
Modules = LHCbDIRAC:v8r8-pre1, LHCbWebDIRAC:v4r3p2
Depends = DIRAC:v6r17p19
LcgVer = 2017-01-27
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