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Improve target handling

Andrius Vaitkus requested to merge avaitkus/salt:improve-target-handling into main
  • Improved target handling in tasks, cli, datasets and predictionwriter for consistency, removing denominator_key from RegressionTask due to redundancy.
  • Moved listify to array_utils, as I ended up using it in other parts of the code too.

Tasks remaining (all done):

  • getting correct labels in predictionwriter : currently, in on_test_batch_end , they come out empty for some reason
  • fix run_inference in RegressionTask
  • actually remove denominator_key from RegressionTask
  • Edit regression configs for tests of all types of regression tasks: single- and multi-output, with denominators, with norm_params, etc.
  • (Unrelated) Add and extra check for number of regression task outputs >= number of targets.

Closes #35 (closed).

Edited by Andrius Vaitkus

Merge request reports