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Replace stringIsFloat() with stringIsDouble()

The stringIsFloat() function is not capable of handling numbers with double precision, e.g. the cross-section in the line

374225    MGPy8EG_A14N23LO_SM_GG_N2_ZN1_1000_960_2LMET100_MadSpin   1.1058e-38    4.7758E-01    1.0   0.0   0.0   MadGraph5_aMC@NLO(v2.4.3.atlas)+Pythia8(v8.212)+EvtGen(v1.2.0)    e6359

inside PMGxsecDB_mc16.txt. When running on that file you get an IndexError: stof when stringIsFloat() is called on the 1.1058e-38.

I think this is a reasonable change to make as we don't actually use floats inside anyways -- everything is double (see or stringIsFloat is not (currently) used anywhere else.

Closes #21 (closed)

Edited by Tomas Dado

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