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fixing concatenation of basepaths and file paths during sample initialization…

Ralf Gugel requested to merge incorrectFilePathConcatenationFix into master

Release notes

Using the automatic sample discovery with a path not ending with a trailing slash (/) could in some cases cause invalid file paths to be used to open samples producing a large amount of errors. Resolves #67 (closed)


Adjusted that TQFolder::concatPaths now only removes one / from the beginning/end of the two parts to be concatenated (after which they are concatenated with one, additional, single '/' again. This makes sure also "paths" like


stay valid if the split was initially after the server address (the old implementation would cause an invalid path root:// ; note the single slash!).

This then allowed to use TQFolder::concatPaths to also concatenate the base path, which, in case of local files, is essentially the path the user supplies as the mc or data location.

Edited by Ralf Gugel

Merge request reports