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Commit c79d8bf6 authored by Marco Corvo's avatar Marco Corvo
Browse files

Set defaults for compression level in templates

parent 2241551a
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......@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class ProductionRequest( object ):
self.specialOutputSEs = [] # a list of dictionaries - might be empty
self.outputSEsPerFileType = [] # a list of dictionaries - filled later
self.ancestorDepths = []
self.compDict = {'HIGH': 'Compression-LZMA-4', 'LOW':'Compression-ZLIB-1'}
self.compressionLvl = [''] # List: one compression level each step
self.appConfig = '$APPCONFIGOPTS/Persistency/' # Default location of the compression level configuration files
......@@ -147,7 +148,8 @@ class ProductionRequest( object ):
if len(self.compressionLvl) > count and self.compressionLvl[count] != '':
p = re.compile('Compression-[A-Z]{4}-[1-9]')
self.compressionLvl[count] = self.appConfig + self.compressionLvl[count] + '.py'
#self.compressionLvl[count] = self.appConfig + self.compressionLvl[count] + '.py'
self.compressionLvl[count] = self.appConfig + self.compDict[self.compressionLvl[count].upper()] + '.py'
if not
if value == '':
value = self.compressionLvl[count]
......@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ def modifyCompression(dict1, dict2, lis1):
for k,v in dict1.items():
if v=='Y':
lis1[int(k)-1] = 'Compression-LZMA-4'
lis1[int(k)-1] = 'HIGH'
if k in dict2.keys():
for _,v2 in dict2[k].items():
if v2=='Y':
lis1[int(k)-1] = 'Compression-LZMA-4'
lis1[int(k)-1] = 'HIGH'
return lis1
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ extraOptions = '{{extraOptions#GENERAL: extra options as python dict stepID:opti
targets = '{{Target#PROD-1:MC: Target for MC (e.g. Tier2, ALL,}}'
MCPriority = '{{MCPriority#PROD-1:MC: Production priority#0}}'
MCmulticoreFlag = '{{MCMulticoreFLag#PROD-1: multicore flag#True}}'
simulationCompressionLvl = '{{simulationCompressionLvl#PROD-1: Compression level#Compression-ZLIB-1}}'
simulationCompressionLvl = '{{simulationCompressionLvl#PROD-1: Compression level#LOW}}'
simulationOutputVisFlag = ast.literal_eval( '{{simulationOutputVisFlag#PROD-1: Simulation visibility flag dictionary (one flag per step {"step":"Y|N"}) # {} }}' )
simulationOutputVisFlagSpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{simulationOutputVisFlagSpecial#PROD-1: Special Visibility flag of output files (a dictionary {"step n":{("FType":flag)}} )#}}' )
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ selectionPriority = '{{selectionPriority#PROD-2:Selection: Job Priority e.g. 8 b
selectionCPU = '{{selectionCPU#PROD-2:Selection: Max CPU time in secs#100000}}'
removeInputSelection = '{{removeInputSelection#PROD-2:Selection: remove inputs#True}}'
selmulticoreFlag = '{{selMulticoreFLag#PROD-2:Selection: multicore flag#True}}'
selectionCompressionLvl = '{{selectionCompressionLvl#PROD-2:Selection: Compression level#Compression-ZLIB-1}}'
selectionCompressionLvl = '{{selectionCompressionLvl#PROD-2:Selection: Compression level#LOW}}'
selectionOutputVisFlag = ast.literal_eval( '{{selectionOutputVisFlag#PROD-2: Selection visibility flag dictionary ({"step n": "Y|N"})# {} }}' )
selectionOutputVisFlagSpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{selectionOutputVisFlagSpecial#PROD-2: Special Visibility flag of output files (a dictionary {"step n":{"FType":flag}} )#}}' )
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ mergingCPU = '{{mergingCPU#PROD-3:Merging: Max CPU time in secs#100000}}'
removeInputMerge = '{{removeInputMerge#PROD-3:Merging: remove inputs#True}}'
mergemulticoreFlag = '{{mergeMulticoreFLag#PROD-3:Merging: multicore flag#True}}'
mergeCompressionLvl = '{{mergeCompressionLvl#PROD-3:Merging: Compression level#Compression-LZMA-4}}'
mergeCompressionLvl = '{{mergeCompressionLvl#PROD-3:Merging: Compression level#HIGH}}'
mergeOutputVisFlag = ast.literal_eval( '{{mergeOutputVisFlag#PROD-3: Merge visibility flag dictionary ({"step":"Y|N"}) # {} }}')
mergeOutputVisFlagSpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{mergeOutputVisFlagSpecial#PROD-3: Special Visibility flag of output files (a dictionary {"step n":{"FType":flag}} )#}}' )
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ recoType = '{{RecoType#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): DataReconstruction or DataReprocessi
