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support for parallelizing initialize

Release notes

Support running the initialize step on batch systems


Similar to the analyze step, the initialize step uses a sample visitor. The base class of the sample visitor handles the restricted paths that are used for parallelization. For the initialize step to support the restrict option, a bit of development needs to be done. See also the MR in the analysis code. Additionally, to the parallelization support an automatic merge query is introduced in this MR. This can be used with specifying an additional argument to the submit script called '--merge'. Here is an example command of how these features can be used: --executable config/master/ggF/initialize-ggF-FullRun2-EMTopoJets.cfg --jobs config/jobLists/ggF/jobs-fullrun2-initialize.txt --identifier 190323-initialized-ggf-fullrun2-emtopo --allowArgChanges --wait --merge
Edited by Benjamin Paul Jaeger

Merge request reports
