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Commit dc345417 authored by Federico Stagni's avatar Federico Stagni
Browse files

minor fixes

parent 27feb422
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......@@ -39,6 +39,22 @@ def getSiteForSE( se ):
return S_OK( result['Value'][0] )
return S_OK( '' )
def __translateBKPath( bkPath, procPassID = 3 ):
bk = filter( None, bkPath.split( '/' ) )
if procPassID < 0:
return bk
bkNodes = bk[0:procPassID]
bkNodes.append( '/' + '/'.join( bk[procPassID:-2] ) )
bkNodes.append( bk[-2] )
bkNodes.append( bk[-1] )
print "Incorrect BKQuery...\n"
bkNodes = None
return bkNodes
class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
......@@ -92,7 +108,7 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
fileGuid = makeGuid( fullPath )[fullPath],
printOutput = printOutput )
def addFile( self, lfn, fullPath, diracSE, printOutput = False ):
def addFile( self, lfn, fullPath, diracSE, printOutput = False ): #pylint: disable=arguments-differ
""" Copy of addRootFile
return super( DiracLHCb, self ).addFile( lfn, fullPath, diracSE,
......@@ -177,22 +193,6 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
return S_OK( lfns + list( ancestors ) )
def __translateBKPath( self, bkPath, procPassID = 3 ):
bk = filter( None, bkPath.split( '/' ) )
if procPassID < 0:
return bk
bkNodes = bk[0:procPassID]
bkNodes.append( '/' + '/'.join( bk[procPassID:-2] ) )
bkNodes.append( bk[-2] )
bkNodes.append( bk[-1] )
print "Incorrect BKQuery...\n"
bkNodes = None
return bkNodes
def bkQueryRunsByDate( self, bkPath, startDate, endDate, dqFlag = 'All', selection = 'Runs' ):
""" This function allows to create and perform a BK query given a supplied
......@@ -217,7 +217,8 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
>>> dirac.bkQueryRunsByDate('/LHCb/Collision16//Real Data/90000000/RAW','2016-08-20','2016-08-22',dqFlag='OK',selection='Runs')
{'OK': True, 'Value': [<LFN1>,<LFN2>]}
dirac.bkQueryRunsByDate('/LHCb/Collision16/Beam6500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown/Real Data/Reco16/Stripping26/90000000/EW.DST','2016-08-20','2016-08-22',dqFlag='OK',selection='Runs')
dirac.bkQueryRunsByDate('/LHCb/Collision16/Beam6500GeV-VeloClosed-MagDown/Real Data/Reco16/Stripping26/90000000/EW.DST',
@param bkPath: BK path as described above
@type bkPath: string
......@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
@return: S_OK,S_ERROR
runSelection = ['Runs', 'ProcessedRuns', 'NotProcessed']
if not selection in runSelection:
if selection not in runSelection:
return S_ERROR( 'Expected one of %s not "%s" for selection' % ( ', '.join( runSelection ), selection ) )
if not isinstance( bkPath, str ):
......@@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
# remove any double slashes, spaces must be preserved
# remove any empty components from leading and trailing slashes
bkPath = self.__translateBKPath( bkPath, procPassID = 1 )
bkPath = __translateBKPath( bkPath, procPassID = 1 )
if not len( bkPath ) == 4:
return S_ERROR( 'Expected 4 components to the BK path: /<Run Number>/<Processing Pass>/<Event Type>/<File Type>' )
......@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
# remove any double slashes, spaces must be preserved
# remove any empty components from leading and trailing slashes
bkPath = self.__translateBKPath( bkPath, procPassID = 1 )
bkPath = __translateBKPath( bkPath, procPassID = 1 )
if len( bkPath ) < 2:
return S_ERROR( 'Invalid bkPath: should at least contain /ProductionID/FileType' )
query = self.bkQueryTemplate.copy()
......@@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
# remove any double slashes, spaces must be preserved
# remove any empty components from leading and trailing slashes
bkPath = self.__translateBKPath( bkPath, procPassID = 3 )
bkPath = __translateBKPath( bkPath, procPassID = 3 )
if not len( bkPath ) == 6:
return S_ERROR( 'Expected 6 components to the BK path: \
/<ConfigurationName>/<Configuration Version>/<Sim or Data Taking Condition>/<Processing Pass>/<Event Type>/<File Type>' )
......@@ -1050,6 +1051,6 @@ class DiracLHCb( Dirac ):
ancestorsLFNs = []
for ancestorsLFN in res['Value']['Successful'].itervalues():
ancestorsLFNs += [ i['FileName'] for i in ancestorsLFN]
inputData += ancestorsLFN
inputData += ancestorsLFNs
return inputData
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