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Resolve "Inconsistent tag usage for file/tree location"

Closes #9 (closed)

  • Implements some additional checks, e.g., in TQSample::getTreeLocation the treelocation is checked to not contain any wildcards anymore, i.e., the tree location needs to be fully resolved to avoid potential ambiguities.

  • Performing sample initialization in "dummy" mode, i.e., without extracting information for sample normalization, now also sets TreeLocation (might cause the previous point to throw an error if there is no explicit tree name specified as a tag on the TQSampleInitializer. This is reasonable as it prevents "dummy" initialization with wildcarded tree names, i.e., wildcards are only allowed if the input files are actually looked at during initialization and the wildcard therefore resolved)

  • TQSample now also considers ".init.filepath" and ".init.treename" tags in TQSample::getTreeLocation().

Edited by Ralf Gugel

Merge request reports
