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Updates for trigger, also group decorations in configuration files

Dan Guest requested to merge dguest/training-dataset-dumper:rebase-dan into r22

Trigger stuff

This is a pretty heavy rewrite for the trigger job options, which was the first part of the effort to make this run with the avalanche scheduler. I also had to update some of the config files because they expect configuration for the augmentation @svanstro added. This shouldn't concern anyone but me though (and I should really add unit tests for the trigger code).

Everyone else stuff

There are also some updates to code that other people touch. I thought the json configuration was getting a bit cluttered so I grouped all the options that turn on and off decorators or "augmenters". Maybe @svanstro, @alfroch, and @mguth should take a look at this and make sure it's not messing up their workflow.

For the record, the way I rewrote the config files:

for f in configs/single-btag/*.json; do jq --indent 4 '.decorate = {"jet_aug": .run_augmenters, "btag_jes": "true", "soft_muon": .run_augmenters, "track_truth_info": .decorate_track_truth_info, "track_sv_info": .decorate_track_sv_info} | del(.run_augmenters) | del(.decorate_track_truth_info) | del(.decorate_track_sv_info)' $f > /tmp/config.json ; mv /tmp/config.json $f; done
Edited by Dan Guest

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