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Modifications for COOL access from P1 - ATLLARDCS-56

Timothee Theveneaux-Pelzer requested to merge tpelzer-COOLAccessUpdates into master

Following discussion with experts, adding TNS_ADMIN environment variable in to allow connection to COOL TNS_ADMIN points to the tnsnames.ora file with all setups needed by Oracle; it has a different path at P1.

CORAL_AUTH_PATH and CORAL_DBLOOKUP_PATH are also added, although it's not 100% clear if they are needed.

Finally I changed the connection string to oracle://ATONR_COOL_ADG_ATCN;schema=ATLAS_COOLONL_LAR;dbname=CONDBR2;user=ATLAS_COOL_READER_U;password=LMXTPRO4RED - including username and password, and using ATONR_COOL_ADG_ATCN instead of ATLAS_COOLPROD (the latter is the production online cluster, while the former is read-only). ATONR_COOL_ADG could be used outside P1 if need be.

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