recoIDPolicy = '{{recoIDPolicy#PROD-1:RECO(Stripp): policy for input data access (download or protocol)#download}}'
recoMulticoreFlag = '{{recoMulticoreFLag#PROD-1: multicore flag#True}}'
recoAncestorDepth = int( '{{recoAncestorDepth#PROD-1: Ancestor Depth#0}}' )
recoCompressionLvl = '{{recoCompressionLvl#PROD-1: compression level#Compression-ZLIB-1}}'
recoCompressionLvl = '{{recoCompressionLvl#PROD-1: compression level#LOW}}'
recoOutputVisFlag = '{{recoOutputVisFlag#PROD-1: Visibility flag of output files #Y}}'
recoOutputVisFlagSpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{recoOutputVisFlagSpecial#PROD-1: Special Visibility flag of output files (dict FType:Y|N )#}}' )
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ except SyntaxError:
strippIDPolicy = '{{strippIDPolicy#PROD-2:Stripping: policy for input data access (download or protocol)#download}}'
strippMulticoreFlag = '{{strippMulticoreFLag#PROD-2: multicore flag#True}}'
strippAncestorDepth = int( '{{strippAncestorDepth#PROD-2: Ancestor Depth#0}}' )
strippCompressionLvl = '{{strippCompressionLvl#PROD-2: compression level#Compression-ZLIB-1}}'
strippCompressionLvl = '{{strippCompressionLvl#PROD-2: compression level#LOW}}'
strippOutputVisFlag = '{{strippOutputVisFlag#PROD-2: Visibility flag of output files#N}}'
strippOutputVisFlagSpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{strippOutputVisFlagSpecial#PROD-2: Special Visibility flag of output files (dict FType:Y|N)#}}' )
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ except SyntaxError:
mergingIDPolicy = '{{MergeIDPolicy#PROD-3:Merging: policy for input data access (download or protocol)#download}}'
mergingRemoveInputsFlag = '{{MergeRemoveFlag#PROD-3:Merging: remove input data flag True/False#True}}'
mergeMulticoreFlag = '{{mergeMulticoreFLag#PROD-3: multicore flag#True}}'
mergeCompressionLvl = '{{mergeCompressionLvl#PROD-3: compression level#Compression-LZMA-4}}'
mergeCompressionLvl = '{{mergeCompressionLvl#PROD-3: compression level#HIGH}}'
mergeOutputVisFlag = '{{mergeOutputVisFlag#PROD-3: Visibility flag of output files#Y}}'
mergeOutputVisFlagSpecial = ast.literal_eval( '{{mergeOutputVisFlagSpecial#PROD-3: Special Visibility flag of output files (dict FType:Y|N)#}}' )
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ p1outputMode = '{{P1OutputMode#PROD-P1: output mode#Local}}'
p1eventsRequested = '{{P1EventsRequested#PROD-P1: events requested (-1 = ALL)#-1}}'
p1ancestorDepth = int( '{{P1AncestorDepth#PROD-P1: ancestor depth#0}}' )
p1compressionLvl = ast.literal_eval( '{{P1CompressionLevel#PROD-P1: Compression Level per step, e.g. ["Compression-ZLIB-1","Compression-LZMA-4"]#Compression-ZLIB-1}}' )
p1compressionLvl = ast.literal_eval( '{{P1CompressionLevel#PROD-P1: Compression Level per step, e.g. ["LOW","HIGH"]#LOW}}' )
except SyntaxError:
p1compressionLvl = []
p1OutputVisFlag = '{{P1OutputVisFlag#PROD-P1: Visibility flag of output files (a dict {"n step":flag})#{"1":"N"}}}'
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ p2outputMode = '{{P2OutputMode#PROD-P2: output mode#Local}}'
p2eventsRequested = '{{P2EventsRequested#PROD-P2: events requested (-1 = ALL)#-1}}'
p2ancestorDepth = int( '{{P2AncestorDepth#PROD-P2: ancestor depth#0}}' )
p2compressionLvl = ast.literal_eval( '{{P2CompressionLevel#PROD-P2: Compression Level per step, e.g. ["Compression-ZLIB-1","Compression-LZMA-4"]#Compression-ZLIB-1}}' )
p2compressionLvl = ast.literal_eval( '{{P2CompressionLevel#PROD-P2: Compression Level per step, e.g. ["LOW","HIGH"]#LOW}}' )
except SyntaxError:
p2compressionLvl = []
p2OutputVisFlag = '{{P2OutputVisFlag#PROD-P2: Visibility flag of output files (a dict {"n step":flag})#{"1":False}}}'
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ p3outputMode = '{{P3OutputMode#PROD-P3: output mode#Any}}'
p3eventsRequested = '{{P3EventsRequested#PROD-P3: events requested (-1 = ALL)#-1}}'
p3ancestorDepth = int( '{{P3AncestorDepth#PROD-P3: ancestor depth#0}}' )
p3compressionLvl = ast.literal_eval( '{{P3CompressionLevel#PROD-P3: Compression Level per step, e.g. ["Compression-ZLIB-1","Compression-LZMA-4"]#Compression-LZMA-4}}' )
p3compressionLvl = ast.literal_eval( '{{P3CompressionLevel#PROD-P3: Compression Level per step, e.g. ["LOW","HIGH"]#HIGH}}' )
except SyntaxError:
p3compressionLvl = []
p3OutputVisFlag = '{{P3OutputVisFlag#PROD-P3: Visibility flag of output files (a dict {"n step":flag})#{"1":False}}}'
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