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Merge R24 developments to master

Matthew Joseph Basso requested to merge R24 into master

Release notes

Changes include:

  • Properly skip the number of specified events in TQAnalysisSampleVisitor;
  • Make use of unpacked iterators in for loops;
  • Use delete[] instead of delete to properly free arrays;
  • Use std::filesystem to properly handle files (circumvents segfaults due to the usage of ROOT::TSystem in TQPathManager);
  • Correct default xAODCutBookKeeperContainer from "StreamAOD" to "StreamDAOD_PHYS", as the former is not passed to output PAODs (why?) and DAOD_PHYS is anyways unskimmed;
  • python 3 updates, now allows CLI arguments (or running interactively as before);
  • Remove/comment unused variables and fix other compiler warnings;
  • Python 2 vs. 3 compatibility (print vs. print(), raw_input vs. input, xrange vs. range, etc.);
  • Whitespace cleanup.
Edited by Callum McCracken

Merge request reports
