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Update track labels in r22

As discussed in meetings [e.g. here], the current track labelling in the PerformanceFramework could be improved:

  • Definition of a B hadron track is not harmonised with tracking CP (who use this tool).
  • More granularity in track categories will allow for more advanced studies (e.g. looking at "Fake B" tracks or "Geant B" tracks).

A branch implementing similar functionality in r21 exists at !78 (closed) (though this will likely not be merged).


  • The old v_jet_trk_orig branch (filled in BHadronBranches.cxx) has been renamed to v_jet_trk_orig_old.
  • Add a copy of the InDetTrackTruthOriginTool
  • Add two branches in TrackBranches.cxx, truth_origin and truth_label. truth_origin saves directly the output from the InDetTrackTruthOriginTool, which is a bitwise flag giving inclusive labels for all the categories defined in InDetTrackTruthOriginDefs.h. As discussed, more useful for FTAG will be exclusive labels which are generated by the TrackBranches::get_track_label(...) function, which using a three digit scheme suggested by Valerio (see below).

Three digit exclusive track labelling scheme

One possible proposal for me for an exclusive labelling would be the following. I use a 3 digit code for easy regexp

0:  pu/fake : no match to a truth particle whatsoever of TMP<0.xx(*) with 0.xx a very low number
1:  good geant:  TMP>0.75(**) && isGeant
2:  fake geant :  TMP<0.75 && isGeant 
3:  good lepton: isELE/MUON && !isGeant && TMP>0.75 
4:  fake lepton : isELE/MUON  && !isGeant && TMP<0.75
5:  good hadron: !isELE/MUON && !isGeant && TMP>0.75 
6:  fake hadron : !isELE/MUON  && !isGeant && TMP<0.75

+10:  if the matched truth particle can be traced back to a weakly decaying D-hadron 
+100:  if the matched truth particle can be traced back to a weakly decaying B-hadron 

so a well matched lepton from a B->D decay will be: 113.

Edited by Samuel Van Stroud

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