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ActionCalculateSignificance.cxx 2.69 KiB
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#include "QFramework/TQFolder.h"
#include "QFramework/TQIterator.h"
#include "SFramework/TSStatisticsManager.h"

#include "SFramework/TSSignificanceCalculator.h"

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Carsten Burgard committed
/*<cafdoc name=CalculateSignificance>
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Carsten Burgard committed
  Perform a hypothesis test using the asymptotic-formulae approach
  (, calculating the significiance of
  a discovery.

  The result of the calculation will be stored in the results folder
  and printed to the console.

  +CalculateSignificance.myCalc {
    # The name of the object to be written can be set as the suffix of
    #  the action name, or with a `name` tag.
      +asimov {
      +observed {
        # the "blinded=true" flag will calculate the result, but not print or store it
	# you can pick a test statistic following
	# currently, only tmu and q0 are supported. if not given, tmu is used
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Carsten Burgard committed
      <fit.runHesse = true, fit.verbose=true> @ ?;
</cafdoc> */
namespace TSBaseActions {

  class ActionCalculateSignificance : public TSStatisticsManager::Action {

    bool execute(TQFolder * config) const override {

      RooWorkspace * workspace = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>(workspaces()->getObject(config->GetName()));
        manager->error(TString::Format("no such workspace available: '%s'",config->GetName()));
        return false;
      TQFolder * result = results()->getFolder(TString::Format("%s+",config->GetName()));

      TSSignificanceCalculator sc(workspace);

      TQFolderIterator itr(config->getListOfFolders("?"));
        TQFolder* cfg = itr.readNext();
        manager->info(TString::Format("Calculating significance '%s' on workspace '%s'",cfg->GetName(),config->GetName()));
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Carsten Burgard committed
        TString name = cfg->getTagStringDefault("name",cfg->GetName());

        TQFolder* signif = sc.runCalculation(cfg);
        if (signif){
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Carsten Burgard committed
          if (config->getTagBoolDefault("doConditional",true)) result->getFolder("Significance+")->addObject(signif);
          else result->getFolder("MainFit+")->addObject(signif);
        } else {
          manager->error(TString::Format("%s: Significance calculation failed",config->GetName()));
      return true;
  namespace {
    bool available = TSStatisticsManager::registerAction(new ActionCalculateSignificance(),"CalculateSignificance");