Friend confusion in MCASV
The issues #266 (closed) and #275 (closed) were supposedly fixed but there still appears to be some potential for confusion of which friends should be processes simultaneously as reported by @tzorbas . Initialized sampleFolder is attachedsamples-initialized-htautau_lephad_common.root
From the original email on qframework-users: We've tried checking out the 19.06.1 tag today since 19.04.1, recompiled, reinitialized and ran a local debug test. It seems we've observed some issues during analyze (with --debug --restrict):
- WARNING: Please make sure that every mcasvchannel is only booked once. The python set doesn't help when adding c++ ROOT instances (<class 'ROOT.TString'>.
- The job is now taking a very long time to start processing the first event (workstation doesn't seem to be having read access problems with the inputs)
- When it does eventually start to process (takes a few minutes), the second MCASV channel fails, eg: ERROR in TQMultiChannelAnalysisSampleVisitor::analyseTree(...) : No cuts were activated for processing sample '/bkg/muhad/c16a/Top/single/410644'
Could you please advise us what might be causing these problems?