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Save truth hadron information for trackless studies

Spyros Argyropoulos requested to merge (removed):truthlxy into r22

Saving the truth hadron information in the trackless config.


Below is the pdgid of the hadrons in b-jets and the Lxy of the b-hadrons in b-jets.



The latter is obtained with

jets = h5f['jets']
hadrons = h5f['truth_hadrons']
hadrons_inbjets = hadrons[abs(jets['HadronConeExclTruthLabelID']) == 5, :]
bhadrons_inbjets = hadrons_inbjets[np.floor_divide(hadrons_inbjets['pdgId'],100) == 5]
values = bhadrons_inbjets['Lxy']

Tag @dguest @svanstro @cschiavi - btw I realise that it's quite inefficient what we save because most of them are charm hadrons. If you have any suggestion for saving only b-hadrons let me know (I guess we can add another flag like we have now for saving truth_fromBC?)

Edited by Spyros Argyropoulos

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