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Make track variables consistent between trigger and offline

This is following up on #12 (closed): I'm moving every track output to use d0 and z0SinTheta rather than btagIp_d0 and btagIp_z0SinTheta. I did some tests to see if it changes anything:

  • Dumped a few thousand jets with h5ls, which totaled around 22k tracks
  • looked for the biggest deviations between the two definitions1

The results:

  • 102 tracks have any difference for d0, the largest is 1e-5 but that's only 5 tracks
  • 121 tracks have a difference for z0SinTheta, the largest is 1e-5 again, with 9 tracks
  • The difference is always in the last digit I print

I could dig in more, but I'm not surprised there are very small differences (the calculation of the two variables isn't exactly the same). I'm pretty willing to bet there won't be a physically measurable effect from the switch.

  1. I used something like h5ls -ld output.h5/tracks | egrep -o '[^ ]*d0=[^ ]*' | egrep -v nan | egrep -v 'IP.D' | tr '\n' ' ' | tr 'b' '\n' | tr = ' ' | awk '{if ($2!=$4) print $2-$4}' | sed -r 's/^-//g' | sort -n | head, that's a fun one to work out what it's doing.

Edited by Dan Guest

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