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Rename TracksForBTagging and MuonsForBTagging so that retag config can work

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge (removed):fixRetag into r22

This fixes the following bug:

When running on a file from mc16_13TeV:mc16_13TeV.410470.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_nonallhad.deriv.DAOD_PHYSVAL.e6337_e5984_s3126_r12629_p4809_tid27034115_00, which is apparently one of the recommended samples to use in r22 the ca-dump-single-btag config would work but ca-dump-retag would fail because of the following lines:

acc.merge(JetParticleAssociationAlgCfg(cfgFlags, jetcol_name_without_Jets, track_collection, "TracksForBTagging"))
acc.merge(JetParticleAssociationAlgCfg(cfgFlags, jetcol_name_without_Jets, muon_collection, "MuonsForBTagging"))

This is because AntiKt4EMPFlowJetsAuxDyn_TracksForBTagging (same for muons) is in the DAOD and the code would crash with SG::ExcStoreLocked: Attempted to modify auxiliary data in a locked store: ::TracksForBTagging'

As @dguest explained in mattermost this is fixed when renaming the original container, which is what I do here.

The fix has been tested to work e.g. with:

  • ca-dump-retag -m 10 -c ../training-dataset-dumper/configs/single-b-tag/EMPFlowGNN.json /afs/
  • ca-dump-retag -m 10 -c ../training-dataset-dumper/configs/single-b-tag/EMPFlow.json /afs/

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