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Improved plotting

Janik Von Ahnen requested to merge plotting_script into master

What does this MR do?:

  1. Rewrite the plotting script. Plots from the DL1 example config and plots from the umami example config
  2. The add_validation_file and add_test_file are now also used for both umami and DL1
  3. N_test number is now saved to the data frame when using This way it does not have to be given in the plotting config
  4. Add memory growth so TensorFlow doesn't take all available GPU memory. In my tests, this reduced virtual memory usage from 30GB to 20GB without noticeable performance loss
  5. fix deprecation warning for matplotlib in
  6. Accuracy plot y label fixed
  7. made recommended tagger lines in epoch plots more distinguishable before - after

Merge request reports